Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 437 Preston Fire Station

The Fire Brigades Union

Established 1918



Tel 0181-541 1765
Fax 0181-546 5187

Please quote this reference on all replies
99 LR 10/14642 HH

26th January, 1999

Legal Assistance : SubO X

Brigade : Suffolk

Branch : Lowestoft


Mr C Jones
Thompsons Solicitors
Congress House
Gt Russell Street


Your claim has now been forwarded to our Solicitors. They will forward it to one of their branches who will contact you in due course.

Regional Secretary: S Brinkley

Brigade Secretary : C Hayward


Hilary Hewitt
Legal Department

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 436 Elmswell fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 435 Fulwood Fireman

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Doc 430 Attachment 2

Station Officer Assessments Timetable
17th February 1999

1000hrs Conference Room

Verbal and Numerical Critical Reasoning
Psychometric Tests/16PF Personality Profile (administered by Sarah Davies (now Meelan) & Jo Campbell)

Candidates required to attend for tests are:
Kieron Davey, Gary Smith, Barry Kent, Paul Taylor, Robert Marris & John Tiffen (same Tiffen who organised the removal of Chief Fire Officer Tony Hic Baker).

Interviews for the following candidates will also take place on this day – interview panel DCFO., ACFO (Ops) DO Smith.

Karl Rolfe (Ralph) 10:00
Chris Wallis 10:30

Lunch – Please make your own arrangements with the Kitchen staff if you require lunch.

Discussion groups
14:00 – 15:00 Conference Room Discussion group 1

Candidates Robert marries, Geoff Pyke, Paul Taylor, John Tiffen & SubO X.

15:30 – 16:30 Conference room Discussion group 2
Candidates Kieron Davey, Barry Kent, Peter Redbourn, Stephen Rhind & Gary Smith.

You will be required to actively participate in your designated discussion group. A chairperson will not be selected as this is not an assessment of chairperson skills.

18th February 1999

Interviewing panel: DCFO, ACFO (Ops), DO Smith.
09:30 Kieron Davey
10:00 Gary Smith
11:00 Paul Taylor
11:30 Peter Redbourn
14:00 Robert Marris
14:30 John Tiffen
15:30 SubO X
16:00 Stephen Rhind
16:30 Barry Kent

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 434 Fulwood Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Doc 430 Attachment 1

Report Topic (800-1000 words)

What improvements in the provision of breathing apparatus sets would you wish to see in Suffolk over the next 10 years?

Discussion Group Subject

Competency based training – an absolute necessity or an unrealistic fad?

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 433 Fulwood Fire Station

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Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

SubO X

Your ref
Our ref PER9/JC/BM/AMH
Ask for Mrs. B. Mealey
Tel (01473) 588874

25th January 1999

Dear Sub Officer X

Assessment for Promotion to the Rank of Station Officer

Further to your recent application, I am pleased to invite you to take part in the assessments for promotion to the rank of Station Officer which will take place at Brigade Headquarters on 17th and 18th February 1999. Please check carefully whether or not you are required to attend on this day.

A timetable for each of the days is enclosed, together with topics for the report and discussion.

Your report must be received by the Personnel Department no later than 1700 hours on Wednesday 10th February 1999.

Should you have any queries about the arrangements for the assessments, please do not hesitate to contact the Personnel Department.

Yours sincerely

B Mealey
Personnel Assistant

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 432 Corrupt Suffolk County Councillors

Whos Who in Doc 27?

Roger Belham, Peter Monk and Selwyn Pryor were County Councillors. As of 5th May 2005 at the local government elections Peter Monk was ousted.

Roger Belham Esq Labour Lowestoft
Peter Monk Esq Liberal Dem Wilford (Sth Suffolk)
Selwyn Prior Esq Conservative Stour Valley

These three formed the panel of elected members chosen to judge SubO X. It is unclear who made the choice. That said it is known that they had served as previous panel members. Indeed it is believed they were the panel in the Eddie Brown appeal hearing which had taken place some months earlier. The full details of that case are not to hand. Notwithstanding, it was another controversial case which received local press coverage when Ff Brown was reinstated following dismissal by CFO Malcolm Alcock.

Going back to doc 19 and the have sought advice……..and members, logic and the balance of probabilities might suggest it was the three above who were consulted. Most certainly as Peter Monk is/was responsible for County Fire service matters he might be the principal contact. After all he is in almost daily contact with senior Fire officers. Of course the only individual who could confirm this is the now DCFO K Seager. In consequence, as to whom the members are, that were consulted cannot be established with certainty.

DO Hodge (Chief Fire officer)?
Certainly not the Chief Fire Officer as bracketed by Mr Morgan. His role was as the assistant to Brigade Investigating Officer ACFO K Seager. DO Hodge is now retired.

A J Gillespie Esq., (County Secretary & Solicitor)
Fairly straightforward and as specified. He is still in post and may even now be termed a Senior Solicitor.
SubO A D Wigglesworth
The accused also know as X, courtesy of Professor Roy Lewis’s ACAS report. Retired as of 6th November 2004.

C D Jones Esq (Thompsons Solicitors)
Representative of X, instructed by FBU. Left Thompsons in 2000/2001? and well known for conducting some good legal work on behalf of FBU.

Ff M Hyde.,
Enough said already?

C L Jackson Esq., (County Secretary & Solicitor)
Colleague of A J Gillespie and appointed to act as secretary/clerk to the panel of members. Still with Suffolk County? Note that Suffolk Police now have a C Jackson employed as clerk to the Authority in place of former Suffolk County Council Senior Solicitor Mr Keith Stevens.

R Croft., (Lowestoft Fire Station)
Civilian Audio Visual technician. Responsible for audio tape recording of prosecution hearing.

Lizzie Reynolds
Suffolk County Council administrative officer at County Hall. Responsible for assisting with prosecution arrangements and liaising between parties.

