Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 1 Beccles Fire Station

The Suffolk Fire Experience a Brief Introduction

If you have stumbled upon this site maybe your wondering who and what the Suffolk Fire Experience is all about?

Well its all about “Sub Officer X”. The term Sub Officer “X” was, for the purpose anonymity, assigned to Suffolk Firefighter by the ACAS appointed mediator Professor Roy Lewis in 2001/02. It was at that time when Professor Lewis became involved and conducted a pseudo inquiry into the industrial relations practice of Suffolk Fire Service. Or as the Professor put it, “the interaction between Brigade management and the local Fire Brigades Union.” Prior to the Professors involvement much of the Suffolk Brigades more unsavoury bits of managerial practice, though not exclusively as Eddie Brown could possibly vouch, had been directed toward Sub Officer “X” and Lowestoft Firefighter “Y”.

So in a nutshell the material on the Sub Officer “X” blog is derived from real life events and documentation from within the UK Fire Service and predominantly the Suffolk Fire Service (now 2005 The Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service). The span of the material, so far is from 1996 to the present (June 2005). In total over 2000 documents and who knows how many pages.

So if you are interested in the internal machinations of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service or a scholar of Fire service Organisational behaviour stick with this blog to improve your Fire knowledge.


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