Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 170 Clare Fireman Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

4th AUGUST 1998

All in all a remarkably quite day as far as the Lowestoft Training Department was concerned. And why shouldn’t it be? After all the Suffolk Farce Service Training Department never run courses during the month of August on account of the fact that they are never subscribed to by the retained majority who seem to view August as prime holiday time.

So not much doing. Well apart from the fact that ADO Hayden was instructed to report to BHQ for an afternoon Pow-Wow with the CFO, Bob Batchelor, DO Hodge (Hog with spell checker) and the rest of the Brigades Principal Officers at short notice by way of a telephone call from the CFO’s secretary at approx 10.30. By way of further ear-wigging it seems that the meeting was due to start straight after lunch at 14.00 hours. The purpose being to sort out what they were gonna do with Sub Officer X via a fitting up appointment.

Indeed, always eager to show his mug around BHQ our ADO Hayden was almost falling over himself in the rush to get down the A12 to Ipswich. That said he did have time to bump into Sub Officer X before he shooted off down south. Seems X had to get hold off him for the purpose of sorting out some leave. First up being Health and Safety leave for the next day (5th august 1998). This was for the purpose of helping Sub Officer Kieron Davey give a Health & Safety presentation to FBU officials. In fact it was the case that ADO Hayden had told Kieron Davey to get X to help him with this a few days earlier. In consequence, ADO Paul Hayden was fully aware of the situation when Wiggy approached and said no problem, ‘ no problem, just put the paper work on Jim’s desk’ as he said. X then also told ADO Hayden that for family reasons he might also need leave on the following day, 6th August 1998. Again our brummie wide boy accented ADO Paul Hayden expressed no problem and said that if the leave was required he should take it and put the paperwork for the attention of Station Officer Jim to sort out on his return from holiday.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 169 Clare Firefighter Vacancies

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Congress House
Great Russell Street
Telephone: 0171 637 9761
Facsimilie: 0171 637 0000
Solicitors for the Plaintiff
Reference: CDJ/WIGGLESWORTH/L98/60166

I am employed by the Respondent as a Sub-Officer in the Respondent’s Fire and Rescue Service. I am based at Lowestoft Fire Station.

On or around 1st May 1998, I had an accident at work. I continued to work for a further 2 days. Later I reported sick for duty for a period of 7 days. In a letter dated 29th May 1998, the Respondent told me that Deputy Fire Officer Simon Smith was of the opinion that my absence arose through my own negligence/default and therefore I was not entitled to receive sick pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of my employment. Deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith went on to say that in the circumstances, I would receive sick pay at only half the rate of my normal pay. I did in fact receive sick pay for the period at that reduced rate.

I submit that the with-holding by the Respondent of half my pay is a “deduction” for the purpose of section 13 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

I further submit that no authority for the deduction had been given either:
a) by virtue of any statutory provision; or
b) by virtue of any relevant provision in my contract; or
c) by way of prior written agreement or consent from myself

and that therefore, the deduction is unauthorised and prohibited by section 13 of the Act.

As a result of the Respondent’s flawed decision, I felt that I was being subjected to malicious harassment, stress and victimisation which did cause me psychological illness. In view of this, and my duty to report dangerous situations, I was compelled to complete a “near miss” form to draw attention to the fact that Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith’s reckless behaviour and action was unsafe and if unchecked likely to cause injury to employees. In response, to me carrying out my duty to report this health and safety matter the Respondent has retaliated and implemented disciplinary procedures under the Fire Services (Discipline) Regulations 1986 against me.

It is submitted that I held a reasonable belief that Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith’s response to my period of sick leave created circumstances which were harmful to health and safety and that I brought this matter to the attention of my employer by a means which was not only reasonable but was also devised and recommended by my employer. It is further submitted that by implementing the discipline procedures, my employer subjected me to action short of dismissal and did so in contravention of section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

Signed A Wigglesworth 1st August 1998

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 168 Clare Fire Station Open Day

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 167 Wendy Blackburn Devon Fire Service

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Application to an Industrial Tribunal

 If you fax this form you do not need to send one in the post.
 This form has to be photocopied. If possible please use BLACK INK and CAPITAL letters.
 Where there are tick boxes, please tick the one that applies.

