The Suffolk Fire Expereince - Doc 195 Hartlepool Fire Station
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Statement of: Paul Hayden
Age : 38
Occupation: Fire Officer
Address: Suffolk FS HQ
Telephone No.
This statement (consisting of 6 pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
Dated 11th day of June 1998
Signature: P Hayden
This statement was taken by …………………………………………………..
………………………………………..on………………………………………….I read it over to ………………………………….. and he/she read and signed it in my presence.
On Wednesday 5th August 1998, I was asked by ACFO Tinley to confirm that SUB Officer Davey had been granted union leave for the afternoon of Tuesday 4th August. I was aware that such leave had been granted for 5th August, but had no knowledge of leave having been requested or granted for 4th August. In fact I believed that Sub Officer Davey had been working at Brigade Training Centre all day on 4th August as I had been discussing his work with him prior top leaving myself at approximately 1255 hrs. I returned to work at the BTC on Thursday…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 2 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…..6th August, arriving at my desk at approximately 0820 hrs. at this stage, neither of the training instructors rostered for duty that day, Sub Officers Davey and Wigglesworth had arrived and I did not have a key to the instructors general office. I therefore carried on with routine work until approximately 1000 hrs when I went to the general instructors office. On entering the office, only Sub Officer Davey was present and he was dressed in a mixture of uniform shirt and jeans, engaged in FBU business on the telephone. When he had finished, I asked him if he was on or off duty, due to the manner of his dress. He stated that he was on duty at the time, but was about to go as he was on time owing leave. Taking Sub Officer Davey at his word I did not take the matter further at that time. While we were talking, a tanoy announcement was made for Sub Officer Wigglesworth, whom I later discovered was due to represent the department at a meeting in HQ at 1000 hrs. I asked SubO Davey where Sub O Wigglesworth was and he said that he believed that he was on leave. I then entered…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 3 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
………Station Officer Parsons Office to check his record of granted leave requests in respect of Sub Officer Davey’s leave taken on Tuesday 4th August. I found no records of leave requests relating to Sub Officer Davey’s leave taken on Tuesday 4th August, or relating to Sub Officer Davey or Wigglesworth for Thursday 6th August. As Station Officer Parsons was on annual leave, I also had a general check of his “in tray” and desk in case he had granted leave but not filed the request. However, I found no requests granted or otherwise. During this time, I understand that Sub Officer Davey left the building. On checking the Fin 4 attendance record which is kept in an open folder in the general instructors office, I noted that Sub Officer Davey had entered himself as on duty for Tuesday 4th August with no indication that he had taken union leave. He had also booked himself on duty for Thursday 6th August. Sub Officer Wigglesworth had booked one days miscellaneous Health & Safety leave for 5th August and one days scale A leave for 6th August. At this stage I was concerned that Sub Officer Davey may have taken leave without appropriate permission on…….
Signature P Hayden
Page No 4 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
……Tuesday 4th August and had recorded on the Fin 4 that he had been on duty. This was despite the fact that I had been talking to him shortly before he had taken the leave, when he had given no indication of his intention to take it. Neither was I aware of any record that time owing leave had been granted in respect of Thursday 6th August. Further inspection of Sub O Davey’s records indicated that he had recorded a meeting with the DCFO and ACFO on Fin 3 (a) re-arranged overtime record on Tuesday 4th august, although no time value had been entered. With regard to Sub O Wigglesworth I was not aware from the records available to me that he had been granted 1 days Health and safety leave on Wednesday 5th August or 1 days scale A leave for Thursday 6th August. I was particularly concerned that he had been expected to attend a meeting at HQ at 1000 hrs on Thursday 6th August. On checking Sub Officer Wigglesworth’s desk, I discovered a written order from Station Officer Parsons directing Sub Officer Wigglesworth to attend the meeting. I attempted to contact ACFO Tinley to reply to his initial query and make him aware of my other concerns…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 5 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…..I also attempted to contact Station Officer Parsons at home to find out if he had granted leave but could not contact neither of them. During this time, I spoke to T/ADO Sayward who informed me that both he and the station receptionist, Shiela Huggins, had seen Sub Officer Wigglesworth on station that morning at approximately 0910 hrs in sports gear, but that he had left shortly afterwards. Whilst working in my office at approximately 1130 hrs, T/ADO Sayward and I observed Sub Officer Wigglesworth leaving the station in his car. As I could not contact ACFO Tinley, I spoke to ACFO Seager and asked for further guidance. He advised me to gather the facts as I knew them and contact ACFO Tinley as soon as possible. I completed a short report to ACFO Tinley and contacted him during the lunch hour outlining the situation. Sometime after 1400 hrs, ACFO Tinley authorised me to open any mail addressed to StnO Parsons, with the exception of any marked private and confidential. On opening StnO Parsons mail, I found no memo’s relating to leave. However, on re-checking his desk, I discovered two requests for leave, one from SubO Davey, one from…….
Signature P Hayden
Page No 6 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…Sub O Wigglesworth. Both had been dated 5th August and were in respect of 6th August. They had been placed together on Station Officer Parsons desk underneath a memo dated 27.7.98. I reported to ACFO Tinley that I had discovered the leave requests on re-checking Station Officer parsons desk and that although I had checked the desk earlier in the day I could not state categorically that they had not been there. Sometime in the late afternoon of Thursday 6th August, I was contacted by ACFO Seager who instructed me to impound relevant records pending further investigation
Signature P Hayden
Statement of: Paul Hayden
Age : 38
Occupation: Fire Officer
Address: Suffolk FS HQ
Telephone No.
