The SFE - Doc 8 Felixstowe Firefighter
Date 6th Feb 1997
Present As per the attendance book
Apologies As per the attendance book
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
There were no matters arising.
Health and Safety Report
1. Hot pods not to be used.
2. F/fighting gloves, should be getting Southcombe gloves, gortex lined.
3. Leather boots. Looks as though we will get them at some point.
4. Helmets. A change on the way.
5. Box filters. These are fairly useless a new system will have to be looked at.
6. Safety glasses. The brigade is refusing to pay for glasses if only required for driving, will pay if they are needed on the fireground.
Election of H&S Rep
Sub O x was nominated for this position.
Nominated by Bro Brown. Seconded by Bro Peaper.
There being no other nominations this was carried.
Brigade Report
1. Cuts 97/98.
2. Investors in People.
3. Firefighting at Sea.
4. Drugs and alcohol Policy.
5. Secondary contracts for FPO’s
6. Liverpool Dockers.
7. Hot Pods.
Regional Report
1. Affiliation to Labour party.
2. FOA & RFU.
3. Height restrictions.
4. FBU conference agenda.
5. Cuts in Essex.
6. Employers shopping list
7. Crewing dispute
Amendment to conference resolution
Proposed to add “with full pension rights and benefits” at the end.
Proposed Bro Waller. Seconded Bro Brown. Carried.
Nomination for Brigade Secretary
1. Bro Woolstenholmes Nom Peaper. Seconded Petitt
2. Bro Hayward Nom Boyce Seconded Wallis
Nom 1 4 votes
Nom 2 12 votes
Nom2 Carried.
Keith Boyce asked if General orders are orders or Guidance, this was after the CFO told him that they were only guidance at his grievance raised against his failure to obtain promotion. It was concluded that they are orders unless management no longer wish them to be.
It was felt it was a shame that Pete Redbourn did not attend the meeting to discuss his reasons for going to Firefighting at Sea training against FBU policy in Suffolk
Branch Chair Firefighter Y
Date 6th Feb 1997
Present As per the attendance book
Apologies As per the attendance book
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
There were no matters arising.
Health and Safety Report
1. Hot pods not to be used.
2. F/fighting gloves, should be getting Southcombe gloves, gortex lined.
3. Leather boots. Looks as though we will get them at some point.
4. Helmets. A change on the way.
5. Box filters. These are fairly useless a new system will have to be looked at.
6. Safety glasses. The brigade is refusing to pay for glasses if only required for driving, will pay if they are needed on the fireground.
Election of H&S Rep
Sub O x was nominated for this position.
Nominated by Bro Brown. Seconded by Bro Peaper.
There being no other nominations this was carried.
Brigade Report
1. Cuts 97/98.
2. Investors in People.
3. Firefighting at Sea.
4. Drugs and alcohol Policy.
5. Secondary contracts for FPO’s
6. Liverpool Dockers.
7. Hot Pods.
Regional Report
1. Affiliation to Labour party.
2. FOA & RFU.
3. Height restrictions.
4. FBU conference agenda.
5. Cuts in Essex.
6. Employers shopping list
7. Crewing dispute
Amendment to conference resolution
Proposed to add “with full pension rights and benefits” at the end.
Proposed Bro Waller. Seconded Bro Brown. Carried.
Nomination for Brigade Secretary
1. Bro Woolstenholmes Nom Peaper. Seconded Petitt
2. Bro Hayward Nom Boyce Seconded Wallis
Nom 1 4 votes
Nom 2 12 votes
Nom2 Carried.
Keith Boyce asked if General orders are orders or Guidance, this was after the CFO told him that they were only guidance at his grievance raised against his failure to obtain promotion. It was concluded that they are orders unless management no longer wish them to be.
It was felt it was a shame that Pete Redbourn did not attend the meeting to discuss his reasons for going to Firefighting at Sea training against FBU policy in Suffolk
Branch Chair Firefighter Y
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