Box 1. Please give the type of complaint you want the tribunal to decide (for example: unfair dismissal, equal pay). A full list is given in Booklet 1. If you have more than one complaint list them all.

1. Unauthorised Deduction of Wages.

2. Action short of Dismissal for Health and Safety reasons.

Box 2. Please give your details.

Mr Anthony David Wigglesworth
NR32 4RD

Tel 574763

Box 3. If a representative is acting for you please give details.
Congress House
Great Russell Street

Tel 0171 637 9761

Ref CDJ/Wigglesworth/L9860166

Box 4. Please give details of your employment.
From 04.10.1978

Box 5. Please give the name and address of the employer, other organisation or person against whom this complaint is being brought.
Suffolk County Council
Suffolk Fire Service
Fire Service Headquarters
Colchester Road

Tel 01473 588888

Please give the place where you worked or applied to work if different from above.
Lowestoft Fire Station
Brigade training
Normanston Drive
NR32 2QA

Box 6. Please say what job you did for the employer (or what job you applied for). If this does not apply, please say what your connection was with the employer.
Sub-Officer in the Suffolk County Council Fire and Rescue Service.

Box 7. Please give the number of normal basic hours worked each week.

Box 8. Please give your earning details.
Gross £1946 per month.
Net 1300 per month.

Box 9. If your complaint is NOT about dismissal, please give the date when the matter you are complaining about took place.
Please see attached (Doc 169).

Box 10. Unfair dismissal applicants only.
Not applicable.

Box 11. Please give details of your complaint.
Please see attached (Doc 169).

Box 12. Please sign and date this form, then send it to the address on the back page of this booklet.

AD Wigglesworth 1st August 1998.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 166 ACFO Andy Fry Essex County Fire Service

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Mr A Wigglesworth

Thompsons Solicitors
Congress house
Great Russell Street


2nd August 1998

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your letter dated 31st August and its attachments. I am reassured by your confirmation of an intention to pursue my claim to the Industrial Tribunal to recover the monies unlawfully deducted from my wages by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.

I attach the details requested. Please note that I had compiled my letter to you dated 31st July 1998 before receiving your latest letter, that requested some of the actions now underway.

Notwithstanding, these actions I would be grateful if you could call me and let me know when the application to the Industrial Tribunal is formally lodged.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 165 Ann Neylan Royal Berkshire Fire Service

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Mr A Wigglesworth

Thompsons Solicitors
Congress house
Great Russell Street


31st July, 1998

Dear Mr Jones,

I write further to our telephone conversation 27th July 1998.

As you might recall I indicated that I would be returning work on 29th July 1998 after annual leave and that I expected further harassment after verbal threats to that had been made by Divisional Officer Colin Hodge.

Indeed my expectations were justified and substantiated in quick time.

On Friday evening 31st July 1998 I received a menacing, abusive and threatening telephone call at my home address from Assistant County Fire Officer Kenneth Seager. During the conversation I was ordered, with immediate effect, to return to duty at Lowestoft Fire Station. No civil emergency existed for ACFO K Seager to justify this action. Using abusive and intemperate language ACFO K Seager told me that unless I returned to duty I would be prosecuted for “Absence of Duty” under the Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations 1985.

Asked what the justification for the return to duty was ACFO K Seager said it was to pick up a package containing legal documents related to the previously notified investigation. ACFO K Seager said that as this was a legal matter I was duty bound to report to Lowestoft Station. I told ACFO K Seager that I thought he was misguided and that Fire Service disciplinary matters were not governed by practices rooted in the criminal justice system. I told him that as his call was a work matter it could quite easily wait until Monday morning. Once again with a further barrage of intemperate and abusive language ACFO K Seager said that unless returned to duty at Lowestoft Fire Station discipline prosecutions would be instituted. Under such threats and duress I reluctantly agreed to return to duty.

I later met with T/ADO Saward at Lowestoft Fire Station with Sub Officer George Moran present. I was presented with a brown envelope which I duly deposited in my locker at the Station. T/ADO Saward protested against this action imploring me to open the package and sign an official acknowledgement. I told T/ADO Saward that I would consider the contents when I return to work on Monday and left him chuntering to himself.

