Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 463 Beccles Fire Station Commander

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

By the 12th February 1999 SubO J Tiffen*, the Blue Watch Officer was becoming twitchy and concerned as to how the reversion of Y was being handled. In particular, he was most concerned about where blame for the situation might be placed. In an effort to palm blame away from himself/ provide objective explanation? he compiled the following rough hand chronological notes on or, shortly after 12th February 1999.

29-1-1999 - Grievance invoked. 0900

29 - loite litl mlet day (note added 1999 suggests
that this insertion refers to the
acknowledgement letter from T/ADO Saward).

0900 TUES 2nd FEB - Status Quo - grievance invoked.

1400 – ISH THURS 4th FEB – SAYWARD RANG MY HOME + told me to order Firefighter Y to remove his bars on nights.

1800 – ordered Firefighter Y

1801 – went to inspect Hippodrome left mick behind

- ON RETURN Firefighter Y had rang bill - to advice grievance invoked status quo mick to stay at LF or Brigade in dispute

1800 Fri 5th FEB – 0900 SAYWARD ASKED ABOUT Firefighter Y.

- Firefighter Y + GILLY SEE ERIC + SAYWARD

- confronted Sayward felt watch were being picked on.

1800 FRI 12th FEB - Firefighter Y + SubO X see HODGE + SAYWARD.

WEDS Jan 19th Day – Me on course
SAYWARD TOLD ME HE WOULD see Firefighter Y about reverting.

Tues 2nd FEB – firefighter Y spoke to Hodge about grievance AM

* SubO. J. Tiffen, the same person who made a formal complaint against CFO Tony Baker’s alcohol consumption at Lowestoft Fire Stations Christmas dinner. See doc 3.

The Suffuck Fire Experience - Doc 462 Norfolk Firefighter Recruitment 2007

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at http://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/


The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 461 Felixstowe Fire Station Surplus Equipment Sale

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Conclusion of Grievance hearing Officers Mess Lowestoft 12th February 1999 1800 hrs .

The hearing was about 30 minutes in length during which Y stated his case and was asked questions by DO. C. Hodge. This included specification of the legal status of the contract made between Y and ADO Fuller 25th September 1998.

DO. C Hodge told Y that he did not believe he had a proper formal contract that could be applied to the temporary promotion situation.

He also told Y that his legal status document was invalid and not relevant.

After discussion of Y’s grievance DO. C. Hodge asked Y and his representative to leave the Officers Mess so that he and T/ADO Saward could come to a decision.

On leaving the Officers Mess Y and his representative slithered off through the Station Canteen to the Officers Mess back door to listen to what DO. C. Hodge and T/ADO Saward were discussing.

It quickly became apparent that DO. C. Hodge would not be upholding Y’s grievance. This was despite the fact that he acknowledged that it should be, as a result of ADO Fullers contract and the rights expressed by Y during the grievance. DO. C. Hodge made several references to the Deputy and inferred that he was ordered to reject Y’s grievance out of support for T/ADO Saward and to remove Firefighter Y from the position of Temporary promotion. Whilst not particularly keen to do this he said that the grievance could be moved up the command and somebody else could sort it out. Asked by T/ADO Saward as to what he was going to tell Y he said, “I’ll just say I uphold your original decision and will give reasons later, after I have had chance to brief the Dep and he has told me what to write.”

And so it was when Y was called back into the Officers Mess.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 460 Lowestoft Fire Station Annual Charity Bonfire

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Attachment- Re Legal Status
Given to DO. Colin Hodge by Y, 12th February 1999 1800 hrs Grievance meeting Officers Mess Lowestoft.

The agreement made between ADO Fuller and Ff Y constituted a CONTRACT and a legally binding agreement.

AGREEMENT arises as the result of an OFFER and ACCEPTANCE.

ADO Fuller offered acting/temporary to Ff Y for the duration of LFf Browns sickness?

Ff Y accepted ADO Fuller’s offer to act/temp for the duration of LFf Brown’s absence.

