Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The SFE - Doc 17 Brandon Firefighter

ACFO Tinley’s Record of Events 23rd April 1997 Written a Day Later

Date : 24th April 1997

Venue : ACFO Tinley’s Office

Reason : Letter from Sub O wigglesworth to DO Swan


I interviewed Sub O Wigglesworth about the attached letter which was sent by recorded delivery to DO Swan and which I found to be unacceptable.

Sub O Wigglesworth went through the incident at the Fire Service College which led him to make a formal complaint and he stated that this letter was a “gee-up” because he had not heard anything. I expressed the view that firstly this was not an urgent matter and as such did not have a completion date attached. Secondly, the Fire Service College was responsible for investigating the incident and they would deal with him directly. If he had taken the time to phone DO swan or ask for an interview he would have been appraised of what was actually happening. The college are proceeding with the investigation and DO swan will be keeping a watch-in-brief.

I informed Sub O wigglesworth that the letter was written in a manner that I thought was harassing the officer concerned and I would not tolerate this in future. I had thought of this as amounting to insubordination and would take action if required.

T J Tinley


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