Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The SFE - Doc 32 Clifton Road Fireman

Fire Service College

DO M Swan
Suffolk Fire service Headquarters
Colchester road

Our ref JDT/JAT

25th July 1997

Dear Mr Swan,


Further to our recent telephone conversation, I enclose a copy of a memo received from Sub Officer Wigglesworth and advise you of the current position as I understand it.

You will no doubt appreciate my sense of disappointment at not being able to resolve this matter to the satisfaction of Sub Officer Wigglesworth, but do feel that I have dealt with it to the best of my ability under the circumstances. I am also a trifle disturbed by the actual tone of the memo but do accept that Sub Officer Wigglesworth feels himself, at least to some extent, aggrieved.

A meeting was held on 23 July 1997 as requested. Despite my explanations, Sub Officer Wigglesworth apparently remains unconvinced that the action taken was appropriate and concerned about his present and future fitness level.

I hope you understand that I am not qualified to comment on the observations made in the memo, except that, the actions of the College’s Occupational Health Nurse in obtaining a medical opinion do not, “effectively confirm the serious nature of the injury”. So that there should be no misunderstanding I am copying this letter and the memo of 28 July 1997 to the Nurse. I would be most surprised to hear anything to the contrary of what is contained in this letter. A copy of this letter will go to Sub Officer Wigglesworth. In the presence of Sub Officer Wigglesworth’s Course Director, DO Hanlon, I did confirm that he, i.e. Sub Officer Wigglesworth, felt able to continue the course. He assured both of us that he could. I did point out that I would be writing to the brigade Training Officer in order to make the brigade aware of the situation.

It is difficult to appreciate what more could or should be done for Sub officer Wigglesworth. Perhaps you will take a view on this and if it is possible to take further action, I am sure that the College will use its best endeavours to do so.

J D Tundervary
Senior Divisional Officer
Head of Quality Unit


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