The PRICE for which the PROMISE is bought.
ADO Fuller Ff Y

Ff Y promised to act up on the understanding that it would be for LFf Brown’s entire sickness duration.

4 Principles

1. The promise must have economic value E.G. Ff Y undertook Junior officer duties. GOOD CONSIDERATION did not apply.

2. It was no Ff Y’s normal duties.

3. The promisee’s have not changed. ADO Fuller was the CFO’s agent.

4. Ff Y has executed the consideration entirely.


When the agreement was made between ADO Fuller and Ff Y both parties intended the agreement would be honoured.

Ff Y is capable of LFf duties, ADO Fuller was Station Commander.

In writing.
Oral understanding.

Agreement made was not prohibited by statute.

1. Economic
Wages from now till return of LFf Brown.

2. Insult
Failure to consult, failure to honour contract, stress of grievance procedure and detriment from non-application of status quo.
Failure of normal civilised behaviour to negotiate proper notice.
False grounds to terminate contract.
Breach of contract (repudiation by words and action)
Repudiation entitles the injured party to sue for damages and losses sustained.

To treat contract as still in existence, therefore continue to wear bars. Lapse of time without seeking a remedy may be treated as affirmation

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 459 Martlesham Heath Brass Band Concerts 2007

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Notes made by SubO X

1800hrs Feb 12th 1999
Firefighter Y’s Grievance meeting Officers Mess Lowestoft

Those present

SubO X
G Saward
C Hodge

Mr Saward is here because he dealt with the decision last week and can assist me with the background.
To Y can you for my benefit outline your grievance and the reasons behind it.

Gives a general outline in relation to his temporary promotion which began in Sept 98 to provide cover for PB.
Basically I was asked if I would do the job to which I replied, I would be prepared to be temporary if it was for the duration of PB’s sickness.

Asked by whom

ADO Fuller, as you can see from the memo which is a contractual obligation and T/ADO Saward has decided not to honour by suggesting I revert to FF without proper notice. Essentially he is acting in bad faith as it is quite clear that the agreement between me and ADO fuller constitutes a contract, (reading from prepared notes – doc 4?).

Puzzled look in response to contract, takes notes but refrains from comment.

As a result of T/ADO Saward not recognising the agreement I invoked the grievance procedure in good faith and the reasonable expectation that the status quo would be honoured as specified in paragraph 12 page 4.
Unfortunately this has not been the case and T/ADO Saward is misguided/clearly wrong.

Did ADO Saward discuss your reversion beforehand.

The actual letter from ADO Saward confirmed a previous discussion during which I informed ADO Saward his action was wrong.
As I said I had a clear agreement, myself and ADO Fuller in the form of a contract (refer to notes)

Mr Saward what were your reasons for your decision last Friday, to uphold your position.

Basically it was done in the interests of promoting equality of opportunity and fairness at work.
Also I needed to give FF English the opportunity to act up so I could assess him for the forthcoming LFF assessments. So my action created the right environment for me to assess him properly.

To GS so having made these arguments on 19 Jan has anything changed.

I am still of the same opinion.


The same arguments hold as I said it was to promote equality of opportunity, also when PB became sick nobody foresaw the length of his sickness.

As Mr Saward said the circumstances of FF English’s temporary promotion were clear, as he said the need to assess him was paramount. I also commend the equality of opportunity that Mr Saward strives for.

I must point out that T/ADO Saward asked me to revert without the thought of a need to preserve the status quo inherent in the grievance procedure.

While CH considers his decision with GS approx 2 mins.

I can confirm that I am upholding ADO Saward’s decision.

I refer you back to T/ADO Saward’s reasons and misleading evidence. His need to assess FF English for the forthcoming assessments, FF English is already assessed (see doc 41).

Errrrr………..Even so I uphold ADO Saward’s decision and I will give extended reasons to you on Monday.

If you have made your decision then you must have reasons and I ask you for them now.

