Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 275 Colchester Fire Station Open Day

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Prosecution Officer Kent Edmund Seager’s Reaction on Return to Workplace to the News that the Prosecution Hearing would be in front of Elected Members

By all accounts he was less than pleased by the fact that Miss Sarah Davies (now Meelan – well at least for the time being) had taken it upon herself to send the dirty washing to the Elected members.

In fact it seems he went ballistic on being told of what had happened in his absence. Yes sir it had never entered into his dodgy equation that the prosecution would ever be heard beyond the private sanctuary of BHQ IP4 4SS.

All in all gave him a whole shed load of work to do in terms of shuttle defamation to bad mouth Wigglesworth prior to the prosecution hearing and make sure he got the desired result.

Not only that as the charge was built on crumbly foundations, well what with the Deputy Chief Fire Officer Smith being acknowledged as acting unlawfully against Wigglesworth. Indeed case foundations more like those normally found in a Turkish hotel built on the Ismir earthquake fault line.

So no wonder Prosecution Officer Ken was going round bad mouthing the future Mrs Eddie Meelan and generally suggesting she was fecking incompetent.


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