Monday, August 21, 2006

The suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 240 Hadleigh Fire Station Open Day

Mr A Wigglesworth

Mrs J Campbell
Human Resources Officer
Suffolk Fire Service
Brigade Headquarters
Colchester Road

Your Ref HR9/SD/JC/CAB

4th September 1998

Dear Mrs Campbell,

Thank you for your letter dated 28th August 1998.

I advise you of the following witnesses who may be called to the prosecution hearing scheduled for 12-13 October 1998:

1. Temporary Divisional Officer Paul Hayden.
2. Leading Firefighter Stephen Bartram.
3. Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
4. Miss Sarah Davies.
5. Assistant Divisional Officer Paul Seager.
6. Sub Officer Kieron Davey.
7. Divisional Officer Graham Smith.
8. Station Officer James Parsons.
9. Divisional Officer Robert Batchelor.
10. Divisional Officer Colin Hodge.
11. Assistant Divisional Officer Robert Middleton.
12. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager.
13. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley.
14. Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock.
15. Sub Officer George Moran.
16. Temporary/Assistant Divisional Officer Graham Saward.
17. Leading Firefighter Peaper.
18. Sub Officer John Tiffen.
19. Sub Officer Garry Smith.
20. Sub Officer Peter Redbourn.
21. Sub Officer Henry Landis.
22. Leading Firefighter John Southgate.
23. Sub Officer Christopher Wallis.
24. Sub Officer Keith Boyce.
25. Assistant Divisional Officer Tony Fuller.
26. Senior Fire Control Operator Parker.
27. Mrs Lin Homer.
28. Mr Keith Stevens.
29. Mr Aubrey Webb
30. Mr J B Hawkins.
31. Mr David Matthews.

I can confirm that my representative may be Temporary Leading Firefighter Michael Hyde.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E


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