Para 5 says the reply will be in writing. That is all I have to say.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 558 North Eastern Regional Fire Control Belmont Business Park Durham

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Allcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 10th February 1999


I would like to join the local IFE branch on their visit to the Channel tunnel 12th February 1999. I request I am granted leave to attend and enhance my CPD

SubO X

Due to programme commitments I am unable to agree to this request

R Wilson Training School Commandant

TJ Tinley 11. 02. 99

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 557 Beccles Fire Station Charity Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Allcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 10th February 1999


I have been approached by the Suffolk FBU education officer, with a view to me attending a union residential school course entitled fairness in the workplace. The course duration is 2.5 days and scheduled to run 1st – 3rd march 1999. Attendance would provide me with a element of personal development that is not available by Brigade means.

SubO X

Following perusal of the department commitments for the period 1st – 3rd march I am unable to agree to the above leave. I would suggest that a future course is identified giving more notice, the chances of fulfilling the requirement would then be enhanced.

R Wilson training School Commandant

TJ Tinley 11. 02. 99

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 456 Bungay Fire Station Charity Auction

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Ken Seager

From: J Campbell PER/SD/JC/SS

Date: 11th February 1999



Following the meeting we had with the chief and the elected members about how we can legitimise the hearing, and your instructions in the memo 4th Feb, I got in touch with the suppliers to see if we could obtain a copy. They told me that the dummies are disposable and constantly being changed. As such I cannot guarantee we would get an exact replica as used by X. Can you let me know whether you still want me to order one for the hearing.

J Campbell Personnel Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 455 Eye Fire Station Surplus Equipment Sale

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 10th February 1999


I would like to join the local IFE branch on their visit to the Channel tunnel 12th February 1999. I request I am granted leave to attend and enhance my CPD

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 454 garstang Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 10th February 1999


I have been approached by the Suffolk FBU education officer, with a view to me attending a union residential school course entitled fairness in the workplace. The course duration is 2.5 days and scheduled to run 1st – 3rd march 1999. Attendance would provide me with a element of personal development that is not available by Brigade means.

SubO X

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 453 Garstang Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at http://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/



Operations command

From: DO Hodge

To: Ff Y

Date: 10th February 1999

Reference: Grievance Procedure

I refer to your memorandum to me dated the 5th February 1999, relating to your grievance over the termination of your period of temporary promotion as a temporary leading firefighter.

I understand you saw ADO Saward at 1800 hours on Friday 5th February to discuss your grievance and that subsequently you have forwarded the grievance to me as the next stage of the procedure. I received your memorandum at BHQ on Monday 7th February.

In your absence today, I have arranged to interview you at Normanshurst at 18.00 hours on Friday 12th February. If this time is not suitable, then, in my absence on Thursday 11th February, please notify ADO Saward accordingly, and I will rearrange the date with you at a mutually convenient time

CF Hodge
Divisional Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 452 Garstang Fire Station


Regional Office
100 Southgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AQ
Phone: 01284 762171
Fax: 01284 706064

SubO X
Our ref: 1502020/98/VM

Case Number 1502020/1998
SUBO X (Applicant) v SUFFUCK COUNTY COUNCIL (Respondent)

1. The tribunal has ordered a pre-hearing review to consider the Originating Application/Notice of Appearance in this case. This will take place at
Southgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, on Wednesday, 31 March 1999 at 10:00 am or as soon thereafter on that day as the tribunal can hear it.

2. Unless there are wholly exceptional circumstances, no application for postponement will be entertained if it is received more than 14 days after the date of this notice. Any such application must be made in writing and state the full grounds and any other unavailable dates in the six weeks following the above hearing.

3. All representatives must inform those they represent of the date, time and place of the pre hearing review.

4. Please see the attached Guidance Notes about attendance at the hearing and other matters.

5. You may submit your representations in writing and advance oral argument at the hearing if you wish. The Tribunal will not hear the evidence of any witness at this hearing.

Mr N Farthing
For Regional Secretary of the Tribunals
Dated 09 February 1999

cc ACAS/Secretary of State for Trade and Industry* (Delete as appropriate)
Form IT4 PHR E&W 8/98

6. Thank you for your letter dated 19th January 1999. It has been referred to a Chairman of the Tribunals (Mr C R Ash) who has directed me to tell you that this case is going to be listed for a pre-hearing review, as requested by the respondent in their notice of appearance. He has said that the disciplinary procedures are not relevant to the pre-hearing review and so he does not agree to the proceedings being stayed.