Re par 3 doc 27 and the inference in the statement made By Mr D Morgan. The facts are that X had leave approved by T/ADO Saward granted for 12th April 1999. That was communicated to Miss Reynolds. The reason for the leave was to enable X to attend his Masters Graduation ceremony at Cambridge.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 431 Debenham Fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Roger Belham Esq.,
Peter Monk Esq.,
Selwyn Pryor Esq.,

DO Colin Hodge (Chief Fire Officer)
Alan Gillespie Esq., (County Secretary & Solicitor

SubO X
Craig Jones (Thompsons , Solicitors)
Firefighter Y

Your ref
Our ref Pers Personal File DJM
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

25th January 1999

Dear Sir/Madam


I am able to confirm my colleague, Lizzie Reynolds’, telephone call that this hearing has been arranged fro 9.30am on the 12th and 13th April 1999 in the Committee Room, St Helen Court, here at County Hall.

Rooms in close proximity have also been reserved for witnesses and final details on those and other arrangements will be notified later.

Sub Officer X raised some doubt with Miss Reynolds on the first of these two dates owing t5o him attending a graduation ceremony at one of the Cambridge Universities. I instructed her to disregard this on account that the hearing has already been delayed and the problems that would ensue in further mutually acceptable dates. I would ask that Mr Jones takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the hearing can take place on the 12th April 1999.

In accordance with the regulations I am obliged to confirm arrangements with the witnesses and, so far as Sub Officer X’s requirements are concerned, I look forward to Mr Jones responding to my earlier letter of the 20th January 1999.

I will prepare a case file that will be circulated as soon as possible. Should anyone have any queries at this stage please do not hesitate to contact either Chris Jackson (01473 584114) or me (01473 584102).

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 430 Galashiels Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

TEL 0171 637 9761
FAX 0171 637 0000
Fax 0181-546 5187


SubO X

By Post only

18 January, 1999

Dear SubO X,


Thank you for your letter dated 20 January 1999.

No doubt you have heard that the disciplinary prosecution hearing has been listed for 12th and 13th April 1999. Please arrange to attend on these dates. I am waiting for details of time and venue.

Yours sincerely

Craig Jones

The Suffolk Fire Society - Doc 429 Galashiels Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 21st January 1999



May I respectfully request I am granted leave on 12th April 1999. This will be taken as long service leave.

SubO X

In the absence of Training Centre Officers this leave is granted as it is to attend SubO X’s Graduation ceremony at Anglia Polytechnic
G Saward ADO 21-1-99

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 428 Galashiels Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 21st January 1999



May I respectfully request I am granted leave on 12th April 1999. This will be taken as long service leave.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 427 Clare fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Thompsons solicitors
Congress House
Great Russell Street

Your ref
Our ref PersFile/l/djm2.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

20th January 1999

Dear Sir/Madam


Thank you for your letter of the 18th January 1999.

The reference you quote relates to my letter to Sub Officer X of the 3oth December 1998 and, of course, covers largely the question of witnesses for charge 1 above. For your help I enclose:-

(1) copy of a subsequent letter dated 11th January 1999 covering, particularly, the question of witnesses for charges 2 and 3 above and
(2) copies of two letters both dated 18th January 1999 warning witnesses of the impending hearing.
You will note from the letter of the 11th January that my colleague Chris Jackson (Assistant County Solicitor), will now act as secretary to the Disciplinary Tribunal but I will continue (effectively as assistant secretary) to make arrangements for the hearing. However, please feel free to contact him on (01473)584114 and to whom a copy of this letter is being passed.

Now that SubO X s to be legally represented, in accordance with normal County council practice, it is likely that the Chief Fire Officer will be seeking similar representation. At this stage it is not possible for me to advise you as to who will fill that capacity but the first point of contact is Alan Gillespie (Senior Assistant County Solicitor) on 584113.

My support services colleague, Lizzie Reynolds (01473) 584097, has noted the availability dates from your letter and will be looking for two (successive) days, more likely now in march.

On your side I would appreciate details of who, in person, will be representing Sub Officer X. Further, you will see from the copy letters the exchanges on his listing of 44 and 40 witnesses in respect of charges 1 and 2 and 3 respectively and my responses culminating in the (potential) witnesses listed in the two letters of the 18th January. I would appreciate your early views on the witnesses you feel are needed. On this point, please bear in mind his two listings included (virtually) all the management witnesses (see below) and, of course, they will be available for your cross examination. Copies of their statements are already with Sub Officer X:-

1st charge
D.O. G. Smith
S.O J. Parsons
SubO. K. Davey
Miss s. Davies (Personnel Manager)
D.O. P. Hayden

2nd and 3rd charge
D.O. P. Hayden
D.O. G. Smith
SubO. R. Marris
S.O. J. Parsons
D.O. P Hayden
D.O. G. Smith
ACFO K. Seager
(temp) ADO G. Saward

I would also like to emphasise a point made to Sub Officer X – the disciplinary Tribunal will consist of three (lay) Elected Members drawn from the County Council’s Protection Committee and for their assistance and proper process they will anticipate in the case file, where at all possible from both sides, written witness statements and submissions etc. setting out the opposing submissions on the three charges. I look forward to your response on this point, as well.

Finally, if at this stage I can be of any further assistance to you please let me know.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 426 Craigavon Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

SubO X

Your ref
Our ref PersFile/l/djm2.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

20th January 1999

Dear Sub Officer X


By letter dated 18th January 1999, Thompsons, solicitors have now confirmed that they will be representing you before the Disciplinary Tribunal.

Please find enclosed my reply to Thompsons.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 425 Craigavon Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Craig Jones
Thompsons Solicitors
Congress House

SubO X

20th January 1999

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your letter dated 18 January 1999.

I attach all the relevant documents as specified in your letter for your perusal.