I will update you later when I have returned to work and had time to view the contents of the package. Notwithstanding, I have no doubt that the contents of the package are related to unlawful deduction of wages carried out by Deputy County Fire Officer Simon Smith, which we discussed at length the other day. Clearly the situation is deteriorating at a rapid rate. Whilst I expressed that I was highly reluctant to make an application to the Industrial tribunal, when we spoke the other day, latest developments seem to suggest that the Brigades intransigence and retaliatory action leave me with no other alternative. Therefore, reluctantly I would ask that the application is pursued without further delay

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 164 Bungay Fireman Vacancies

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Is it that there is a total absence of any note in DO Colin Hodge’s official notebook of the developments leading to the events recorded by Docs 160 –162.

After DO Hodges entry recording his interview and taking a statement from Miss Sarah Davies (27th July 1998) his next entry is on 7th August 1998.

Strange that isn’t it. Especially after he has apparently committed to writing many events, during the investigation, to his notebook.

But then perhaps the most important information i.e his report at the conclusion of investigation to ACFO Ken Seager is not reported. His (DO Hodges) recommendation is missing from the notebook. But maybe it might be because he delivered the outcome, findings and conclusions of his investigation in a written report to ACFO K Seager. However, this would, some time later (another 300 documents down the line - 2001) prove not to be the case when Suffolk County Council Solicitor Mr Alan Gillespie would state categorically that no report existed. Further, that DO Hodge gave a verbal report of his mammoth 2 month investigation to ACFO Seager. But there is no record of a verbal report in the notebook is there? But then again maybe Suffolk County Solicitor Mr Alan Gillespie is telling lies or as Solicitors say “I am instructed?”

Once again strange and seemingly inconsistent with DO Hodge’s previous note taking practice. But then again perhaps DO Hodge may have omitted many other important facts from his notebook.

Perhaps even he was ordered not to take notes by his supervisor when the final outcome and future strategy was decided?

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 163 Bungay Firefighter Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Part II


Admission of Denial of Charges

1. Do you admit or deny the charge(s) against you? If you admit the charge(s), write “Admit” opposite the number of the charge. If you deny it, write “Deny”.

I Charge No 1 I Charge No 3

I Charge No 2 I Charge No 4

You may submit an explanation in writing. If you wish to do so, write it below and continue overleaf if necessary. You are warned that any explanation you may give may be used in evidence.


2. Do you wish to select a member of the Fire Brigade or a member of any other Brigade to assist you in presenting your case?

Answer YES or NO


3. Do you wish to call any witnesses on your behalf, including character witnesses? You can call witnesses even if you admit the charge.

Answer YES or NO

If so please give their names and addresses:
(Continue overleaf if necessary)


Signature of member charged…………………………..

Signature of Investigating Officer Ken Seager ACFO

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 162 Bungay Fire Station

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Analysis Charge Sheet Doc 161

……Under the Code of Offences against Discipline contained in the Schedule of the Fire Services (Discipline) regulations 1985, you are charged as follows:

In that you did, on Thursday, 4 June, 1998, inappropriately use the near miss/hazardous situation reporting procedure to make unsubstantiated allegations of premeditated harassment and bullying by the Deputy County Fire Officer, which words and/or act are insubordinate.

The disciplinary charge chosen by Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager with the help of Divisional Officer Colin Trumpeter-Hodge is Insubordination!

Yes that’s what it says, Insubordination.

The UK Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations 1985 were derived and rooted within military tradition. Therefore, a charge of Insubordination infers mutinous behaviour and most specifically a refusal, by word (i.e. I will not) - act (non-compliance to instructions) or demeanour (rebellious reply etc) to the direct order or instructions of a superior officer. That being a uniformed superior officer. For instance, for the charge of Insubordination to be appropriate in this case would have required a senior officer to directly instruct X that he must not use the near miss system. There was an absence of such direct instruction during the creation and transmission of X’s near miss. Had the near miss been intercepted, as it might be assessed that that was the case by DO Graham Smith June 4th 1998 (Doc 65); and he had instructed/ordered X to withdraw the near miss and the latter had refused then that could equate to Insubordination. Again no superior uniformed officer took it upon themselves to do just that at any time. There was no inter-personal relationship of superior to inferior officer during the creation and transmission of the relevant near-miss. Insubordination was a non-starter.

So why might the experienced (20 years plus service) and fully trained ACFO Kenneth Seager elect for a misconceived charge?

