Monday, October 22, 2007

The suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 478 Livingston Firefighter Job Losses

Suffuck County Council
Fire Service
To: Ff. Y (566)
Station: 16, Normanshurst

ACFO Seager
(01473) 588939
1 March 1999

Dear Ff Y,
Notification that you are the subject of an investigation under the Fire services (Discipline) Regulations, 1985

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 7 of the above Regulations, I am writing to notify you that I have received information which leads me to believe that you may have committed an offence, or offences, under the Fire Services (Discipline) Regulations, 1985
The circumstances which I have asked to be investigated are:

1. Your failure to comply with an order to revert to firefighter rank on 1 February, 1999.

2. Your demeanour in meetings with Temporary Assistant Divisional Officer Saward about the matter.

It is my intention to carry out an investigation into the allegations, and I have appointed Divisional Officer Graham Smith to assist me. He will shortly be making arrangements to interview you in relation to this matter, and I would suggest that you use the opportunity to make a statement in reply.

However, you are not obliged to say anything, or to answer any questions put to you at an interview, unless you choose to do so. I must also warn you that anything said or written by you in connection with this matter may also be used in evidence at any subsequent disciplinary hearing.

I enclose two copies of this notification. One should be signed by you and returned immediately to the officer serving this notice on you. The other copy is for your use, and I would strongly recommend that you pass it to your union representative. You are entitled to seek the advice of your union in this matter, and for a representative of the union to be present at any interview hereafter.

If you have any questions about the disciplinary process which the officer serving this is unable to answer, please do not hesitate to contact me at Brigade Headquarters.

Yours sincerely

K. E. Seager,
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

I acknowledge receipt of this notification. I understand I am the subject of an investigation under the Fire Services (Discipline) regulations, 1985.


The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 477 Suffolk County Council Employee disputes



To: Chief Fire Officer
From: FF Y 566
Station: 016
Date: 28-02-99

Dear Sir,

I make reference to my grievance to you dated 20th February 1999. As it is now the 28th of February and the matter has not been dealt with within 7 days as per Suffolk County Council Grievance Procedure Policy I wish to go to the next stage. That being to an Appeals Panel of members drawn from the Personnel Sub Committee and Public Protection Committee.

Respectfully Submitted

Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 476 Free Electric Blanket Testing Felixstowe Fire Station 2007

Lowestoft Fire station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

27th February 1999

Your ref

Dear ACFO Seager,

I write with reference to the discovery of documents in relation to the discipline case against SubO X.

In recent conversation with a reliable source I have been informed that you are in possession of certain documents collected during investigations which might be useful to the defence of SubO X.

Clearly if this is the case it is a strange situation, essentially the prosecution withholds, or fails to inform the defence of useful evidence. Indeed I am led to believe these documents have been in your possession for several months.

Having regard to the issues I raise I would ask you to confirm or deny the existence of such documentation. Finally if you concede the existence of further documentation I will be most interested t in knowing why, on the face of it, concealment has taken place.

For the purpose of minimising postage costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

Yours sincerely

Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 475 Marlie Farm Firework Explosion

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at



From: S Davies, Director of Personnel

To: SubO X Normanshurst

Date: 25th February 1999

Reference: Request for transfer

Thank you for your memo dated 19th February 1999, which the Chief fire Officer has passed to me.

I can confirm that you are on a list of people wishing to transfer in the rank of Sub Officer.

Most jobs in this rank are, however, advertised in the brigade routine orders and filled by means of a selection process. Should you wish to be considered for any posts you see advertised in this way, you should apply in the manner stipulated in the advertisement rather than await an invitation to be considered for the post.

Please let me know if you require any further clarification of the above.