Yours sincerely

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 424 Craigavon Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Lowestoft Fire station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA
Tel 01502 403842

Your ref


Dear ACFO Seager,

Thank you for your letter dated 15th Jan 1999, in respect of the sickness, accident and Health & Safety records of SubO X.

Once more your response fails to provide me with the specific information I seek. To avert further delay and ensure a clear undisputed clarification is drawn to the matter I will simplify my request to the point of precision.

To achieve this I ask you to consult once more with the Personnel Manager to provide a simple confirmation, i.e. yes or no to the following:

1. Between 06.09.93 and 31.04.98 SubO X’s sickness absence equates to a grand total of 0 days.

2. Between 06.09.93 and 31.04.98 Sub O X has registered a grand total of 0 accidents.

3. In the 12 months preceding 04.08.98 the total Health and Safety leave taken by SubO X equates to a grand total of 0.

Your co-operation in resolving these matters promptly would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

M Hyde

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 423 Bungay Fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

TEL 0171 637 9761
FAX 0171 637 0000
Fax 0181-546 5187


SubO X

By Post only

18 January, 1999

Dear SubO X,


Thank you for your letter. I have written to the Brigade. Do you have the rest of the correspondence that you had with the Industrial Tribunal. Have you received a Notice of Appearance from the other side? If so, may I have a copy of it please? In addition, have you completed the full IT1 form or have you simply lodged the grounds of complaint?

I will write to you again when I have anything further to report.

Yours sincerely

Craig Jones

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 422 Manston Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

D Matthews Esq.,
Health and Safety Officer
Bradley House
68 Coombe Road

Your ref
Our ref PersFile/l/djm2.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

18th January 1999

Dear Mr Matthews,


I am writing to advise you that you have agreed with Sub Officer X that, at his request, you should attend, the disciplinary Tribunal to give evidence in respect of one or more of the above charges. This request, therefore, is made in pursuance of para 7b at page 13 of the guidance notes to the Regulations.

As part of the preparation of his case, Sub Officer X may seek to interview you and take a statement and you will, no doubt, wish to collaborate with him on this.

My colleague, Lizzie Reynolds (01473 584097), is seeking to set down two days in early-mid February for the hearing with a third day in reserve, and you will be advised of these arrangements as soon as possible.
In Suffolk, the Disciplinary Tribunal (which, of course, is a forum set-up under the above regulations) is made up of three Elected Members drawn from the County Council’s Protection Committee. Almost invariably it meets at County Hall.

I will write to you again as soon as possible but, if you have any queries at this stage, please do not hesitate to contact either the brigade’s Personnel Manager, Sarah Davies (01473 – 588888) or me (01473 584102)

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

Cc Sub O X
Miss Sarah S Davies, Personnel Manager, Suffolk Fire Service.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Dopc 421 Manston Firefighter

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 420 Manston Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: SubO X and whomsoever it may concern

From: SubO Kieron Peter Davey
Station: 055

Date: 15th January 1999

Events August 1998

SubO X,

I can confirm it was my intention to have the flashover demonstrators on show and working for F.B.U. brigade officials during the month of August 1998.

In discussions with ADO Paul Hayden he made the suggestion to me that I take the unit to the brigade committee meeting 5th August 1998 that was already due to attend. I agreed with him and thought it was an excellent idea. I told him that I would refer the matter to the FBU chair for his approval. I did that immediately and returned to ADO Paul Hayden a short time later informing that I had obtained approval.

I then informed ADO Paul Hayden that I would need some assistance to get the equipment in and out of the transport vehicle and that as no courses were running during August another instructor would be helpful. He also agreed with my concern saying that he did not want any unqualified people fiddling with the equipment and that as SubO X was a local FBU official I should take him with me. ADO Paul Hayden was quite clear on that instruction and it was a case of taking SubO X to the meeting in his capacity as an employee of Suffolk Fire Service.

I told SubO X that ADO Paul Hayden had instructed me to take him to the FBU meeting on 5th August 1998. SubO X confirmed he had no other commitments on that day and would support me by attending on that day. ADO Paul Hayden’s were clear and precise. It was he who told me to take SubO X to the FBU meeting on 5th August 1998. Of that I have absolutely no doubt.

Kieron Peter Davey SubO

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 419

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Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y
Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR32 2QA

ACFO Seager
01473 588939
15th January 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,


Thank you for your letter dated 11th January 1999.

Having checked with the Personnel Manager, Miss Sarah Davies, I can confirm that her letter to you dated 29th December 1998 does contain all the relevant information which you seek.

Unfortunately, there is a typographical error in the letter next to the heading: “Accident Record”. The first date shown should read 6.9.93 and not 6.998 as shown. This may have misled you into thinking that the information was incomplete.

I trust this reassures you. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at these Headquarters by telephoning 01473 588939

Yours sincerely

K E Seager
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

Enc. Acknowledgement copy letter

he Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 418 Brandon Fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 15th January 1999

Summer Leave


I request 1 weeks summer leave 29th May to 4th June 1999.

SubO X

Granted James Parsons station Officer

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 417 Winsford Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 15th January 1999

Summer Leave


I request 1 weeks summer leave 29th May to 4th June 1999.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 416 Winsford Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at
Advisory, Concilliation and Arbitration Service
London, Eastern and Southern Area
39 King Street, Thetford Norfolk IP24 2AU
Business Line: Tel/Fax: 01379 890532


14th January 1999

Dear SubO X



In our recent letter we stated that the conciliation officer dealing with the above case would be David Prince, however this has unfortunately been changed. Rob Deeks will be dealing with this matter and will contact you shortly, his direct telephone number is 01842-827763. May I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this necessary change of conciliation officer. In the meantime you wish to discuss any urgent matters related to the case, please contact me on the above telephone number.

Yours sincerely

David Prince

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 415 Winsford Fire Station

14th January 1999

Bradley House
68 Coombe Road
Kingston Upon Thames
Surrey KT2 7AE
Telephone 081 541 1765

Use this form to apply for Legal Aid for ANY matter connected with your employment OTHER than an accident or illness.

