The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 374 Bristol Fireman
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14 -12- 98
Dear Mr Morgan,
Further to our telephone conversation 09-12-1998, I have as yet to receive your letter of undertaking to observe total confidence with regard to the information requested by you 01-12-1998. I assume from your reply which indicated you had no problems with such a request that the documented undertaking is in the process of delivery to myself. Nonetheless, I advise you the nature of the evidence the following witnesses can give. Once more to reiterate the above I stress the information below must not on any account be shown to anybody else, in this I include your closest colleagues.
1. DO Hayden, P.
The witness is required to explain his direct involvement in the seminal
event leading to the unlawful deduction of wages, to this are other relevant
falsehoods on his part of which some are in document form and of crucial relevance.
2. L.F.F. Bartram, S.
This witness was the assistant assigned to assist the accused by mutual
arrangement amongst all other Training instructors during the seminal
event. This persons assistance to the accused was withdrawn by DO
Hayden and is incongruent with the latters explanation and justification of
subsequent events. At the same time is an expert witness to disputed work
3. D.C.F.O. Smith, S.
Threatened unlawful action, ultimate unlawful action by substance to
another Fire Service member an anathema to the persona of a uniformed
Fire Brigade Officer which demands total integrity and, supreme honesty,
therefore vital to the establishment of reasonableness.
4. Ms Davies, S.
Inextricably linked from the very beginning by deeds documented and
5. A.D.O. Seager, P.
Expert witness to confirm H/S reporting procedures and explain
contradictions in others evidence.
6. SubO Davey, K.
Involved by investigation, can explain certain contradictions and
inconsistencies in investigation also expert witness to work practices.
7. DO Smith, G.
Originator of compliant vital to establish reasonableness
8. StnO Parsons, J.
Inextricably linked from beginning and by involvement in investigation
Will also confirm accused as a H/s rep with right to functions SRSCR1977
section 4.
9. DO Batchelor, R.
Failure to process grievance and witness to employee relations also
statements made on 2 July of direct relevance to the case
10. DO Hodge, C.
Assistant Investigating Officer, to support factual inconsistencies in
technical procedure, failure to investigate other breaches of discipline and
vested interest.
11. ADO Middleton, R.
To act as a principal witness to support and confirm all above.
12. ACFO Seager, K.
To support claim of vested interest, explanation why despite being told
unlawful action had been carried out by other Brigade member on 18 June
no action taken, abusive telephone call 31 July and personal involvement.
Vital in establishing reasonableness
13. ACFO Tinley, T.
Comments made June 10 at junior officers meeting by which he implicated
himself and others in connection with the relevant events surrounding this
14. CFO Alcock, M.
Personal involvement in connection with Brigade Management team
decision to recommend unlawful action, this is where ultimate
responsibility rests for pursuance of justified/vexatious case. Total
discretion to exercise discipline, clearly a key witness in establishing
reasonableness. Confirmation as to receipt of recorded delivery of
complaint of unlawful action and possible breach of discipline by senior
officer and failure to act.
15. SubO Moran, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
16. StnO Saward, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
17. L.F.F. Peaper, M.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10
18. SubO Tiffen, J
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
19. SubO Smith, G.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
20. SubO Redbourne, P.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10. also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
21. SubO Landis
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
22. L.F.F. Southgate, J.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
22. SubO Wallis, C.
Senior instructor in charge of course leading to seminal event vital to
relevant facts surrounding this issue also expert witness to bogus
evidence in connection with fictitious work practices specified by
prosecution witnesses.
23. SubO Boyce, K.
Training centre instructor expert witness to procedures and fictitious
evidence surrounding seminal event. Also relevant variations to work
practices not taken into account by person/persons committing initial
unlawful act. Will also support evidence of falsehoods by principal witness
24. ADO Fuller, A
Expert witness as former Brigade Training Officer to work practices
carried out in Training Department to support misleading evidence in
presentation of this case. At same time will confirm accused status as H/S
rep and long term knowledge of this fact, also written notification received
from union education rep reference 10 days attendance at initial reps
course !
25. F.F. Austin, T
Will confirm written notification of accused as H/S rep and right to relevant
functions SRSCR1977 section 4.