Our exchange of correspondence has been copied as indicated below.

Yours faithfully

VJ Marsh
For regional secretary

cc: K W Stevens Suffuck County Council


The Suffolk Fire Experience - doc 451 Clare Fire Station Charity Auction


To: Sub Officer X

From: T J Tinley (ACFO Operations)

Date: 8th February 1999

Health and Safety Leave/Union Leave

I refer to your request dated 21st January 1999, for leave to attend a meeting in Felixstowe on the 10th February 1999 and confirm that the request is granted. It has been granted on the understanding that you are attending a Fire Brigades Union Brigade Committee meeting, it is not clear from your memo. Would you advise me if that assumption is wrong.

I must comment on your statement that you need to attend because there is no other forum where you can be updated with regard to carrying out your representative functions. The brigade Health & Safety Committee has a constitution that is set out in HS06 and clearly benefits from the support of all personnel, the Fire Brigades Union has 2 representatives on the Committee. It has been my experience that the Fire Brigades Union representatives are pro-active in the Health and safety fields, indeed, Sub Officer Davey has served not only on the Brigade, but the County Committee and has updated Fire brigades Union members where appropriate. Our Health and Safety Committee surely represents an excellent method for you to be updated and conversely for you to share your thoughts and ideas that you fell are within your remit as a safety representative.

T J Tinley
ACFO (Operations)

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 450 Clifton Road Fire Station Closure Sale of Fire Equipment

Note this document was not provided to Y until on or around 12th April 1999. Therefore, its creation as dated cannot be independently verified.


To: Chief Fire Officer

From: ADO Saward

Date: 6 February 1999

Grievance Firefighter Y

As a result of leading Firefighter Brown’s sickness, ADO Fuller promoted Firefighter Y to the rank of Temporary Leading Firefighter with effect from Sunday 27 September 1998. This appointment was confirmed in a memorandum dated 25 September which also stated that the temporary promotion would continue “until the return to full duties of LFf Brown”

My understanding is that it was envisaged that LFf Brown would be sick for approximately 4 weeks. It has now become evident that the sickness will continue for many months.

I assessed the impact of this long term absence, taking into account the representations of the watch officer, together with the personal development needs of station personnel.

There are two firefighters on station Normanshurst who have been assessed as suitable for promotion to the rank of Leading Firefighter. Firefighter Y has not.

Having held the rank for four months and in an attempt to employ the principle of fairness and equality, I took the decision to revert Firefighter Y to his substantive rank, having previously taken advise on the position regarding the wording of ADO Fuller’s memorandum, and temporarily promote another Firefighter to Temporary Leading Firefighter.

I spoke to Ff Y on the evening of 19 January and informed him of my decision. He was not pleased with the decision and I told him that I would confirm the details to him in writing, which I did in a memorandum the following day.

When I arrived at my office on the morning of 29 January, there was an envelope on my desk which contained a memorandum from Ff Hyde in which he gave notice of his wish to invoke the grievance procedure.

I wrote to him the same day, and delivered the letter by hand to his home address, acknowledging receipt of his request and informing him that I would be available to hear his grievance at 0900hours on Thursday 4 February, which was the next time I would be in Lowestoft.

On Wednesday 3 February Ff Y spoke to me on the telephone and said that this time would not be convenient to him and we agreed to meet at 1800hours on Friday 85th February.

At the first stage meeting Ff Y was accompanied by Firefighter Gilbert as his union representative and Assistant Divisional Officer smith was present as a witness and took contemporaneous notes.

The main substance of the grievance was the memorandum from ADO fuller. It soon became clear that I would not be in a position to satisfy his grievance and he indicated that he wished the matter to be referred to the second stage.

G. E. Saward
Assistant Divisional Officer

The Suffuck Fire Experience - Doc 449 Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service Firefighter Recruitment 2007




From: T L/FF Y

Station: 016

Date: 05-02-99

Grievance Procedure


On the 29th January 1999 I invoked the Grievance Procedure with regards to having my Temporary Promotion taken away from me.