This form should be read carefully and the fullest possible information given in the spaces provided. It should then be handed to your Branch Secretary or Chairperson to complete Part II. It is then his/her responsibility to forward it to Head office for action. If Legal Aid is granted the solicitor will be in touch with you direct to advise you of the next steps to be taken in the matter.
Do not delay in returning this form if you are unable to answer some of the questions.


1. Full Name (in capitals).
SubO X
2. Address.
3. Telephone.
4. Branch.
5. Employing Authority.
6. Date of joining service.
7. Your rank and how long held.
8. Details of matter for which legal aid is required. Full details must be given and relevant documents attached to this form.

On or 1st May 1998 I was involved in an accident at work. Later I was indicted with a disciplinary offence from matters arising from the facts related to the accident. Since the indictment I and my FBU colleagues have made numerous reasonable requests to obtain a copy of the relevant accident investigation report. These reasonable requests have been met with obstruction and a refusal by ACFO Kenneth Seager to hand over a copy of the report without the attachment of a disclaimer to liability.

I ask for assistance to apply the relevant legal instrument to ensure I am provided with a copy of the accident report which is required for my defence against the malicious charges filed by ACFO Kenneth Seager.

I wish to apply for legal assistance on the basis of the particulars given above. I have no solicitor acting for me in relation to this matter and hereby authorise you to instruct a Solicitor to act on my behalf if legal aid is granted. I confirm that I am and was a member of the F.B.U. on the date of the accident/incident/contracted illness as stated above. I understand that I am obliged to give the full facts to the Union and the unions nominated Solicitors, and that if I fail to do so or give false misleading facts, legal assistance will be withdrawn and I shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the Union and any party to litigation in which the Union has supported me. I understand that a report of my case upon its conclusion may be published by the Union.

Signed SubO X
Date 12th January 1999


To be completed by the Branch Secretary or Chairperson who is responsible for passing the form to the Brigade Secretary or chairperson for endorsement and forwarding to Head Office.

Branch Secretary signature Firefighter Y


Endorsed by Brigade Chairperson C. Hayward

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 414 Emergency Plans Sizewell Nuclear Power Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Lowestoft Fire station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

Tel 01502 403842
Your ref

11th January 1999

Dear ACFO Seager,

I refer to the letter sent to me by the Personnel Manager 29th December 1998 under your instructions in regard to the sickness, accident and health and safety records of SubO X.

The information supplied by the Personnel Manager is incongruent with that requested which was specific and clearly indicated to you 12th December 1998.

To assist you to supply the correct information I enclose a further copy of the original letter dated 12th December. I trust the information requested can be made available without further delay.

For the purpose of minimising postage costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

Yours sincerely

Firefighter Y

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 413 Historic Green Goddess for Sale

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Your ref
Our ref PersFile/l/djm2.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

11th January 1999

Dear Sub Officer X


Thank you for your letter of the 2nd January 1999 setting out a list of some 40 (potential) witnesses for case 2 and also commenting on my decision to bar some of your witnesses. I would add that some of your witnesses are already listed as management witnesses so will be available to you.

After looking at the situation I have now decided to proceed on the basis of a single hearing for all three charges before the Disciplinary Tribunal. The Chief Fire Officer has given his permission for this course of action. Apart from the simplifications this will afford, the ability in terms of dealing with the whole matter, to take a broader view on your listing for the (hitherto) case 2, is to your advantage.

Accordingly, my assistant Lizzie Reynolds will be contacting all relevant parties within the next week with a view to arranging two days in early- mid February 1999 plus a third (back up) day. In this respect, as indicated to you before, I will need to provide details of the (likely) witnesses to the Chief Fire Officer, not least so that time-off can be arranged. I undertake to keep confidential between you and me your submissions and my responses on the merits, or otherwise, of each witness proposed by you.

As also indicated in an earlier letter any submissions on your continuing perceived need for further witnesses from the lists will have to be made to the Disciplinary Tribunal.

I should confirm that the Elected Members likely to serve as the disciplinary Tribunal (County Councillors Monk, Pryor and Sargent (or Belham)) have agreed that, in accordance with the Regulations, an assessor should assist the hearing and this may well be the Norfolk Deputy Chief Fire Officer. A further development is the conclusion at this end that my involvement has become increasingly partisan and, although I shall continue to deal with the arrangements leading up to the hearing to be fair to you the secretary to the Disciplinary Tribunal will now be my colleague Chris Jackson (assistant County Solicitor).

In considering your witness list I have taken advice from ACFO K Seager and paid particular attention to para 7 of Annex D of the Guidance Notes to the Regulations and set out below my responses to the 40 potential witnesses. In accordance with the powers given me under the Fire Services (discipline) Regulations 1986 I have decided the following:-
1. Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

2. Divisional Officer Graham Smith.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

3. SubO Robert Marris
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

4. Station Officer James Parsons
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.
5. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

6. Leading Fireman Stephen Bartram.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

7 Sub Officer Kieron Davey.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

8 Divisional Officer Robert Batchelor.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

9 Divisional Officer Colin Hodge.
Apart from the fact that he is likely to be the presenting officer he was acting under the instructions from other officers who can be questioned by you.
Witness not allowed.

10. Assistant Divisional Officer Paul Seager.
Already listed in first case
Witness allowed.

11. Assistant Divisional Officer Robert Middleton.
I find that this officer has nothing to add to likely evidence.
Witness not allowed.

12. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley.
I find him not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

13. Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock.
I find him not relevant to the charge; speculative request.
Witness not allowed.

14. Sub Officer George Moran.
15. SubO Henry Landis
16. SubO Roy Mitchell
17. SubO Peter Redbourne
Duplication. Accept redbourne, not least as he is listed in first case.
Other witnesses not allowed.

