Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 191 Stockton Firefighter Job Losses

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Mr A Wigglesworth

Chief Executive Officer
Suffolk County Council

Your Ref LMH/SMM/HQ(e)

8th August 1998

Dear Chief Executive,

Thank you for your letter dated 7th August 1998.

With respect, I feel that your response is a bit inadequate. Especially in light of the overall circumstances and the fact that Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith has knowingly acted unlawfully. To that I add that you are of course fully aware of the unlawful act.

In consequence I have contacted my local county Councillor with a view to explore the possibility of an approach being made to the Ombudsman.

As to your concern about the involvement of the local media. I am unable to shed any light on that subject. Indeed, once more with the greatest respect, I fell there is nothing of controversial substance in your reply 30th July 1998, that would arouse any media interest. In all honesty, if I had chosen to inform the media my first port of call would be the Ipswich press.

Notwithstanding, I would add that the harassment, and all that is associated with it, to which I have now been subject to over the last nine to ten weeks has not gone unnoticed by my work colleagues at Lowestoft. Indeed, the current situation is, as far as I am aware, common knowledge throughout the Brigade. In my opinion I would suspect the source is probably Lowestoft based, but I am at a total loss to suggest who this might be?

Assuming the matter is now under media scrutiny I would ask you to refer any further approach to my solicitors who have now established contact with you. I also think it would be better in the interests of both parties that if you wish to make further communication with me you also go via my solicitors.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E


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