26. SFCop Parker
Recipient of Near miss as named by prosecution evidence
27. Suffolk County Council Chief Executive Mrs Lin Homer
Expert witness as practising solicitor to unlawful action, Explanation to
actions beginning June 10 and reported personally 26-07-98 which are
inextricably linked to the case. Will confirm falsehood on part of senior
Fire Service Officer by witness to documentation
28. Suffolk County Council Solicitor Mr K Stevens
County Council monitoring officer, expert witness to unlawful action
personally informed by recorded letter 10-11-98.
29. Suffolk County Council harassment Adviser Mr A Webb
Direct involvement by appointment as harassment adviser and witness to
sickness reaction by non mitigation of situation reported in near miss.
30. ADO Campion, A
Witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.
31. ADO Smith, E
Confirmatory witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.
32. L.F.F. Ayers, R
Witness to circumstances surrounding events of June 4.
33. F.F. Long, J
Witness to circumstances surrounding seminal event of accident 1 May
giving rise to the case, will demonstrate clear breach of agreed work
practices and explain subsequent events.
34. SubO Raven, P
Implicated by prosecutions own evidence in papers served also expert
witness regarding dispute procedures.
35. Cutmore, M. Brigade IT Manager
Implicated by direct involvement and named in prosecution documented
36. Rhind, S
Implicated by being witness to events and direct involvement, named in
prosecution documented material.
37. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Heather Marsden.
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
38. Miss C Debman
To support and enforce statement of earlier witness
39. L.F.F. Collins D
Expert witness to work practices alledgedly broached and used as
justification to institute unlawful direction against accused.
40. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr K Lynch
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
41. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr D Lay.
Expert witness to unlawful action and mangement practice also directly
involved by past processes.
42. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr N Wilding
Expert witness to Health and safety matters that are inherent to the case.
43. Mr D Matthews
FBU Health & Safety National Officer
Bradley House
68 Coombe Road
Kingston upon Thames
Expert witness in field of Health and Safety
yours sincerely
A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E.
your ref
14 -12- 98
Dear Mr Morgan,
Further to our telephone conversation 09-12-1998, I have as yet to receive your letter of undertaking to observe total confidence with regard to the information requested by you 01-12-1998. I assume from your reply which indicated you had no problems with such a request that the documented undertaking is in the process of delivery to myself. Nonetheless, I advise you the nature of the evidence the following witnesses can give. Once more to reiterate the above I stress the information below must not on any account be shown to anybody else, in this I include your closest colleagues.
1. DO Hayden, P.
The witness is required to explain his direct involvement in the seminal
event leading to the unlawful deduction of wages, to this are other relevant
falsehoods on his part of which some are in document form and of crucial relevance.
2. L.F.F. Bartram, S.
This witness was the assistant assigned to assist the accused by mutual
arrangement amongst all other Training instructors during the seminal
event. This persons assistance to the accused was withdrawn by DO
Hayden and is incongruent with the latters explanation and justification of
subsequent events. At the same time is an expert witness to disputed work
3. D.C.F.O. Smith, S.
Threatened unlawful action, ultimate unlawful action by substance to
another Fire Service member an anathema to the persona of a uniformed
Fire Brigade Officer which demands total integrity and, supreme honesty,
therefore vital to the establishment of reasonableness.
4. Ms Davies, S.
Inextricably linked from the very beginning by deeds documented and
5. A.D.O. Seager, P.
Expert witness to confirm H/S reporting procedures and explain
contradictions in others evidence.
6. SubO Davey, K.
Involved by investigation, can explain certain contradictions and
inconsistencies in investigation also expert witness to work practices.
7. DO Smith, G.
Originator of compliant vital to establish reasonableness
8. StnO Parsons, J.
Inextricably linked from beginning and by involvement in investigation
Will also confirm accused as a H/s rep with right to functions SRSCR1977
section 4.
9. DO Batchelor, R.
Failure to process grievance and witness to employee relations also
statements made on 2 July of direct relevance to the case
10. DO Hodge, C.
Assistant Investigating Officer, to support factual inconsistencies in
technical procedure, failure to investigate other breaches of discipline and
vested interest.