S. Davies
Director of Personnel

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 474 Arson Attack at Brandon Fire Station

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y

Mr M H Alcock
01473 588969
22nd February 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,

I acknowledge receipt of your memorandum dated 20th February 1999, which I received by facsimile this morning. I have passed your memorandum to the deputy Chief Fire Officer who will make appropriate arrangements for a meeting to consider your grievance as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

M H Alcock

Supreme Chief Fire Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 473 Free Electric Blanket Testing Stowmarket Fire Station 2007



To: Chief Fire Officer

From: FF Y 566
Station: 016
Date: 20-02-99


I have invoked the Grievance Procedure and have been heard by T/A.D.O. Saward (first stage), D.O. C. Hodge (second stage). I am still dissatisfied and wish to go to the next stage.


Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 472 Hythe Fireman


Regional Office
100 Southgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AQ
Phone: 01284 762171
Fax: 01284 706064

SubO X
Our ref: 1502020/98/VM
19th February 1999

Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter dated 13th February 1999. It has been referred to a Chairman of the Tribunals (Mr D R Crome) who has directed me to tell you that a directions hearing will immediately follow the pre-hearing review on 31 March 1999 and your application for an order for further particulars can be considered then.

Our exchange of correspondence has been copied as indicated below.

Yours faithfully

VJ Marsh
For regional secretary

cc: K W Stevens Suffuck County Council
cc: Acas


The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 471 Hythe Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 19th February 1999


Approximately two years ago I made a request to be transferred from my present position and onto a watch at Lowestoft. As a reminder I re-submit that request. I would also remind you that I have now served 4.5 years in the training department. More importantly the move is congruent with the brigades fairness at work and equality of opportunity policies.

Quite clearly a transfer to the watch at Lowestoft will enable my internal and external development. For some reason this seems to have been denied to date.

Having regard to the issues I raise I would ask for a prompt reply to this request.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 470 Hythe Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Secretary and Solicitor

SubO X

Your ref
Our ref 20123/AJG/MW
Ask for Mr Gillespie Tel(01473) 584113

18th February 1999

Dear SubO X,

Thank you for your letter of 12 February 1999.

With regard to the documents requested. At this moment I myself am not aware of there existence. I shall take this matter up with brigade management and ascertain their existence and relevance.

Accordingly if I deem them relevant to the case I may, in good time, and if the matter proceeds to a full hearing, service you with copies. However, as I understand it documents are not relevant at the Pre-hearing review stage which is to take place on 31 March 1999.

Yours sincerely

Alan Gillespie
For K W Stevens
County Secretary and Solicitor

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 469 Retired Senior Suffolk Fire Officer Denies Sexual Act with a Saxaphone

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at



Operations command

From: DO Hodge

To: SubO X


Date: 15th February 1999

Reference: Your letter to me dated 12th February 1999

As requested by you, I will not provide you with a copy of the FBU workplace inspection health and safety report as signed by you, and which was attached to the quality audit return submitted in mid 1998 by ADO E Smith, for the Normanshurst Fire Safety office.

I would advise you that this decision not to release the document was taken by ACFO Kenneth Seager

CF Hodge
Divisional Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 468 Free electric Blanket Testing Lowestoft Fire Station 2007

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at



Operations command

From: DO Hodge

To: Ff Y


Date: 15th February 1999

Reference: Your Grievance heard by me on Friday 12th February 1999

I write to confirm the outcome of my hearing of your grievance on the above date. Specifically that I uphold ADO Saward’s decision made, following his hearing your grievance at Normanshurst on Friday 5th February 1999.

You expressed to ADO Saward that you were aggrieved at his decision to revert you to your substantive rank of Firefighter on Monday 1st February 1999. This being because when you were initially temporarily promoted to Leading Firefighter with effect the 27th September 1998, by ADO Fuller, you were informed this would be “until the return to full duties of Leading Firefighter Paul Brown”. L Ff P Brown has still not returned to work full duties and you were therefore aggrieved at the decision.

ADO Saward clearly stated in his memorandum to you his decision was based “on the grounds of equality and fairness to all”. As you have now carried out the role of Temporary Leading firefighter for in excess of 4 months, and as ADO Saward had recognised that there are other personnel on the station who would benefit from such an opportunity, I fully support his decision.

