The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 463 Beccles Fire Station Commander
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By the 12th February 1999 SubO J Tiffen*, the Blue Watch Officer was becoming twitchy and concerned as to how the reversion of Y was being handled. In particular, he was most concerned about where blame for the situation might be placed. In an effort to palm blame away from himself/ provide objective explanation? he compiled the following rough hand chronological notes on or, shortly after 12th February 1999.
29-1-1999 - Grievance invoked. 0900
29 - loite litl mlet day (note added 1999 suggests
that this insertion refers to the
acknowledgement letter from T/ADO Saward).
0900 TUES 2nd FEB - Status Quo - grievance invoked.
1400 – ISH THURS 4th FEB – SAYWARD RANG MY HOME + told me to order Firefighter Y to remove his bars on nights.
1800 – ordered Firefighter Y
1801 – went to inspect Hippodrome left mick behind
- ON RETURN Firefighter Y had rang bill - to advice grievance invoked status quo mick to stay at LF or Brigade in dispute
1800 Fri 5th FEB – 0900 SAYWARD ASKED ABOUT Firefighter Y.
- Firefighter Y + GILLY SEE ERIC + SAYWARD
- confronted Sayward felt watch were being picked on.
1800 FRI 12th FEB - Firefighter Y + SubO X see HODGE + SAYWARD.
WEDS Jan 19th Day – Me on course
SAYWARD TOLD ME HE WOULD see Firefighter Y about reverting.
Tues 2nd FEB – firefighter Y spoke to Hodge about grievance AM
* SubO. J. Tiffen, the same person who made a formal complaint against CFO Tony Baker’s alcohol consumption at Lowestoft Fire Stations Christmas dinner. See doc 3.
By the 12th February 1999 SubO J Tiffen*, the Blue Watch Officer was becoming twitchy and concerned as to how the reversion of Y was being handled. In particular, he was most concerned about where blame for the situation might be placed. In an effort to palm blame away from himself/ provide objective explanation? he compiled the following rough hand chronological notes on or, shortly after 12th February 1999.
29-1-1999 - Grievance invoked. 0900
29 - loite litl mlet day (note added 1999 suggests
that this insertion refers to the
acknowledgement letter from T/ADO Saward).
0900 TUES 2nd FEB - Status Quo - grievance invoked.
1400 – ISH THURS 4th FEB – SAYWARD RANG MY HOME + told me to order Firefighter Y to remove his bars on nights.
1800 – ordered Firefighter Y
1801 – went to inspect Hippodrome left mick behind
- ON RETURN Firefighter Y had rang bill - to advice grievance invoked status quo mick to stay at LF or Brigade in dispute
1800 Fri 5th FEB – 0900 SAYWARD ASKED ABOUT Firefighter Y.
- Firefighter Y + GILLY SEE ERIC + SAYWARD
- confronted Sayward felt watch were being picked on.
1800 FRI 12th FEB - Firefighter Y + SubO X see HODGE + SAYWARD.
WEDS Jan 19th Day – Me on course
SAYWARD TOLD ME HE WOULD see Firefighter Y about reverting.
Tues 2nd FEB – firefighter Y spoke to Hodge about grievance AM
* SubO. J. Tiffen, the same person who made a formal complaint against CFO Tony Baker’s alcohol consumption at Lowestoft Fire Stations Christmas dinner. See doc 3.
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