Friday, March 30, 2007

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 384 Northfleet Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


To: All Training Staff

From: ADO Wilson

Date: 21/12/98

Subject:- New Courses

As you will be aware we have several new courses running in 1999. These courses will need to be developed and to this end I have spread the development workload throughout the department as follows:-

RTA Incident Management Barry Kent
Aircraft Incident Management Chris Wallis
Rail Incident Management Pete Raven-Fuknuckle
RTA Refresher Steve Rhind
Retained Continuation SubO X
Retained Basic Hazmat SubO X
Junior Officer Hazmat SubO X
Junior Officer Radiation SubO X
Ship and Port Station Officer Jim
Ship and Port Continuation Bob Wilson
Ship and Port Incident Management Bob Wilson
Confined Space Management Station Officer Jim

Some of these courses may be adapted from existing course materials however we must ensure that they are fully up to date. All course materials must be in standard format. This format has been used recently for compiling the Retained Junior officer course and files should be viewed at the Training centre. Only this standard format will be acceptable. Attached to this memo are the course aims and objectives which you will need to construct your courses around.

Those responsible for developing courses must bear in mind that they may have to run in different venues and this should be covered in the course administration file. It is important that visiting lecturers or visits to outside venues are identified early so that adequate notice can be given. I am happy for people to make initial contact themselves but any correspondence should be sent signed by me. Also you should not enter into any agreements with cost implications without first consulting with myself or DO Hayden.

I am aware that we are running to a tight schedule and time management will be important, it is therefore recommended that you identify blocks of time that can be devoted totally to course development work. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of the development work please do not hesitate to contact me.

RA Wilson
ADO Training

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 383 Northfleet Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at



SubO X




I am employed by the respondent as a Sub-Officer in the respondent’s Fire and Rescue Service, serving at Lowestoft Fire Station and, holding the post of instructor. I am a member of the Fire Brigades Union which is a Union recognised by the respondents for the purposes of the safety Representatives and safety Committees Regulations 1977. In February 1997 I was nominated for the post of safety Representative for the Lowestoft branch of the Fire Brigades Union. In response I was duly elected by a fair democratic process to the position of Safety Representative for the Lowestoft branch and, to this day still retain that position. In taking this position I fully accept the requirement to perform to the best of my abilities the functions outlined by the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977.based at Lowestoft Fire Station.

On the 3rd of August 1998 I was informed by a fellow Health and Safety representative that there was to be a Fire brigades Union Committee meeting on 5th August 1998 at Felixstowe Trade and Labour club. A normal part of the proceedings at these meetings is an update on health and safety matters that are relevant to Fire brigades union members. More specific to this meeting was the demonstration, on health and safety grounds, of new equipment to the Union committee members, to this I played a significant part in my capacity as a health and safety representative. Indeed my attendance at this meeting for the express purpose of assisting with the aforementioned demonstration was suggested by and invited by my senior manager ( ADO Paul Hayden). Having being notified of the relevant meeting and with no operational commitments I requested the necessary leave with the maximum notice available to me under the prevailing circumstances. As such I complied totally with the relevant terms in my employers document HS06, section 14. 1 which concerns the procedural arrangements for Safety representatives leave:

HS06. 14. 1.

‘The safety representatives will be required to give reasonable notice of requirements for time off where practicable, and in normal circumstances obtain the prior approval of the County Fire Officer. In granting time off for safety representatives due account will need to be taken of operational commitments.’

Having attended the meeting referred to above I returned to work on 7th August 1998. At 11:30 hours on the same day I was informed by my senior manager (ADO Paul Hayden) that he was of the opinion that I was not entitled to the health and safety leave I had taken on 5th August 1998. At the same time the respondent initiated a full scale prosecution against me under the Fire Services (Discipline) Regulations 1986, with regard to the leave I had taken and recorded as health and safety leave. The respondent charged me the offence of disobedience to orders on account of me attending to my health and safety duties on 5th August 1998 as part of my capacity as a health and safety representative.

It is submitted that I acted reasonably and as instructed by my senior manager ADO Paul Hayden in taking leave for health and safety duties. The procedure I followed to obtain health and safety leave was technically correct and in line with normal custom and practice and HS06, 14.1. I was clearly entitled to the health and safety leave taken on 5th August 1998 for which I received nil personal benefit. In contrast, I believe that the respondent has, and continues so, acted inappropriately, unreasonably and in bad faith. That is evidenced by way of the disciplinary prosecution instituted against me which has so far subjected me to action short of dismissal. For that I submit that they have acted contrary to section 44 of the employment rights act 1996.

Signed SubO X 20th December 1998

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 382 Northfleet Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


Application to an Industrial Tribunal

• If you fax this form you do not need to send one in the post.
• This form has to be photocopied. If possible please use BLACK INK and CAPITAL letters.
• Where there are tick boxes, please tick the one that applies.

Box 1. Please give the type of complaint you want the tribunal to decide (for example: unfair dismissal, equal pay). A full list is given in Booklet 1. If you have more than one complaint list them all.

1. Action short of dismissal for health and safety grounds.

Box 2. Please give your details.

SubO X
NR32 4RD

Tel 01502 403836

Box 3. If a representative is acting for you please give details.

Box 4. Please give details of your employment.
From 04.10.1978

Box 5. Please give the name and address of the employer, other organisation or person against whom this complaint is being brought.

Suffolk County Council
Suffolk Fire Service
Fire Service Headquarters
Colchester Road

Tel 01473 588888

Please give the place where you worked or applied to work if different from above.

Lowestoft Fire Station
Brigade training
Normanston Drive
NR32 2QA

Box 6. Please say what job you did for the employer (or what job you applied for). If this does not apply, please say what your connection was with the employer.

Sub-Officer in the Suffolk County Council Fire and Rescue Service.

Box 7. Please give the number of normal basic hours worked each week.


Box 8. Please give your earning details.

Gross £1946 per month.
Net 1300 per month.

Box 9. If your complaint is NOT about dismissal, please give the date when the matter you are complaining about took place.

Please see attached (Doc 382).

Box 10. Unfair dismissal applicants only.

Not applicable.

Box 11. Please give details of your complaint.

Please see attached (Doc 382).

Box 12. Please sign and date this form, then send it to the address on the back page of this booklet.

SubO X 20th December 1998.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 381 John Tiffen Corrupt Suffolk Fire Officer

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Emergent Proposition) Fire Service Command Power Syndrome Theory (CPST)*

Fire Service CPST practitioners fear loss of face from a belief that they will be perceived to be weak if they surrender positions taken up.

When this situation becomes a reality and they are forced to give ground they will attempt to mitigate damage to their reputation by building conditions into any agreement to give the impression that the recipient submits to the personal authority of the FSCPST practitioner.

Forced into such U-turns the FSCPST practitioner will seek to implement retaliation measures at the first opportunity.

*The proposition is generated from the development of this case study and the behaviour reported in Doc 379 & 380

Other propositions advance from the developments outlined in this blog which aid to construct an idea of the FSCPST practitioners mindset can be found at Docs 85,66 & 132, 158, 226, 265, & 301 Collaborating evidence is available right from Doc 1 in this blog. See “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” Archives at

The propositions come from hindsight and repetitive realism.