Monday, September 11, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 288 Saxmundham Firefighter Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

14:00 hours 2nd October 2005

Well despite short notice, yet again, Wiggy bent over backwards, yet again, and reported to Lowestoft Fire Station at 15:00 hours as ordered by DO cross dress Bob.

Probably best he did bend over backwards, rather than forwards, what with cross dress Bob being in the vicinity.

So, there he was at Lowestoft Fire Station, as ordered for 15:00 hours and no cross dress Bob in sight. So, the Wigg went on walkabout round the station while he was waiting. Resident in the ADO Training’s office was the newly appointed Bob Wilson. Or shagger Wilson as he was often referred to.

Moving along the 1st floor corridor Wiggy nipped into Bob Croft’s office to have a natter about what he was up to. Good old Bob Croft gave the Wigg a full update on the Eddie Brown discipline prosecution and a description of Chief Fat Officer Malcolm Allcock’s abusive performance and wild animations during the first hearing.

They were chatting at 15:15 hours when cross dress Bob poked his **** into the office?

Cross dress stood there without making a sound for a while allowing the conversation between the Wigg and Bob Croft to continue. Then with one of those cough in the throat people make to get attention he tried to intervene. He must have made a few coughs, each one a bit louder that the previous. Anyway he eventually got fed up of being ignored and weighed in with a verbal missionary projectile.

‘Right then Wigglesworth can you come with me to the Officers mess.’

‘Sorry sir but not yet, I am awaiting for the Fire Brigades Union official to arrive and require him to be present during any discussions with you’ replied the Wigg.

‘Cross dress Bob said ‘there is no need for the FBU to get involved in this.’

All of the discussions between cross Bob and Wiggy taking place in front of Bob Croft.

By now cross dress Bob was getting a wee bit narked and frustrated with the delay. At the same time firing of numerous viscous utterances under his breath and generally turning a monoxide shade of cherry pink. He did eventually manage to calm himself down and return to some form of a reasonable state. Indeed, even agreeing to await the arrival of the FBU official.

At that stage he withdrew the office and left the Wigg and Bob Croft to continue chewing the fat.

After cross dress had gone and with a few more seconds passed by Bob Croft turned to the Wigg and said, ‘what’s up with him I have never seen him act like that before, is he under stress or something. How strange!’


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