Monday, September 11, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 284 Harrow fire Station Open Day

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Mr A Wigglesworth

The Chief Executive
Suffolk County Council
St Helen Court

30th September 1998

Dear Chief Executive,

In response to your request for an agenda of issues before our meeting 1st October 1998. I enclose the following.

Over the last four-months I perceive that certain Fire service officers have been engaged in a form of collective reprisal against me. Throughout this period, those officers have engaged in unlawful and other improper practices, all orchestrated for the sole purpose of causing me harm and detriment. This has led to me being the victim of harassment, bullying, intimidation and general abuse.

The first event I would like to draw attention to is that which was instituted by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mr Simon Smith. By way of letter dated 29th May 1998 the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mr Simon Smith threatened me with unlawful intent. It is unfortunate that despite fair warning that his action was unlawful he neglected to intervene and allowed the unlawful threat to be substantiated on 30th June 1998 when an unlawful deduction of my wages took place. Indeed, it is clear, due to his service training and experience, that the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith knew his threatened action was unlawful at the outset. I am reliably informed he has been rebuked on a previous occasion for the same unlawful action in his former brigade. The abuse I have suffered in this regard from the unlawful deputy chief Fire Officer Simon Smith was wilful and pre-mediated.

The letter 29th May 1998 also seems to infer that Miss Sarah Davies and ADO Paul Hayden have both aided and abetted the unlawful deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith with his harassing actions. In the case of ADO Paul Hayden it is his flawed and reckless misinterpretation of the circumstances concerning the accident 1st May 1998 which seems to have spurred the unlawful Deputy Simon Smith on toward his acts of harassment.

As to the involvement of Miss Sarah Davies it is clear she has blatantly neglect to inform the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer that his threatened action was unlawful. As we all know Miss Sarah Davies is the brigade personnel manager and incorporates employment law expertise in her job description. She knew full well that the action to deduct my wages was unlawful, but did nothing. I believe that amounted to a serious neglect to provide a duty of care to a fellow employee and was/is tantamount to harassment.

Furthermore, it now seems perfectly reasonable to suggest that the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer has engaged in other unethical behaviour designed to cause me detriment.

In realisation of the unlawful action he has orchestrated he has I believe influenced a vexatious disciplinary prosecution against me. This was in retaliation for a perfectly legitimate complaint of harassment inferred against him in a near miss report I filed on 4th June 1998 in my role as the appointed FBU health and safety representative for Lowestoft Fire Station. The unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith subsequent abuse has now proved the notification to the employer contained the near miss to be perfectly valid.

More alarming is the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smiths recent unilateral and personal action in my confidential medical affairs. On or around 15th September I was ordered to make a 120 mile round trip to attend a medical at Bury St Edmunds. This was organised at less than 24 hours notice and complete with malicious threats. This action is unprecedented. The Brigade Medical officer Dr David Deacon confirmed that the medical was personally organised by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith who made specific instructions for the manner in which the medical should be carried out. Dr Deacon apologised to me for the embarrassing situation he had been put in by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith whom he called obnoxious and deranged.

Finally, for the moment, it is also the case that others have enthusiatically supported the unlawful Deputy chief Fire Officer on his crusade during the last four months. In particular, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager, Divisional Officer Graham Smith and Divisional Officer Colin Hodge. Without doubt all of these officers are perfectly aware that the Unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer has embarked on a unlawful agenda, but have failed to report this to a higher office.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E


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