18. Assistant Divisional Officer Tony Fuller.
Already listed in first case.
Witness allowed.

19. Station Officer Graham Saward.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

20. Sub Officer Chris Wallis.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

21. SubO Keith Boyce.
22. SubO Stephen Rhind.
23. SubO Peter Raven.
24. SubO Barry Kent.
Witnesses not allowed.

25. Robert Croft.
Will be the technician controlling recording equipment.
Witness not allowed.

26. Sheila Huggins.
Not relevant.
Witness not allowed.

27. Firefighter Mark Gilbert.
28. Firefighter Beamish.
29. Firefighter Woolstenholmes.
30. Firefighter Mayhew.
31. Firefighter Hayward.
32. Firefighter Woodard.
33. Station Officer Sanderson.
None of above relevant
Witnesses not allowed.

34. Leading Firefighter Collins
Likely to be relevant witness
Witness allowed.

35. Linda Homer (County Council Chief Executive).
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

36. Mr Keith. W. Steven’s (County Secretary & Solicitor)
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

37. Aubrey Webb (Harassment advisor)
Covered by confidentiality in harassment procedures.
Witness not allowed.

38. Keith Lynch (Head of personnel, Suffolk social services)
Covered by confidentiality in harassment procedures
Witness not allowed.

39. Heather Marsden (Acting Principal Personnel Officer Suffolk County Personnel Department)
Covered by confidentiality in harassment procedures.
Witness not allowed.

40. Derek Lay (Principal Personnel Officer Suffolk County Personnel Department)
Covered by confidentiality in harassment procedures.
Witness not allowed.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk fire experience - Doc 412 Beccles Fire station Surplus Equipment Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at
Advisory, Concilliation and Arbitration Service
London, Eastern and Southern Area
39 King Street, Thetford Norfolk IP24 2AU
Business Line: Tel/Fax: 01379 890532


8th January 1999

Dear SubO X



I have received a copy of your tribunal application: the law which gives you the right to make a complaint also imposes a duty upon ACAS to promote a resolution of the complaint to avoid a tribunal hearing, if possible. Your case has been allocated to me.

ACAS is an independent, impartial body which is separate from the employment Tribunals. The service ACAS provides is voluntary, confidential, and free of charge. The enclosed leaflet explains the service in more detail and you will see I am able, amongst other things, to explain tribunal procedures, give information concerning relevant legislation and case law, and discuss options available to you. I can also assist in the drawing up of an agreement if your case is settled through conciliation.

I will be in touch with you soon to discuss whether your complaint can be resolved without the need for a tribunal hearing, but often I find it helpful to see the employer’s response to a complaint ( a copy of which will be sent on to me by the Employment Tribunal Service) before attempting conciliation and this may cause some delay in my contacting you. However, if in the meantime you wish to discuss any urgent matters related to the case, please contact me on the above telephone number.

Yours sincerely

David Prince

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 411 Bromley Fireman

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Zedgen (revised)

Message pad attachment to post person responsible for delivery doc 408





Please ensure this note gets to tng in the morning

Any Q’s – please call

Paul Hayden

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)

Message pad attachment to post person responsible for delivery doc 408





Please ensure this note gets to tng in the morning

Any Q’s – please call

Paul Hayden

The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 410 Bromley Firefighter

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Zedgen (revised)


To: SubO X

From: ACFO T J Tinley

Date: 08 January 1999

Health and safety leave

I am in receipt of your request for Health & Safety leave for the 13th January 1999 to attend the FBU Annual General Meeting.

The Brigade records show that Ff Gilbert is the FBU H & S representative for Lowestoft and I would be grateful if notification of any change is forwarded to me, by the FBU, so that the record can be amended.

As for your request, your line manager has indicated that he would be in agreement, after taking account of your normal duties and I would therefore have no objection in granting you permission to attend the meeting.

T J Tinley
Operations Commander

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 409 Bromley Fire Station

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Zedgen (revised)


To: Bob Wilson
cc Jim Parsons, Colin Hodge, Ken Seager, Simon Smith, Paul Hayden, Alan Campion, Graham Saward

From: Trevor Tinley

Date: 08 January 1999 16:31

Leave for Wigglesworth

Wigglesworth, has requested a day to attend the FBU AGM on 13th January 1999. I have decided to give him the day off as it makes us look reasonable. I am sending him a memo. Thanks to those of you who have been keeping tabs on him. Keep the good work up.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 208 Aldeburgh Fire Station Surplus Equipment Auction

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Observations on doc 405*

By way of the To: list there is a large number of persons involved and striving to advance the prosecution of Wiggy (X), and in opposition there be the singular firefighter Y. That said even those listed under To: are not the full prosecution crew as you may have noted in earlier documents.

Perhaps you might also notice the blatant variation in the naming of individuals. ACFO Seager describes the defendent by surname whilst a more cosy naming of his helpers is chosen. Perhaps this reveals another feature of "Command Power" through rhetorical expression. Or is it just simple hatred or contempt?

Par 1
..............and having sought the advice of Chris Jackson and members?

Wots gone wrong here?
Such personal interference and actions described in par 1 by the Brigade Investigating Officer is strictly prohibited under the Fire Discipline Regs.
Indeed, courtesy of the own writings of ACFO K Seager in April 1999 this position will be confirmed. In essence, there should be no prior contact with hearing members, CFO/FM's or councillors, by representatives until the formal hearing begins.

...............I have indicated a reluctant acceptance.

Hmm, why the reluctance?

Par 2
This is my least favoured option...........

Oh really, one wonders what the other options were?

Par 2
.................We run a risk of putting their noses out of joint if we dig in. It will make the business of presenting (Colin and Graham) that much more tricky.


Par 3
It isn’t clear yet whether or not any of us will end up as witnesses.

Funny? Why well the charge sheets were delivered to X & Y in August & October 1998, complete with listed prosecution witnesses. And of course it should not be forgotten that ACFO K Seager put himself down as witness to support his own charge. But that is contrary to Fire discipline regs isn't it?

