Thursday, August 02, 2007

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 402 Bogus Lowestoft Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y
Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR32 2QA

ACFO Seager
01473 588939
4th January 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,


Thank you for your letter dated 30th December 1998, 31st December 1998 and 1st January 1999, all of which I received today.

In respect of the accident investigation report number 762, I must insist on a clear acceptance by you of the terms and conditions set out in my letter dated 2nd December 1998 before I can agree to release the document. Careful reading of your letter dated the 30th December 1998 does not, in my view, convey a positive acceptance of those conditions. I enclose herewith a first class reply paid envelope for your use. If you would kindly write in confirmation of your acceptance of my conditions I will see that a copy of the accident investigation report is provided for your use within 24 hours of receipt of such acceptance by me.

I note also your request for a full copy of the minutes of a Junior Officers’ meeting chaired by Assistant Chief Officer Tinley at Headquarters on the 10th June 1998. I have been advised by ACFO Tinley that although the meeting to which you refer did take place, no minutes were kept or produced. This is normal practice within the Operations Command for this type of meeting.

I have today received a copy of a letter sent to you by Miss Sarah Davies on the 29th December 1998 which sets out the information you seek from Mr X’s personal file and other records about his sickness, accident and health and safety leave records. Presumably, by the time you receive this letter, you will have received Miss Davies’ reply yourself.

Finally, I can confirm that I was given a copy of Keith Lynch’s report by the Chief Fire Officer. I requested a copy because I became aware during the investigation that certain allegations were being made against me in my capacity as Brigade Investigating Officer by Mr X. The Chief Fire Officer received a copy of the report from the chief Executive, with an indication from her that it could be copied on request.

Yours sincerely

K E Seager
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer


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