Today 5.2.99 I met T/ADO Saward for the first stage of my Grievance and I am not happy with his decisions. Therefore I wish to go to the next stage.


Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 448 Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Roadkill Officer Contacts

Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Operations Department, Normanston Drive, Lowestoft
Facsimile Transmission Covering Letter

To: NAME Chris Hayward
COMPANY F. B. U. Secretary
FAX NO. 01473 ******

FROM: NAME Firefighter Y
DATE 05-022-99
FAX NO. 01502 ******


Tonight I have been ordered to revert back to Firefighter and T/ADO Saward does not recognise the status quo procedure that goes in hand with the Grievance procedure. I trust that you will be able to help me in this matter


Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 447 Framlingham Fire Station Charity Auction

Eric Smith
Witness at

Meeting between FF Hyde and ADO Saward

FF Y was reduced in rank to FF from L/Ff, which was confirmed in a memo received by FF Y on 25/1/99

29/1/99 Grievance + memo from ADO Fuller with letter of acknowledgement receipt of letter.

5/2/99 FF Y invoked Grievance procedure
FF Y doesn’t think the decision was taken by ADO Saward and wanted him to speak to the person who told him to do this.

ADO Saward explained that long term absence acting up should be shared around.

FF Y then asked why he was still an ADO.

ADO Saward considered the 3 month period was a reasonable time to act up, there was a similar situation at Beccles.
There are other people on station who are suitable to have temporary promotion.

ADO Saward had decided to change FF Y after 4 months and temporary promote someone else. ADO Fullers memo was written known to him and was written in good faith and this sickness appears to be long term at least for another 3 months.

ADO Saward then said he was aware of the grievance procedure and this should be invoked through the line manager who was ADO Saward, and the memo of 29/1/99 is in force and FF Y will revert to FF on 1/2/99.

FF Y then queried the grievance procedure and when invoked is now status quo.

ADO Saward explained the grievance was put in on 29/1/99 and the conditions prior to the letter issued on 20/1/99 revert FF Y back to FF.

Both parties discussed the grievance procedure and FF Y confirmed his grievance concerns the memo from ADO Fuller and his temporary promotion.

ADO Saward stated his memo of the 20th is in force.

FF Hyde stated ADO Fullers intentions were quite clear and the acting up was on behalf of the CFO and cannot see what authority ADO Saward has to change this.

ADO Saward then confirmed that FF Y will revert back to FF with effect from 1/2/99, which is an order.

FF Y then removed his rank markings and said they may well be back on after a phone call.

FF Y said that the memo from ADO Fuller and the grievance procedure should now be a status quo from ADO Fullers memo and not ADO Sawards.

ADO Saward then said it was not a personal vendetta and it could happen to anybody else on the station.

ADO Saward then said he hoped they would not fall out over this

FF Y then explained he did particularly like anybody *

FF Y’s demean was abrupt, sharp and confrontational which could be expected under the circumstances ***.

* Believed that this should have read ‘did not particularly like T/ADO Saward.’

*** It was common knowledge that T/ADO Saward asked ADO Smith to sex up this element of the notes. ADO Smith refused to do so.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 445 Fleetwood Fireman

Suffolk Fire Service

Note for Case

Date 4 February 1999

Subject Accident to Ff Farr, 3 February 1999

Officer ADO Campion


Whilst in attendance at an incident at the Hippodrome Bingo Hall on 3 February 1999, I was made aware of an accident injury to Ff Farr.

The nature of the event was that Ff Farr had been instructed to disconnect a length of Hosereel tubing from Normanshurst 01 Appliance & reconnect it to Normanshurst 02. The reason for this was to ensure the utilisation of only one set of Hosereel tubing for the production of Foam.

As the Hosereel coupling was disconnected, Ff Farr received a discharge of liquid into his eyes. First Aid measures were administered by Ff Petitt, on my instructions. Following this Ff Farr stated that his eyes were stinging but that he would remain at the incident.

