The SFE - Doc 40 Colchester Road Firefighter
May 1st 1998 Labour Day
Payback Time?
Friday 1st May 1998 as it was at 08.30 hrs in Lowestoft was a fine spring day. Most certainly at that stage in the day there was nothing out of the ordinary as Wiggy made his way to work in the Suffolk County Fire Service Training Department located on the first floor of Lowestoft Central Fire Station. The Station itself is attired in a slovenly green paintwork typical of 1970s brickworked public premises.
As for duties that day Sub Officer Wiggy’s routine was prescribed by the timetable for the Breathing Apparatus phase two course. The prescription itself originally dispensed by course director ADO Paul Hayden and leading instructor Station Officer Parson’s. By all accounts the former is now the Chief Fire Officer of Hereford and Worcester Fire and rescue Service. Hmm didn’t he do well?
Any Wiggy’s workload for the day was to be concentrated into preparing and directing the Decontamination exercise spectacular after morning tea break. Prior to the exercise the course would be given a lecture about the technical aspects surrounding decontamination. This was according to the course timetable to be given by Stevie Bartram.
Well before the official start of proceedings at 09.00 hrs who was gonna do this that and the other was discussed by the training department crew. This included Station Officer Parsons, Wiggy, Leading Firefighter Bartram, Firefighter Jeff Long, Sub Officer Pete Raven and another instructor. Should also have been Sub Officer Chris Wallis. However, only problem was that he had been out with the course the previous night and got blotto and had a serious hangover. So he didn’t turn up and was absent from duty until later. All very ad hoc to be honest as the appointed duties on the original timetable were discarded.
Firstly Wiggy said he needed somebody to help him set up his Decontamination exercise. Station Jim Parsons (I’ve got another migraine) said he couldn’t help as he had to sort out the transfer of BA spares with Pete Raven. And Pete Raven (in his Michael Caine voice – My name is Peter raven I am a nosey instructor) said I can’t help I have to help Jim.
So then there were two left to help Wiggy. Steve Bartram or Firefighter Jeff Long. Well Jeff Long said he would prefer not be involved with moving Fire Engines about on the drill yard. You see he was suffering from trauma distress on account of him being a victim of the Great Lowestoft Fire Station Fire Engine Disaster (see doc 199 “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” )
Incredibly, Station officer Jim decided that the completely unqualified (instructor wise) Firefighter Jeff Long would lecture to the course in the class before break. You see Jeff Long was essentially just there to offer labour help to the department. Talk about not being able to spell instructor the week before good old boy Jeff now was one!
As for Stevie Bartram Station Officer Jim instructed him to help Wiggy set up the Decontamination exercise. So the Decontamination plan was made and Wiggy set off to the drill yard to get started. Stevie Bartram said he would be down to help in the merest hint of time. Seems that just as Wiggy had departed ADO Paul Hayden collared Steve Bartram and asked him to discuss some issues in the ADO’s office.
Well Wiggy got stuck with the setting up of the exercise and waited and waited for the arrival of Steve Bartram. By the time it got to 10.00 hrs the exercise set for 10.45 was not yet set up. Wiggy went upstairs to the Training office to see what the delay was. Station Officer Jim said Steve’s in with Hayden. Off Wiggy went down the corridor to knock on the ADO’s office to find out what the delay was. Well Paul Hayden said he was busy with Steve Bartram and had to discuss matters before departing to Ipswich. You will have to get another instructor or do the setting up yourself. So Wiggy went down the corridor to the instructors office to get help. Well Chris Wallis was in by know but was of a green colour due to the over consumption of booze the previous night. He was of no help. Station Officer Jim said him and Pete Raven were too busy and told Wiggy to finish the exercise arrangements himself. Which he did. Unfortunately, in the process of dragging some dummies and hauling them onto the water tanker he slightly twisted his back. Not so serious though to prevent him from continuing at work for the rest of the day. And conducting a Breathing Apparatus refresher at Bury over the next two days, Saturday and Sunday. This involved heavy physical work in the form of the actual wearing of breathing apparatus throughout Sunday.
Anyway the Decontamination exercise went on and was a raging success as far as the participants were concerned.
What with Chris Wallis having a dicky-tummy and hurting head it fell to Wiggy to finish off the course’s final session in the afternoon. He was also left to clear up after the course, and the rest of the instructors, departed without eating their late afternoon fruit-cake. So that was consumed by Wiggy and the northern area fire safety bods and ADO’s including Paul Hayden who had returned from Ipswich. During the afternoon break ADO Hayden said to Wiggy, ‘I am told that you have reported an accident, can I get some details off you for my report before you depart.’ To which the ever helpful Wiggy replied, ‘yes I suppose so.’ And off they went to ADO Hayden’s office. ADO Hayden was shown the accident report form and took a few more details to fill his report.
After that Wiggy got on with loading the van in preparation for the following day’s course at Bury before going home.
Saturday 2nd May 1998 Wiggy worked a full day at Bury with no reaction.
