Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 215 Holbrook Fire Station Open Day

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at http://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Interview with Sub O. Wigglesworth Continued
Tuesday 18th August 1998

Page 4 Continued from Doc 213

DO Hodge

What is your official role and title, in relation to the FBU, and when did you take up that role?

Sub O Wigglesworth

Health and Safety representative for the local branch.

Note: Sub O Wigglesworth shows DO Hodge an envelope addressed to himself from FBU head office.

DO Hodge

I have in front of me the copies of the Regulation 7 letter, dated the 7th August, 1998 which I served on you on the 7th August in DO Hayden’s office. After reading it you refused my request and subsequent order to sign the third copy to acknowledge receipt of that notification, and you then returned the letters to me refusing to accept them. Do you wish to take away the regulation 7 letter now, which despite your refusal to accept it on the 7th August, was in my view and that of the Brigade, deemed to have been served on that date?

Sub O Wigglesworth

Can I just express a point of law as regarding the serving of that notice and for all future contact, any correspondence, or any note taking or whatever you want to specify, I will only permit in the presence of a fellow FBU representative. Mr. Hodge is well aware of the right for people to be represented and therefore I would like to offer DO Hodge the opportunity to apologise to me.

DO Hodge

Your comment is noted. Do you wish to take the Regulation & letter now?

Sub O Wigglesworth

Once a summons is served whether signed or not, an investigation can proceed. Yes, I will take the letter.

DO Hodge

I would reiterate I have a number of questions to ask and I would appreciate it if you respond accordingly to those bearing in mind the caution.

Can you please confirm that you have read the memorandum written by ADO Hayden addressed to all instructors and dated the 8th July, 1998 which is headed MOPNTHLY RETURNS AND LEAVE REQUESTS?

Note: DO Hodge shows a copy of the memorandum to Sub O Wigglesworth.

Sub O Wigglesworth


DO Hodge

Is that a No I have not seen it.

Sub O Wigglesworth

No, I have not seen it. Bearing in mind I was off most of july that may be relevant.

DO Hodge

What duties did you perform on Wednesday 5th August, 1998?

Page 5

Sub O Wigglesworth

I attended a union committee in my role as a health and safety representative.

DO Hodge

The attendance record for August, shows you as “H?S m” for Wednesday 5th August. Did you fill in this entry in?

Sub O Wigglesworth


DO Hodge

Who did?)…….. 28 minutes since last time mark words 980 = 35 per minute ]

Note: Sub O Wigglesworth requested a tea break at 11.50 hours, which was refused by DO Hodge.

Sub O Wigglesworth

(…….[ The actual record was filled in by Sub O Davey with my approval because I was stood beside him.

DO Hodge

You submitted a request direct to the County Fire Officer on 4th August, 1998 “to undertake your functions as a safety representative under the Safety Reps and safety Committee Regulations 1997 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?”

Note: DO Hodge shows memo to Sub O wigglesworth.

Sub O Wigglesworth


DO Hodge

Why did you submit this request to the CFO?

Sub O Wigglesworth

As far as I am aware, that is the normal procedure.

DO Hodge

Was your request approved?

Sub O Wigglesworth

I assume when it gets there it will be

DO Hodge

Are you aware of the procedural requirements specified in HSO6, in terms of safety representatives requesting time off with pay to perform their functions?

Sub O Wigglesworth



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