Further, my understanding of the situation is that the circumstances that ADO Fuller felt appertained, at the time of the sickness of L Ff P Brown, have now changed. Specifically he believed that the period of sickness would be relatively short. Indeed it was partly for this reason that he did not wish to make any temporary watch changes involving a firefighter who had already passed the appropriate assessment, and had been found to be suitable for promotion to the rank of Leading Firefighter.

With the prolonged and continuing absence of L Ff P Brown, ADO Saward felt it necessary to take the action he did to allow a firefighter so qualified the opportunity to gain appropriate experience. Indeed ADO Saward is actually implementing Brigade Policy in so far as general Order OP 25 paragraph 3.1 states that “wherever possible recommendations for temporary promotion will be planned and linked to the promotions list and appraisal system.”

You also indicated to me that you felt aggrieved that the status quo arrangements in Paragraph B (1) 12 of the Local Grievance and Disputes Procedures (Uniformed Employees Excluding Officer ranks) had not been invoked. Specifically you stated that ADO Saward’s idea of what the status quo entailed, differed to everyone else’s view. ADO Saward’s hearing of your grievance was NOT about the arrangements that do or do not exist whilst a grievance is being heard, but specifically to do with the issue of his reverting you to your substantive rank of firefighter.

ADO Saward took advice prior to implementing the decision that you would not remain a Temporary Leading Firefighter whilst the grievance was heard. His subsequent decisions were based partly on this advice, and as such your accusation that his subsequent order to you was not lawful, is not in my view correct.

During my hearing of your grievance, you raised the issue of the status quo. Having taken further advice on this matter I can confirm that the decision of the Brigade remains that you will not hold the temporary rank pending the outcome of your grievance.

I therefore confirm that I support the decision of ADO Saward to revert you to firefighter with effect from the 1st February 1999.

I would also wish to make clear that the decision in no way reflects upon the duties that you performed during your period of temporary promotion.

Should you wish to discuss this matter any further with me, please contact me at BHQ on x 8914

CF Hodge
Divisional Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 467 Arson Attack at Aldeburgh Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Station Officer Jims Post it 12th Feb 1999

As usual just left tenuously stuck by the 1 centimetre adhesive strip to X’s desk and reads:

Can you ride for red watch next Monday 15th?

The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 466 Paul Woolstenholmes Statement for Re-Election as FBU National Officer

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 12th February 1999


I request I am granted PH leave on Monday 15th February 1999. I have no engagements to attend to on that day.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 465 Windsor Fire Station Cuts

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 12th February 1999


I request I am granted PH leave on Wednesday 17th February 1999. I have no engagements to attend to on that day.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 464 bent Suffolk County Council Solicitor

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Alan Gillespie
Suffuck County Council Solicitor
County Hall

SubO X

12th February 1999

Dear Mr Gillespie,

On 12th February 1999 I made a reasonable request in person to Divisional Officer Colin Hodge for the return of a FBU health and safety document given to him some months earlier. The document is required for matters concerned with 1502020/1998. The relevant document being a safety audit carried on Lowestoft fire safety accommodation on or around 2nd June 1998.

As you are no doubt aware the document is signed by the employees safety representative. ADO Eric Smith JP. Furthermore and again as you are no doubt aware the content is in complete contradiction to your legally stated position re the democratically appointed trade union safety representative for Lowestoft fire station.

Returning to the request made to Divisional Officer Colin Hodge. He was his usual foul and abusive type in reply. Adding that he could not comply because he ‘no longer has access to the document and copies are in the hands of yourself and the brigade prosecuting officer’. Further adding that if he could be bothered he would take it up with the brigade prosecuting officer. Of course I have already made 8 other reasonable requests for disclosure with the brigade prosecuting officer on another matter. Indeed he seems to have serious propensity toward ignoring normal legal protocol and procedure.

In consequence, If you don’t mind, I would like to be furnished with the aforementioned articles without delay.

Yours sincerely

SubO X