Sunday 3rd May 1998 Wiggy worked a full day at Bury with no reaction.
Payback Time?
Friday 1st May 1998 as it was at 08.30 hrs in Lowestoft was a fine spring day. Most certainly at that stage in the day there was nothing out of the ordinary as Wiggy made his way to work in the Suffolk County Fire Service Training Department located on the first floor of Lowestoft Central Fire Station. The Station itself is attired in a slovenly green paintwork typical of 1970s brickworked public premises.
As for duties that day Sub Officer Wiggy’s routine was prescribed by the timetable for the Breathing Apparatus phase two course. The prescription itself originally dispensed by course director ADO Paul Hayden and leading instructor Station Officer Parson’s. By all accounts the former is now the Chief Fire Officer of Hereford and Worcester Fire and rescue Service. Hmm didn’t he do well?
Any Wiggy’s workload for the day was to be concentrated into preparing and directing the Decontamination exercise spectacular after morning tea break. Prior to the exercise the course would be given a lecture about the technical aspects surrounding decontamination. This was according to the course timetable to be given by Stevie Bartram.
Well before the official start of proceedings at 09.00 hrs who was gonna do this that and the other was discussed by the training department crew. This included Station Officer Parsons, Wiggy, Leading Firefighter Bartram, Firefighter Jeff Long, Sub Officer Pete Raven and another instructor. Should also have been Sub Officer Chris Wallis. However, only problem was that he had been out with the course the previous night and got blotto and had a serious hangover. So he didn’t turn up and was absent from duty until later. All very ad hoc to be honest as the appointed duties on the original timetable were discarded.
Firstly Wiggy said he needed somebody to help him set up his Decontamination exercise. Station Jim Parsons (I’ve got another migraine) said he couldn’t help as he had to sort out the transfer of BA spares with Pete Raven. And Pete Raven (in his Michael Caine voice – My name is Peter raven I am a nosey instructor) said I can’t help I have to help Jim.
So then there were two left to help Wiggy. Steve Bartram or Firefighter Jeff Long. Well Jeff Long said he would prefer not be involved with moving Fire Engines about on the drill yard. You see he was suffering from trauma distress on account of him being a victim of the Great Lowestoft Fire Station Fire Engine Disaster (see doc 199 “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” )
Incredibly, Station officer Jim decided that the completely unqualified (instructor wise) Firefighter Jeff Long would lecture to the course in the class before break. You see Jeff Long was essentially just there to offer labour help to the department. Talk about not being able to spell instructor the week before good old boy Jeff now was one!
As for Stevie Bartram Station Officer Jim instructed him to help Wiggy set up the Decontamination exercise. So the Decontamination plan was made and Wiggy set off to the drill yard to get started. Stevie Bartram said he would be down to help in the merest hint of time. Seems that just as Wiggy had departed ADO Paul Hayden collared Steve Bartram and asked him to discuss some issues in the ADO’s office.
Well Wiggy got stuck with the setting up of the exercise and waited and waited for the arrival of Steve Bartram. By the time it got to 10.00 hrs the exercise set for 10.45 was not yet set up. Wiggy went upstairs to the Training office to see what the delay was. Station Officer Jim said Steve’s in with Hayden. Off Wiggy went down the corridor to knock on the ADO’s office to find out what the delay was. Well Paul Hayden said he was busy with Steve Bartram and had to discuss matters before departing to Ipswich. You will have to get another instructor or do the setting up yourself. So Wiggy went down the corridor to the instructors office to get help. Well Chris Wallis was in by know but was of a green colour due to the over consumption of booze the previous night. He was of no help. Station Officer Jim said him and Pete Raven were too busy and told Wiggy to finish the exercise arrangements himself. Which he did. Unfortunately, in the process of dragging some dummies and hauling them onto the water tanker he slightly twisted his back. Not so serious though to prevent him from continuing at work for the rest of the day. And conducting a Breathing Apparatus refresher at Bury over the next two days, Saturday and Sunday. This involved heavy physical work in the form of the actual wearing of breathing apparatus throughout Sunday.
Anyway the Decontamination exercise went on and was a raging success as far as the participants were concerned.
What with Chris Wallis having a dicky-tummy and hurting head it fell to Wiggy to finish off the course’s final session in the afternoon. He was also left to clear up after the course, and the rest of the instructors, departed without eating their late afternoon fruit-cake. So that was consumed by Wiggy and the northern area fire safety bods and ADO’s including Paul Hayden who had returned from Ipswich. During the afternoon break ADO Hayden said to Wiggy, ‘I am told that you have reported an accident, can I get some details off you for my report before you depart.’ To which the ever helpful Wiggy replied, ‘yes I suppose so.’ And off they went to ADO Hayden’s office. ADO Hayden was shown the accident report form and took a few more details to fill his report.
After that Wiggy got on with loading the van in preparation for the following day’s course at Bury before going home.
Saturday 2nd May 1998 Wiggy worked a full day at Bury with no reaction.
Sunday 3rd May 1998 Wiggy worked a full day at Bury with no reaction.
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