I instructed SubO Tiffen (Oic of the Incident) to ensure that the Accident was reported to Fire Service control in accordance with Brigade procedures & that the required reports were completed on his return to Station.

It became obvious, upon investigation, that the Hosereel tubing was still pressurised from Firefighting operations when the coupling was separated, thus a discharge occurred. T/LFf Y who was the Driver/Pump operator of Normanshurst 01, seemed unaware that this state of affairs (although the gauges on the Appliance should have indicated it ). On questioning him regarding the remaining pressure in the Hosereel he stated that, “I would have thought that someone would have released it by opening the Branch.”

It appeared when the accident occurred, that a number of personnel (including the T/LFf) treated it with some amusement. This resulted in momentary bad feeling between Ff Farr & T/LFf Y, but this was resolved quickly by pointing out to them all that such events were dangerous & required more careful handling in the future.

A check on the status of T/LFf Y’s uniform on 4 February 1999, in company with T/ADO Saward, shows that his helmet continues to carry LFf rank markings. I marked this helmet later with a small black dot on its rear skirt area.

A.D. Campion

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 445 Martlesham Heath Brass Band Parent Rep Admits Sexual Offence With a Trumpet

NR 33

31st January 1999
DO. C Hodge
Suffolk Fire Service
Ipswich IP4 4SS

Dear Sir,

On the evening of 29th January 1999 I was at home off duty at the above address with my wife Gail and my daughter Laura. I was in the back of the house at the time and my wife and daughter were in the front of the house in our sitting room. It was dark so they had a light on and the curtains of the room were partially open.

My wife sensed being watched and looked towards the window and saw a figure looking through the window, this startled her and caused my daughter to look at the same time. I heard my wife shout my name, she sounded alarmed. I quickly went to the room and she pointed at the window and said someone was looking through the window at us. I immediately went to the front door and opened it and saw a figure running out of my garden. I noticed that the person was in uniform and I called out “what do you want?” as he was moving away. He then stopped in the road and looked around and by the light of a street lamp outside my house I recognised the person as being Mr Saward.

I was angry and called out to him “too scared to knock on the door then?” He said that he did not want to disturb me. I then said, “what do you think you are playing at skulking around here in the dark?”

He said that he was delivering a letter.

“Where is the letter I demanded”? “Oh! Here it is”, it was in his hand. I then went up to him and noticed he was nervous, he then held out a letter to me, which I took.

“What’s this then?” I asked. He said it was notification of your grievance hearing from me. I then asked who is coming to see me on Thursday? He said “what do you mean?” I said “you know what I mean, I am expecting someone to come and see me to hear my grievance”. He said that he was hearing my grievance and offering me an appointment. I was disgusted and wanted to get back to my wife and daughter to see if they were OK. This was an unwanted intrusion of my family. Why a Fire Service Officer had to come to my house and behave improperly is beyond me.


Firefighter Y

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 444 retired GMC Fire Officer

1. Who is ADO Campion?

Halesworth who were under his supervision for some time called him the “Pie Man.” This phrase was brought about by his appearance which was as the Halesworth crew said similar to that of the type of person who used to have a Mothers Pride round and sell Pies, Cakes and Bread from the back of a Ford Transit. To this there is also the “Pilsbury Dough Man” term uncovered by Bungay Fire station. Apparently Bungay fell on this description when dealing with a RTA. It seems that a passing firefighter from GMC struck up a conversation with the crew. A crew member then said that their station ADO was ex GMC. Asked who, the answer was Alan Campion. To which the GMC firefighter said words to the effect, Oh you mean the Pilsbury Dough Man!

2. Sub title Note for Case. The author writes the account with the knowledge of some ongoing process?

3. The report is made the day after the incident.

4. ADO Campion confirms that SubO Tiffen was present for the day shift 3rd February 1999. The presence of T/LFf Hyde is also registered. In consequence, it seems that Y is performing the LFF rank under the full knowledge of SubO Tiffen. The 3rd February was the second day shift for blue watch. Later T/ADO Saward says he cc SubO Tiffen the January instruction for Y to revert from 1st February. Yet 2 days later Y is still T/LFf. Has SubO Tiffen forgot or has he not been cc the January instruction, or is it something else?