This statement (consisting of 6 pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
Dated 11th day of June 1998
Signature: P Hayden
This statement was taken by …………………………………………………..
………………………………………..on………………………………………….I read it over to ………………………………….. and he/she read and signed it in my presence.
On Wednesday 5th August 1998, I was asked by ACFO Tinley to confirm that SUB Officer Davey had been granted union leave for the afternoon of Tuesday 4th August. I was aware that such leave had been granted for 5th August, but had no knowledge of leave having been requested or granted for 4th August. In fact I believed that Sub Officer Davey had been working at Brigade Training Centre all day on 4th August as I had been discussing his work with him prior top leaving myself at approximately 1255 hrs. I returned to work at the BTC on Thursday…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 2 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…..6th August, arriving at my desk at approximately 0820 hrs. at this stage, neither of the training instructors rostered for duty that day, Sub Officers Davey and Wigglesworth had arrived and I did not have a key to the instructors general office. I therefore carried on with routine work until approximately 1000 hrs when I went to the general instructors office. On entering the office, only Sub Officer Davey was present and he was dressed in a mixture of uniform shirt and jeans, engaged in FBU business on the telephone. When he had finished, I asked him if he was on or off duty, due to the manner of his dress. He stated that he was on duty at the time, but was about to go as he was on time owing leave. Taking Sub Officer Davey at his word I did not take the matter further at that time. While we were talking, a tanoy announcement was made for Sub Officer Wigglesworth, whom I later discovered was due to represent the department at a meeting in HQ at 1000 hrs. I asked SubO Davey where Sub O Wigglesworth was and he said that he believed that he was on leave. I then entered…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 3 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
………Station Officer Parsons Office to check his record of granted leave requests in respect of Sub Officer Davey’s leave taken on Tuesday 4th August. I found no records of leave requests relating to Sub Officer Davey’s leave taken on Tuesday 4th August, or relating to Sub Officer Davey or Wigglesworth for Thursday 6th August. As Station Officer Parsons was on annual leave, I also had a general check of his “in tray” and desk in case he had granted leave but not filed the request. However, I found no requests granted or otherwise. During this time, I understand that Sub Officer Davey left the building. On checking the Fin 4 attendance record which is kept in an open folder in the general instructors office, I noted that Sub Officer Davey had entered himself as on duty for Tuesday 4th August with no indication that he had taken union leave. He had also booked himself on duty for Thursday 6th August. Sub Officer Wigglesworth had booked one days miscellaneous Health & Safety leave for 5th August and one days scale A leave for 6th August. At this stage I was concerned that Sub Officer Davey may have taken leave without appropriate permission on…….
Signature P Hayden
Page No 4 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
……Tuesday 4th August and had recorded on the Fin 4 that he had been on duty. This was despite the fact that I had been talking to him shortly before he had taken the leave, when he had given no indication of his intention to take it. Neither was I aware of any record that time owing leave had been granted in respect of Thursday 6th August. Further inspection of Sub O Davey’s records indicated that he had recorded a meeting with the DCFO and ACFO on Fin 3 (a) re-arranged overtime record on Tuesday 4th august, although no time value had been entered. With regard to Sub O Wigglesworth I was not aware from the records available to me that he had been granted 1 days Health and safety leave on Wednesday 5th August or 1 days scale A leave for Thursday 6th August. I was particularly concerned that he had been expected to attend a meeting at HQ at 1000 hrs on Thursday 6th August. On checking Sub Officer Wigglesworth’s desk, I discovered a written order from Station Officer Parsons directing Sub Officer Wigglesworth to attend the meeting. I attempted to contact ACFO Tinley to reply to his initial query and make him aware of my other concerns…..
Signature P Hayden
Page No 5 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…..I also attempted to contact Station Officer Parsons at home to find out if he had granted leave but could not contact neither of them. During this time, I spoke to T/ADO Sayward who informed me that both he and the station receptionist, Shiela Huggins, had seen Sub Officer Wigglesworth on station that morning at approximately 0910 hrs in sports gear, but that he had left shortly afterwards. Whilst working in my office at approximately 1130 hrs, T/ADO Sayward and I observed Sub Officer Wigglesworth leaving the station in his car. As I could not contact ACFO Tinley, I spoke to ACFO Seager and asked for further guidance. He advised me to gather the facts as I knew them and contact ACFO Tinley as soon as possible. I completed a short report to ACFO Tinley and contacted him during the lunch hour outlining the situation. Sometime after 1400 hrs, ACFO Tinley authorised me to open any mail addressed to StnO Parsons, with the exception of any marked private and confidential. On opening StnO Parsons mail, I found no memo’s relating to leave. However, on re-checking his desk, I discovered two requests for leave, one from SubO Davey, one from…….
Signature P Hayden
Page No 6 continuation of statement dated 11th June 1998
…Sub O Wigglesworth. Both had been dated 5th August and were in respect of 6th August. They had been placed together on Station Officer Parsons desk underneath a memo dated 27.7.98. I reported to ACFO Tinley that I had discovered the leave requests on re-checking Station Officer parsons desk and that although I had checked the desk earlier in the day I could not state categorically that they had not been there. Sometime in the late afternoon of Thursday 6th August, I was contacted by ACFO Seager who instructed me to impound relevant records pending further investigation
Signature P Hayden
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