Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 211 Stowmarket Fireman Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at http://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Analysis Interview with Sub O. Wigglesworth
Tuesday 18th August 1998

It may be noticed from Doc 210 that the interview has in just a few minutes thrown up significant variation on the rate of spoken words.

Between 11.00 – 11.02 the rate was 27 per minute. From that we had 91 in the next minute. Then down to 17.25 per minute.

Why might there be these erratic figures?

Basically DO Smith was doing a pretty lousy job of writing down what was said in long-hand. Indeed, to the point that he subsequently reverted to type and became extremely aggressive. But the bottom line outcome was that the produced transcript was inevitably somewhat partial and lacking the entire content of what was said.

As such it was fortunate that Wiggy and Mr Hyde were both activate in taking notes.


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