Friday, January 06, 2006

The SFE - Doc 106 Orford Firefighter

30th June 1998

Following the receipt of the monthly pay slip it was apparent that the deduction in pay threatened by way of letter dated 29th May 1998 (Doc 49) had been implemented and substantiated. The net sum was in the order of or about £168.

This outcome became reality despite the fact that:

1. X had submitted a grievance as advised by Miss Sarah Davies the Brigade Human Resource Manager.

2. Being informed by X that the proposed deduction was unlawful.

3. Being informed by X that the premise, circumstance and basis of the proposed deduction were disputed and flawed.

In consequence, and despite clear unequivocal warning Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith personally orchestrated an unlawful act against a lower employee. Indeed, the reckless of the DCFO’s action were tantamount to harassment and bullying.

The DCFO might also be considered to be in breach of the Fire Service (Discipline) regulations 1985.

Abuse of Authority, Neglect of Duty, Conduct Prejudicial to Discipline or Bringing the Brigade into Disrepute could all be possible offences committed by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Smith?


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