Could it be because ACFO Kenneth Seager is incompetent and a complete phuckwit perhaps?

Was ACFO Kenneth Seager lent upon by the Chief or Deputy County Fire Officer to come out all guns blazing for collateral purposes? After all it was blatantly obvious to any person of average mental aptitude that Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith had inflicted an unlawful act on X. So, some justification for such action was required with legal action beckoning on the horizon. Of course all seems to be to putting the cart before the horse?

But then again maybe it was because of what it states in the official guidance document for the Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations 1985.
…………….. Page 5 Annex A Schedule of Offences: The Code of Discipline……………………………….

…………Other Misconduct
4. Serious Offences
The Code of Discipline does not distinguish between offences which are serious and those which would only merit a severe penalty if they were repeated several times. This is because such differentiation is not possible without knowing the circumstances of the offence. As a general rule, however, certain categories of offence could merit severe penalties even if only committed on one occasion, for example:

a. Any offences involving theft………………………………………………………..

b. Any offences directly contributing to a failure of the brigade to carry out its operational duty……………………………………………


d. Any offence which may render a member of the brigade unfit for operational duty (pissed)………………………………………………

So perhaps the severe punishment being prescribed could be justified by the above guidance? Is that why the negligent, incompetent, malicious or just plain stupid ACFO Ken Seager pegged the charge as Insubordination?

Finally, as remarked earlier Insubordination is a mutinous offence and remarkably difficult to prove with safety. Indeed, a charge that is extremely rare in the UK Fire Service. Seems the more wise Brigade Investigating Officers choose to leave well alone. UK Fire service Discipline statistics collected in the early 1990’s showed that in 2 out of three years there was no Insubordination charges made against UK Firefighters. In the third example a total of 3 charges were made across 50 plus brigades and amongst a total workforce of roughly 50000. All involved violence. So Insubordination discipline cases in the UK Fire Service are some exception.

Especially an exception when they involve the alleged offender filling in the wrong form and being the victim of unlawful action by his wilfully carried out by a superior.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 161 Brandon Fireman Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


Part 1

Full name of accused: Anthony David Wigglesworth

Rank, number and station: Sub Officer, No 854, Training Department, Normanshurst.

Age, rate of pay/retaining fee and date of appointment: Age: 42

Pay: £1,946.33 per month Date joined: 6 September 1993

Under the Code of Offences against Discipline contained in the Schedule of the Fire Services (Discipline) regulations 1985, you are charged as follows:

1. Under paragraph 2 with

(i) Title of alleged offence: Insubordination
(ii) Particulars of alleged offence including time, date and place:

In that you did, on Thursday, 4 June, 1998, inappropriately use the near miss/hazardous situation reporting procedure to make unsubstantiated allegations of premeditated harassment and bullying by the Deputy County Fire Officer, which words and/or act are insubordinate.

(iii) Name and addresses of witnesses in support of charge:

Divisional Officer Graham Smith, 11 North Close, Ipswich IP4 2TL

Station Officer James Parsons, Meadow View, Narrow Way, Wenhaston, Halesworth.

Sub Officer, Keiron Davey, Carlton Colville.

Miss Sarah Davies, Hill Farm Cottage, Akenham, Nr Woodbridge.

You are ordered, within 7 days after service to this Notice to you, to complete Part II and return it to the Investigating Officer, stating whether you admit or deny the charge(s)

Date 31st July 1998

Name and signature of Investigating Officer……………… K Seager

Signature of member charged……………………………………………

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 160 Brandon Firefighter Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


To: Investigating Officer

Brigade headquarters

Rank, number, name and station of accused member.

Sub Officer (854) Anthony David Wigglesworth, Training Department, Lowestoft.

I certify that the Charge Sheet and the relevant documents detailed below were served on the above named member of the Brigade on the date shown.