* Please remember that these observations/comments are subjective, qualitative and unfactual. Like all such human comments they are possibly flawed as they are made from the perspective of a singular individual. As stated at the beginning you are encouraged to make your own judgement. Please feel free to advance your own observations. By that process we can move toward a better overall understanding and GROUNDED THEORY of the situation.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 407 Sproughton Fire Setter

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Ken Seager

From: Ken Seager
Sent: Friday, January 08, 1999 9:26 AM
To: Colin Hodge; Sarah Davies; Graham Smith; Ken Seager;
Malcolm Alcock; Simon Smith; Trevor Tinley
Subject: SubO X

After much deliberation, and having sought the advice of Chris Jackson and members, it is the considered opinion of county Personnel that the two SubO X cases should be combined in one hearing before a disciplinary tribunal of elected members. Having spoken to the Chief, I have indicated a reluctant acceptance.

This is my least favoured option, but there are powerful organisational arguments in favour of this approach. As the Chief points out, if solicitors and members favour it, we run a risk of putting their noses out of joint if we dig in. It will make the business of presenting (Colin and graham) that much more tricky.

It isn’t clear yet whether or not any of us will end up as witnesses. It could still be the case that Colin and or graham is excluded from involvement on those grounds. As soon as I get a list of approved witnesses from DJM, I’ll let each of you know your fate.

Sarah – please let Jo Campbell know.


Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 406 Falmouth Fire Station Cutbacks

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Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 405 Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Control Operator Vacancies

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Suffuck County Council

Secretary and solicitor

By FAX (Fax no 01284 706064)
The Employment Tribunals
Southgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AQ

Mr Gillespie
01473 584113
5th January 1999

Dear Sirs

CASE NO 1502020/1998

I enclose a notice of appearance in respect of the above case.

Yours faithfully

Alan Gillespie
For K W Stevens
County Secretary and solicitor


Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 404 Norfolk and Suffolk IFE President Eddie Meelan

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Section 7 Attachment to Main Body of IT3 (Doc 402)

1. The Applicant claims under Section 44 Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA 1996) that he has suffered a detriment for a health and safety reason namely being investigated for a disciplinary offence under the Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations 1985 (the Regulations) for disobedience to Orders. The order was a requirement to seek permission before taking time off for health and safety duties.
2. The respondent resists the application on a number of grounds.

2.1. The applicant is not recognized by the Respondent as a health and safety representative.

2.2. Attending a trade union meeting even if an agenda item dealt with health and safety is not a ground set out in Section 44 (1) (a) – (e). The link to health and safety is tenuous in the extreme.

2.3. The applicant’s claim is an abuse of process: he has already withdrawn an action under Section 44 ERA 1996 (1501132) (98) following a decision taken by the Chairman sitting alone on 11 November 1998 that the claim stood no reasonable prospect of success.
3. The respondent requests that a pre-hearing review be held under
Rule & of the Industrial Tribunals Regulations 1993.
K Stevens 5th January 1999

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 403 Aldeburgh Fire Station Charity Auction

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Suffolk County Council IT3 Notice of Appearance in response to IT1 (Doc 382 & 383) lodged at Bury St Edmund’s Employment Tribunal 5th January 1999.



1. Full Name and address of the Respondent:


2. If you require documents and notices to be sent to a representative or any other address in the United Kingdom please give details:


REF 20123/ag

Tel 01473 584113

3. Do you intend to resist the application?


4. Was the applicant dismissed?


5. Are the dates of employment given by the applicant correct?

Began on 6.9.93.

Ended on N/A.

6. Are the details given by the applicant about wages/salary, take home pay or other bonuses correct.

Basic Wages /Salary £22,125 per annum.

Other Bonuses/Benefits £1,230.96 per annum.

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 402 Bogus Lowestoft Firefighter

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Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y
Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR32 2QA

ACFO Seager
01473 588939
4th January 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,


Thank you for your letter dated 30th December 1998, 31st December 1998 and 1st January 1999, all of which I received today.

In respect of the accident investigation report number 762, I must insist on a clear acceptance by you of the terms and conditions set out in my letter dated 2nd December 1998 before I can agree to release the document. Careful reading of your letter dated the 30th December 1998 does not, in my view, convey a positive acceptance of those conditions. I enclose herewith a first class reply paid envelope for your use. If you would kindly write in confirmation of your acceptance of my conditions I will see that a copy of the accident investigation report is provided for your use within 24 hours of receipt of such acceptance by me.

I note also your request for a full copy of the minutes of a Junior Officers’ meeting chaired by Assistant Chief Officer Tinley at Headquarters on the 10th June 1998. I have been advised by ACFO Tinley that although the meeting to which you refer did take place, no minutes were kept or produced. This is normal practice within the Operations Command for this type of meeting.

I have today received a copy of a letter sent to you by Miss Sarah Davies on the 29th December 1998 which sets out the information you seek from Mr X’s personal file and other records about his sickness, accident and health and safety leave records. Presumably, by the time you receive this letter, you will have received Miss Davies’ reply yourself.

Finally, I can confirm that I was given a copy of Keith Lynch’s report by the Chief Fire Officer. I requested a copy because I became aware during the investigation that certain allegations were being made against me in my capacity as Brigade Investigating Officer by Mr X. The Chief Fire Officer received a copy of the report from the chief Executive, with an indication from her that it could be copied on request.

Yours sincerely

K E Seager
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 401 Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Support Role Vacancies

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10 Somerleyton Road Oulton
Suffolk NR32 4RD

your ref Tel 01502 574763

02 - 01 - 99
Dear Mr Morgan,

Thank you for your letter dated 30-12-98.

I have read and considered your comments in relation to the witnesses named in connection with case one. Overall your analysis reduces my witness list to a mere 6. In response, unless you can convince me otherwise by the provision of further more detailed particulars, the 44 witnesses as specified are still required and relevant to the defence case.

