Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 220 Woodbridge Fireman Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at http://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Interview with Sub O. Wigglesworth Continued
Tuesday 18th August 1998
General Analysis Transcript Omission

It has already been stated that the transcript produced by Divisional Officer Graham Smith was seriously incomplete. It is fortunate then that Wiggy and Mick Hyde had some prepared written questions and answers and that both were also taking their own notes.

One such omission by phuckwit Smith is at the end of Doc 210 in this series.

Below is what was actually said by Mr Hyde about DO Smith’s involvement and conflict of interest.

Mr Hyde

With regard to yourself (DO Hodge) and DO Smith, it is we think wholly inappropriate that you should be assisting in any way this investigation. You are already involved in another case under due process in relation to
Sub Officer Wigglesworth.

As such you are inextricably personally involved and subject to prior prejudice whereby such an impression as to impartiality is vague in the very least.

For you to remain a part of this investigation would we believe be quite wrong and against Home Office guidelines which prohibits such involvement.

As such we ask you to consider your position with the Investigating officer in direct relation to this point.

Seems Divisional Officer Graham Smith forgot or chose to alter this statement. Maybe it didn’t suit him to record it in full? More likely he was just plain incapable.


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