Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 277 Leiston Firefighter Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffolk County Council

County Personnel Department

Mr. A. Wigglesworth

Your ref
Our ref ER/w/l/djm80.doc
Ask for Mr D Morgan
Tel (01473) 584102

29th September 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth,


The Chief Fire Officer has passed to me copies of your letters of the 8th and 15th September and of his letter to you dated 25th September.

You will know that, because of the range of people named by you as potential witnesses, the case had been remitted to a Disciplinary Tribunal, consisting of three Elected Members drawn from the County Council’s Protection Committee, to hear the case.

The hearing will be held here at County hall and I will start to make arrangements in order to identify at least two days immediately. However, you must appreciate that with such a range of witnesses identified by you this might prove to be difficult.

In fairness to the disciplinary Tribunal I need to know as soon as possible whether the witnesses will be providing statements on your behalf or, if not, at least a brief resume of the nature of the evidence you expect them to provide. Some of the outside witnesses, not least, may be difficult to obtain and I am wondering whether you have contemplated the alternative of simply a written statement? I am reluctant to go to the length of legal subpoena unless they are really relevant to your case.

Finally, and again for the benefit of the Elected Members, I intend to ask Sarah Davies, Brigade Personnel Manager to prepare an independent statement of Facts (to be agreed with you) which can be the basis of the Case File to be circulated.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan

Employee Relations Manager

Cc: Chief Fire Officer
Sarah Davies


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