1. Near Miss/Hazardous situation Report HSF2 submitted by A. Wigglesworth on 4 June, 1998 (Doc 58).

2. Memorandum from Divisional Officer Smith to ACFO Seager dated 5 June, 1998 (Doc 65).

3. Statement of K Davey 11 June 1998 (Doc 101).

4. Statement of Station officer James Parsons , dated 10 June, 1998 (Doc 77).

5. Statement of Sarah Davies dated 27th July, 1998 (Doc 147).

6. Email from Sarah Davies to DCFO Smith dated 3 June, 1998@ 1718 (Doc 55).

7. HSF2 Guidance Notes from Accident/Near Miss folder.

8. Letter from divisional Officer Smith to Sub Officer Wigglesworth dated 4 June, 1998 (Doc 61).

9. Near Miss datafile record completed by Control on 4 June, 1998@1336 (Doc 58).

10. Transcript of interview with Sub Officer Wigglesworth held on 2 July, 1998 (Doc 111).

11. Memorandum from Divisional Officer Hodge to Assistant Divisional Officer Hayden dated 10th July, 1998 (Doc 130).

12. Memorandum from Sub Officer Wallis dated 21 July, 1998 (Doc 139).

13. Memorandum from Sub Officer Boyce dated 21 July, 1998 (Doc 140).

14. Memorandum from Sub Officer Raven dated 21 July, 1998 (Doc 141).

15. Memorandum from Sub Officer Rhind dated 25 July, 1998 (Doc 144).

16. Memorandum from Leading Firefighter Bartrum dated 24 July, 1998 (Doc 143).

17. Letter from Sarah Davies to Sub Officer Wigglesworth dated 29th May, 1998 (Doc 49).

Signature of Officer serving

G Saward

Rank and Number A.D.O. 809
Date 31.7.98

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 159 Brandon Fire Station Open Day

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


Brigade Headquarters
Colchester Road


From : Investigating Officer

To: DO Hodge

Date: 31 July, 1998

Re: Accused Member Sub Officer Anthony David Wigglesworth

I enclose a charge sheet, copy charge sheet and a schedule detailing the relevant documents relating to the charge(s), and copies of the documents. Please arrange for an Officer, not below the rank of assistant Divisional Officer, to serve the charge sheet, copy charge sheet (for accused’s retention) and copies of the relevant documents on the accused member personally, as soon as possible.

The accused member must be advised that he is required to reply to the charge(s) and return the charge sheet to me within 7 days. When service has been completed, the schedule, duly completed as to service, must be returned to me.

K. E. Seager
Investigating Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 158 Aldeburgh Fire Station Open Day

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Emergent Proposition Generated from Doc 157 Events

Fire Service Command Power Syndrome (FSCPST) practitioners exhibit a propensity to conduct their operations against non-members of their clique by way of actions that are or border on Abuse of Authority. The same actions can be cited as evidence of the underlying harassing and bullying personality/mindset tendencies of FSCPST practitioners.

These qualities and the commitment toward them give practitioners “Credibility” and “Gravitas” amongst their clique.

To abuse, harass, and bully victims without reaction from the organisations regulators is the ultimate mark of Credibility that the FSCPST practitioner can achieve.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 157 Aldeburgh Fireman Vacancies

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Events Friday 31st July 1998

Overall a fair summer’s day it was for the last day of the Lowestoft Air Show. The Town was busy and swelled with an estimated 100 thousand plus holidaymakers and aircraft anorak’s all after good spots to view the free show. Also busy was the organisation corporate Suffolk Fire Service. What with extra cover being dedicated to protecting the large volume of visitor’s Lowestoft Fire Station was a real hive of activity.

As for X it seems that somebody had volunteered his services to crewing the Fire Service’s Benevolent Fund caravan/stall that was plonked slap-bang in the middle of Lowestoft promenade with the prime purpose of fund raising by the hard selling of naff gift products to Joe public. And quite a good job X and his sidekick Geoff Long did that day. Whatever, X was stuck on Lowestoft prom from about 11.00 hours until just before 17.00 hours.

Whence back at work X spoke to George Moran the duty Sub Officer for the coming evening shift. Uncharacteristically, good old George had been hanging about the Station all day long. Best we don’t go into why. It’s a long story.

Anyway, according to George it seems that ACFO Ken Zeager-Wanker, as George put it, had been trying to get hold of X throughout the afternoon with repeated harassing calls to the Station. Incidentally, George was non too impressed with Mr Seager who had written a him a malicious reference when seeking to join Norfolk. You see Kenny was previously the Brigade Training Officer at the rank of Divisional Officer and George’s line manager when George did a stint in the Training Department. Thing is “good old boy” Ken Seager didn’t show him the reference before he attended the interview. That fell to the Norfolk officer doing the interview who asked if George was aware of what Kenny had said about him.