5. A check on the status of T/LFf Hydes uniform on 4 February 1999, in company with T/ADO Saward, shows that his helmet continues to carry LFf rank markings. I marked this helmet later with a small black dot on its rear skirt area. Hmmm very interesting and valuable insight into how the mind of a fire Officer operates. However, it should be pointed out that the helmet did not belong to Y. It was the helmet of another officer. Reason being that Y never added rank markings to his own helmet. He simply borrowed the helmet of the LFf for whom he was covering through out the period of T/LFf.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 443 Fleetwood Firefighter

Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y

A.D.O. Saward
29th January, 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,

I acknowledge receipt of your request to invoke the Grievance Procedure in respect of my notification to you that you will revert to your substantive rank of Fire-fighter on 1st February 1999.

I will be available to hear your grievance at 0900 hours on Thursday 4th February 1999 at Normanshurst Fire Station.

If you have any queries regarding these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

G. E. Saward
Assistant Divisional Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 442 Fleetwood Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” athttp://thesuffolkhydeaffair.blogspot.com/

Zedgen (revised)


To: Chief Fire Officer Alcock

From: SubO X
Station: 055

Date: 21st January 1999


I request I am granted leave to attend the union committee at Felixstowe 10th February 1999. This will enable me to be updated on health and safety issues and allow me to carry out my representative role effectively. Secondly, I will also be representing the Lowestoft branch of the Fire Brigades Union as the voting delegate on other matters that are listed on the agenda.

SubO X

The Suffuck Fire Experience - Doc 441 Elmswell Fire Station Surpluse Equipment Sale




From: T L/Firefighter Y

Station: 016

Date: 29-1-99

Temporary Promotion

I wish to invoke the grievance procedure regarding your letter dated 20th January 1999 which I received on 25th January 1999*.

I refer to letter **dated 25-09.98 from ADO Fuller which clearly defines my situation.


Firefighter Y

* Y was on rota until 25th January

** doc 2 in the Suffolk Hyde Series

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 440 Brandon Fire Station Charity Auction

Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Firefighter Y Esq
Lowestoft Fire Station

Miss S Davies
Tel 1473 588872

28th January 1999

Dear Firefighter Y,

Thank you for your letter dated 19th January, 1999. Mr. Seager has asked me to reply on his behalf.

The answers to your questions are:

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes

I hope my response is sufficiently prompt for your needs. If you have any further queries please telephone me.

Yours sincerely

S. Davies,
Personnel Manager

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 439 Preston Fireman


Regional Office
100 Southgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AQ
Phone: 01284 762171
Fax: 01284 706064

SubO X
Our ref: 1502020/98/VM

Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter dated 19th January 1999. It has been referred to a Chairman of the Tribunals (Mr C R Ash) who has directed me to tell you that this case is going to be listed for a pre-hearing review, as requested by the respondent in their notice of appearance. He has said that the disciplinary procedures are not relevant to the pre-hearing review and so he does not agree to the proceedings being stayed.

Our exchange of correspondence has been copied as indicated below.

Yours faithfully

VJ Marsh
For regional secretary

cc: K W Stevens Suffuck County Council


The Suffuck Fire Experience - Doc 438 Preston Firefighter


Regional Office
100 Southgate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AQ
Phone: 01284 762171
Fax: 01284 706064

K W Stevens
County Secretray & Solicitor
Suffuck County Council
County Hall
Our ref: 1502020/98/VM
Your ref: 20123/AJG/MW

Dear Sir

Please find enclosed a copy of correspondence between the applicant and this office. This case would normally be listed for hearing in Norwich, but you will note in the last paragraph of his letter that the applicant asks for the case to be heard in Bury St Edmunds.

I would be grateful if you would let me know, within 7 days of this letter, whether you agree to this case being listed in Bury.

This letter has been copied as indicated below.

Yours faithfully

VJ Marsh
For regional secretary

cc: SubO X