Monday, January 01, 2007

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 373 Bristol Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

your ref
12 - 12 – 98

Dear ACFO Seager,

I request with urgency a copy in full of the accident report 762, 01 May 1998.

I am aware that several reasonable recorded requests have been made for this document to no avail. With regard to this I should inform you that I require the document to enable me to fulfil my function as the representative in the defence of SubO Wigglesworth against the charge of insubordination. Indeed this may/may not entail the document eventually entering the formal debate.

The failure to obtain this document clearly puts the defence at a dis-advantage to which you have now been informed. In this light I am sure you can see my request is more than reasonable and, imposes a duty upon you to act in a reciprocal manner.

Additionally, in respect of the same case I would also request that you can via the personnel manager provide me with the following relevant information in memo format,

The sickness record in toto of SubO Wigglesworth 06 Sept 1993 - 30 April 1998.
The accident record in toto of SubO Wigglesworth 06 Sept 1993 - 30 April 1998.

At the same time with regard to case two can you provide me with the following relevant details,

The number of days leave accredited to health and safety duties taken by SubO Wigglesworth in the twelve months to 04 Aug 1998.

your sincerely

M Hyde.


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