As to what is relevant should be left to the elected members on the day who will no doubt require essential substantive background beginning on or, about 01 May 98. This can only be provided by the 44 witnesses who have been named. Indeed there is still the possibility that Dr Deacon may yet be called if an instrument to effect this is available.

As to the next step forward may I suggest that a meeting is fixed between ourselves and my union representative.

I also include a list of justifications for case 2, which with discovery my evolve further in the near future.

yours sincerely

SubO X

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 400 Harrow Fireman

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Lowestoft Fire station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA
Tel 01502 403842

1st January 1999

Your ref

Dear ACFO Seager,

Further to your letter to me 15th December 1998, and the promise to supply the sickness, accident and health & safety leave records across particular periods for SubO X.

I have as yet not received this information. As such I make another request for this information and ask that you supply it without further delay.

For the purpose of minimising postage costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

Yours sincerely

Firefighter Y

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 399 Harrow Firefighter

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Explanation Doc 397

In respect of the report by K Lynch I ask you to supply me with the name of the person who has provided you with this document.

For the purpose of minimising costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

So, what’s behind doc 14 you might ask, or then again maybe not?

By the way if anything arises that you wish to question pleas feel free to get in touch.

Par 1
Letter to SubO X 22nd December 1998
ACFO Kenneth Seager wrote to X (remember Y is X’s accused friend) on 22nd December 1998. Guess when it fell through the post-box of X? Christmas Eve, 24th December 1998. Is it not said, the traits of harassing superiors may include sending victims messages, innuendo etc at weekends or before the start of a holiday break. I think the explanation is that it’s supposed to put victims under stress and raise anxiety.

The crux of ACFO Seager’s letter (to be eventually loaded on X’s site) was that he had taken it upon himself to enter 2 further documents into evidence against X.

Wonder why?
Is it anything to do with X & Y asking their own questions of ACFO Kenneth Seager?
But why wonder?

Well the thing is ACFO Kenneth Seager issued the relevant charge sheet on or around 31st July 1998. Does Logic not dictate that he surely determined he had sufficient evidence to prosecution X at that time? Maybe it does, maybe it does not? Confusing init?

So what were the documents ACFO Kenneth Seager had decided to introduce?

1. The report by Keith Lynch into the harassment allegations made by you(X) against the deputy Chief Fire Officer dated 26th October 1998.

2. The decision of the Chairman of the Employment Tribunal on a pre- earing review held at Norwich on the 11th November 1998.

Report by Keith Lynch ( former Bingley Harrier, may also have been a admin bod for West Yorks Police) (where is he now – don’t know – might still be in charge of Suffolk social services) what’s this then?

Ah yes. Well it seems that in response to the fact that DCFO S A Smith undertook to make an unlawful deduction of X’s wages the latter made an official complaint of harassment against the DCFO.

Keith Lynch concluded the unlawful act did not constitute harassment of a fellow employee (of course the full report will form part of X’s site). So there you go the Suffolk County harassment policy has a standing precedent.

Also worth noting that just as most other organisations impose confidentiality clauses to harassment complaints and investigations so too does Suffolk.

Well if its all confidential user friendly etc how come ACFO Kenneth Seager has got a copy of it? Not only that what’s he doing using in a discipline prosecution? All good questions.

A worthy digression from Y is justified at this point to consider what Mrs Lin Homer conveyed to a legal representative of X re his harassment complaint 12th August 1998.

‘I have today been contacted by Ms Lin Homer of Suffolk County Council with regard to your complainant of harassment. Ms Homer has telephoned me to assure me that while she respects your right to choose to leave this matter in the hands of myself and the industrial tribunal, if you choose to deal with the complaint of harassment through her, then you will receive no detrimental treatment’.

Hence, the query by Y in doc 14, as to who gave ACFO Kenneth Seager the confidential report.

The Employment tribunal decision referred to ACFO Kenneth Seagers letter 22nd December 1998. Rest assured the wording is the singular decision.

In actual fact there were two decisions.

1. A decision confirmed that the wage deduction carried out on X by
DCFO S A Smith was conceded as being unlawful by Suffolk County.

This is the deduction that led to X being charged with Insubordination.

2. The second decision was that X’s other complaint was unlikely to be successful.

As ACFO Seager specified the singular it was assumed by X & Y that he would only introduce the second decision documentation.

The reply from ACFO K Seager is a few documents away. Hopefully we will still be on air by the time we get to it?

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 398 Harrow Fire Station

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Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

your ref

31st December 1998

Dear ACFO Seager,

Further to your letter to SubO X 22nd December 1998 and your decision to enter other documents as evidence.

In respect of the report by K Lynch I ask you to supply me with the name of the person who has provided you with this document.

For the purpose of minimising costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

yours sincerely

Firefighter Y

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 396 Suffolk Safety Plan 2007/08

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Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

your ref

30th December 1998

Dear ACFO Seager,

Thank you for your letter 18th December 98 in respect of the accident report 762.

In answer to your comments I still require the letter and look forward to receiving it promptly.

In addition I also require for the same purpose a full copy of the minutes of the Junior officers meeting at Ipswich 10-06-98 chaired by ACFO Tinley.

For the purpose of minimising postage costs I enclose a further copy of this letter which I ask you to sign in acknowledgement of receipt and return to me.

yours sincerely

Firefighter Y

Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 396 Knightsbridge Fireman

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Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Your ref
Our ref PersFile/l/djm2.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

30 December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


Further to my faxed letter of the 18 December 1998 to Firefighter M Hyde and my confirmation that, on that date, I had received your list of witnesses, I can now set out below my carefully considered views on the list.

