Monday, January 01, 2007

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 363 Islington Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

your ref

20th November 1998

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your letter dated 16-11-98 regarding the industrial tribunal 11th November 1998.

Having considered your advice I have decided that the application is best withdrawn at this stage. The main reason is that do not wish to pursue 2 cases which may incur costs.

However, with regard to the other issue, that which centres around the events of August 5th and the actions I am now facing from taking leave associated with Health & Safety functions, I would like to pursue an application. At the end of the day I am or, potentially likely to suffer detriment from attending the Brigade union committee meeting in my capacity as a Health & Safety representative.

Reasonableness is I believe required by both sides, when the measures of this are considered it suggests the Brigade is by the action being taken is far more unreasonable than myself. As I said I am willing if required to provide funding for 1 of the 2 tribunal options, which on taking account of the feedback on 11th Nov means this must be the August 5th event

With regard to this application I note that the time bar is fast approaching, and the application must be made during the next few weeks, at least, if this option is to remain open.

Finally there is another matter which you may be able to help me with. This concerns the initial accident report concerning myself and, completed by ADO Hayden 01-05-98. This was requested without success by K Davey 15-06-98 and, more recently by myself via recorded delivery 10-11-98. Despite these formal requests the report has not been made available and, is contrary to the consultation required in Health & Safety legislation. Indeed as it contains relevant information useful to my discipline case it is also representative of the withholding of evidence. With this in mind I ask if it would be possible for you to request a copy is made available to yourself.

yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth


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