11. ADO Middleton, R.
To act as a principal witness to support and confirm all above.
12. ACFO Seager, K.
To support claim of vested interest, explanation why despite being told
unlawful action had been carried out by other Brigade member on 18 June
no action taken, abusive telephone call 31 July and personal involvement.
Vital in establishing reasonableness
13. ACFO Tinley, T.
Comments made June 10 at junior officers meeting by which he implicated
himself and others in connection with the relevant events surrounding this
14. CFO Alcock, M.
Personal involvement in connection with Brigade Management team
decision to recommend unlawful action, this is where ultimate
responsibility rests for pursuance of justified/vexatious case. Total
discretion to exercise discipline, clearly a key witness in establishing
reasonableness. Confirmation as to receipt of recorded delivery of
complaint of unlawful action and possible breach of discipline by senior
officer and failure to act.
15. SubO Moran, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
16. StnO Saward, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
17. L.F.F. Peaper, M.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10
18. SubO Tiffen, J
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
19. SubO Smith, G.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
20. SubO Redbourne, P.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10. also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
21. SubO Landis
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
22. L.F.F. Southgate, J.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
22. SubO Wallis, C.
Senior instructor in charge of course leading to seminal event vital to
relevant facts surrounding this issue also expert witness to bogus
evidence in connection with fictitious work practices specified by
prosecution witnesses.
23. SubO Boyce, K.
Training centre instructor expert witness to procedures and fictitious
evidence surrounding seminal event. Also relevant variations to work
practices not taken into account by person/persons committing initial
unlawful act. Will also support evidence of falsehoods by principal witness
24. ADO Fuller, A
Expert witness as former Brigade Training Officer to work practices
carried out in Training Department to support misleading evidence in
presentation of this case. At same time will confirm accused status as H/S
rep and long term knowledge of this fact, also written notification received
from union education rep reference 10 days attendance at initial reps
course !
25. F.F. Austin, T
Will confirm written notification of accused as H/S rep and right to relevant
functions SRSCR1977 section 4.
26. SFCop Parker
Recipient of Near miss as named by prosecution evidence
27. Suffolk County Council Chief Executive Mrs Lin Homer
Expert witness as practising solicitor to unlawful action, Explanation to
actions beginning June 10 and reported personally 26-07-98 which are
inextricably linked to the case. Will confirm falsehood on part of senior
Fire Service Officer by witness to documentation
28. Suffolk County Council Solicitor Mr K Stevens
County Council monitoring officer, expert witness to unlawful action
personally informed by recorded letter 10-11-98.
29. Suffolk County Council harassment Adviser Mr A Webb
Direct involvement by appointment as harassment adviser and witness to
sickness reaction by non mitigation of situation reported in near miss.
30. ADO Campion, A
Witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.
31. ADO Smith, E
Confirmatory witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.
32. L.F.F. Ayers, R
Witness to circumstances surrounding events of June 4.
33. F.F. Long, J
Witness to circumstances surrounding seminal event of accident 1 May
giving rise to the case, will demonstrate clear breach of agreed work
practices and explain subsequent events.
34. SubO Raven, P
Implicated by prosecutions own evidence in papers served also expert
witness regarding dispute procedures.
35. Cutmore, M. Brigade IT Manager
Implicated by direct involvement and named in prosecution documented
36. Rhind, S
Implicated by being witness to events and direct involvement, named in
prosecution documented material.
37. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Heather Marsden.
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
38. Miss C Debman
To support and enforce statement of earlier witness
39. L.F.F. Collins D
Expert witness to work practices alledgedly broached and used as
justification to institute unlawful direction against accused.
40. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr K Lynch
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
41. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr D Lay.
Expert witness to unlawful action and mangement practice also directly
involved by past processes.
42. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr N Wilding
Expert witness to Health and safety matters that are inherent to the case.
43. Mr D Matthews
FBU Health & Safety National Officer
Bradley House
68 Coombe Road
Kingston upon Thames
Expert witness in field of Health and Safety
yours sincerely
A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E.
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