I have taken advice from ACFO K Seager and paid particular attention to para 7 of Annex D of the Guidance Notes to the Regulations and set out below my responses to the 44 (you have repeated 22) potential witnesses. In accordance with the powers given me under the Fire Services (discipline) Regulations 1986 I have decided the following:-

1. Divisional Officer Paul Hayden.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

2. Leading Fireman Stephen Bartram.
Accepted as relevant.
Witness allowed.

3. Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
Accepted as relevant witness.
Witness allowed.

4. Miss Sarah Davies (Brigade Personnel Manager).
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

5. Assistant Divisional Officer Paul Seager.
Accepted as a relevant witness.
Witness allowed.

6. Sub Officer Kieron Davey.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

7. Divisional Officer Graham Smith.
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

8. Station Officer James Parsons
Already listed by management.
Witness allowed.

9. Divisional Officer Robert Batchelor.
Accepted as a relevant witness.
Witness allowed.

10. Divisional Officer Colin Hodge.
Apart from the fact that he is likely to be the presenting officer he was acting under the instructions from other officers who can be questioned by you.
Witness not allowed.

11. Assistant Divisional Officer Robert Middleton.
I find that this officer has nothing to add to likely evidence.Already listed by management.
Witness not allowed.

12. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager.
I find that any evidence that this officer could offer would not impact on the evidence surrounding the facts of the case/charge.
Witness not allowed.

13. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley.
I find him not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

14. Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock.
I find him not relevant to the charge; speculative request.
Witness not allowed.

15. Sub Officer George Moran.
Matter of fact.
Witness not allowed.

16. Station Officer Graham Saward.
Matter of fact.
Witness not allowed.

17. Leading Firefighter Michael Peaper.
I find him not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

18. Sub Officer John Tiffen.
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness allowed.

19. Sub Officer Gary Smith.
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

20. Sub officer Peter Redbourn.
Not relevant to the charge in relation to the matter involving ACFO Tinley. However, accepted as a relevant, expert, witness to the circumstances of the charge.
Witness allowed.

21. Sub Officer Henry Landis.
Will simply repeat Sub Officer Redbourn’s evidence.
Witness not allowed.

22. Leading Fireman Southgate.
Will simply repeat Sub Officer Redbourn’s evidence.
Witness not allowed.

23. Sub Officer Chris Wallis.
Accepted as a relevant expert witness.
Witness allowed.

24. Sub Officer Keith Boyce.
Either Wallis or Boyce but not both.
Witness not allowed.

25. Assistant Divisional Officer Fuller.
Accepted as a relevant and expert witness.
Witness allowed.

26. Fireman Terry Austin.
Either Fuller or Austin but not both.
Witness not allowed.

27. Senior Fire Control Officer Parker.
No dispute on evidence.
Witness not allowed.

28. Sub Officer Henry Landis.
Will simply repeat Sub Officer Redbourn’s evidence.
Witness not allowed.

29. Linda Homer (County Council Chief Executive).
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

30. Mr Keith Steven’s (County Secretary & Solicitor)
Not relevant to the charge.
Witness not allowed.

31. D. Matthews (FBU Health & Safety National Officer)
In accordance with para 7b of the Guidance Notes I can invite him to attend through written notice – however, being an “expert witness in the field of Health & Safety” will need to be expanded preferably via a written statement relevant to the case.
Witness allowed.

On the basis of the comments above, five of the people you list (Davies, Davey, Hayden, Parsons & Smith G) will be management witnesses and, with the possible exception of Hayden, will be providing written statements at management’s request.

On your part, and assuming you accept my comments, you will need to consider obtaining statements from Bartram, Hayden, Smithers, Seager P, Batchelor, Redbourn, Wallis (or Boyce), Fuller, (or Austin) and Campion (or Smith).

Please let me have your response to my comments. Any final disagreements on the validity of your witnesses should, I suggest, be a matter for the (Elected members forming the) Disciplinary Tribunal and it may be appropriate for the management case to be presented before any final decisions are made thereon.

At an appropriate juncture I would wish to release the (final) list of your witnesses to the Brigade, not least because time off will need to be arranged, and so I do hope we can resolve any disagreements as soon as possible.

Finally, may I also remind you that a similar list, with justifications, needs to be submitted to me for case 2, certainly, by theend of the calendar year.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

Suffolk Fire Society - Doc 395 Knightsbridge Firefighter

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Southgate Street. Bury St Edmunds, Suffuck, IP33 2AQ

Telephone 01284 762171
Fax 01284 706064

Case Number 1502020/1998

SubO X


Suffuck County Council

Acknowledgement of application

1. Your application has been received and registered at this office. Any future correspondence relating to this application should quote the above case number and should be sent to this office.

2. A copy of your application will be sent to each respondent whose response, if any, will be copied to you.

3. You will be given at least 14 days notice of the hearing of the case unless all parties agree to a shorter period.

4. A copy of the application will be sent to the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) if it has power to conciliate in this case. In such cases the services of a conciliation officer are available free to parties. ACAS is a separate organisation and not part of the Employment Tribunals. If you think it may be possible to settle the case through conciliation you can contact ACAS yourself and speak to a conciliation officer.

5. If you do not already have copies of the booklets “ what do employment tribunals do” (booklet 2) you should ensure you obtain them from an employment service job centre.

SubO X

Julie Bailey
For regional secretary of tribunals
Dated 29th December 1998

Form IT5 E&W – 8/98

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 394 Knightsbridge Fire Station

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Enclosure referred to in Doc 293

SubO X

Sickness record (6.9.93 - 30.4.98)
6.5.98 - 12.5.98 (7 days) Inflammation of the neck and lower back
12.6.98 - 30.6.98 (19 days) Malaise
7.8.98 - 12.8.98 (6 days) Stress

Accident Record (6.9.98 - 30.4.98)
1.5.98 While setting up a decontamination exercise alone, raised 2 drill dummies from ground level on to top of water carrier and strained his back

Leave for Health & Safety Duties (5.8.97 - 4.8.98)
5.8.98 (1 day)