To which George said, ‘no.’

‘Oh I see’ said the Norfolk bod who then went on to say ‘I think I better let you have a look then’.

All in all the reference was a bit of a stinker and basically said George was a right tosser and that Ken most certainly couldn’t recommend him to a potential employer. So no love lost there and probably explains George’s derogatory name calling. We think the phrase twat was also repeatedly used.

Also it seemed that after his failed attempts to contact X Ken Seager had also delegated the task of getting hold X to Brigade Control later in the afternoon.

With George talking to control it seems that he prised some detail of what all the rush and urgency of Ken Seager’s desire to get hold of X might be about. According to control Ken Seager and his senior colleagues Chief Fatty Alcock, DCFO Simon Large-Smith and the scheming Fagan like ACFO Trebor Tinley and a whole host of other sycophants had held an urgent meeting at BHQ during the afternoon. It was the outcome of this meeting that resulted in Ken Seager desperately trying to get hold of X.

Well what with X being run off his feet and having been as frentic as a time-share sales rep trying to shift the Benevolent fund tack all afternoon and as it was past 1700 hours he told George that whatever it was Kenny boy was after it could easily wait till the following Monday. ‘Yeah I don’t blame yer’ said George as X cycled off home for a relaxing weekend.

So, X having got home it wasn’t long before the phone rang. Wonder who it was disturbing the peace at X’s home?

Good guess. Not only but also ACFO Ken Seager. Strange but this was the first call X had received from Kenny at home. So, a peculiar development. Maybe Kenny was inviting X to a round of golf or a candle light dinner? Somehow don’t think so. Especially, as X isn’t a freemason

First response from X being, ‘I don’t take workplace telephone calls at home.’ If you wish to discuss any workplace matter please contact on Monday morning. Bit of a red rag to a bull that. As Kenny then went into one and expunged a high volume of colourful abusive language.

In the first instance, Kenny told X that he required him to be recalled to duty at Lowestoft Fire Station to receive a package from Station Officer Graham Saward.

Once again X said he did not take phone calls related to work matters at home and that Kenny should deal with the matter on Monday morning. In addition, there was no union representation available at short notice on a Friday night. To which Kenny said ‘ the FBU can’t help you or anybody else for that matter, you don’t need them to receive a package.

‘I can’t see no reason for returning to work unless there is an emergency said X.’

From colourful abusive language Kenny’s tone ratcheted up to threats and orders.

In essence Kenny ordered X to return to duty immediately. He went on to say that if X did not return to duty at Lowestoft Fire Station to meet with Station Officer Graham Saward then Kenny would report the matter as a disciplinary offence.

Under such malicious duress X did return to Lowestoft Fire Station immediately (1745 hours). He remained there in the general company of George Moran until 1930 hours when Station Officer Graham Saward arrived from Ipswich to hand over the A4 brown envelope/ package containing documents.

On arrival Graham Saward went into the Station office before the hand-over to telephone Kenny of his arrival. He said little more except, ‘don’t shoot me I’m only the postman’ finishing with a giddy giggle.

So the hand-over took place and X put the package under his arm and turned to walk off. The Graham Saward said, ‘you have to open it in front of me to check it out.’

‘Pardon’ said X.

In a strained anxious voice Station Officer Saward repeated himself, ‘you have to open it in front of me to check it out.’

X paused for a moment and then retorted, ‘no it’s addressed private and confidential to me, I’ll put it in my locker and open it on Monday morning.’

‘No no your not supposed to do that’ said Graham Sawood in what was by now an even more anxious strangulated voice.

But X was by now marching down the green tiled corridor toward the muster bay to stick the package in his locker where it stayed until Monday. Seems that X adlibbed and went off Station Officer Saward’s script. Suppose he then had to tell Kenny there had been an amendment to the script.

With hindsight and reflection it was apparent that ACFO Ken Seager had no right to order X to return to duty. In short, his behaviour may potentially be defined as an act of Abuse of Authority. Most certainly his abusive behaviour inherent in the telephone call to X’s home is an arguable prosecution of Suffolk County Council harassment policy.

So, all in all another potential breach of the Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations (1985) by ACFO Kenneth Seager.

For sure a rhum old boy is good old Kenny in he?

As for what’s in the brown envelope/package? See Doc 160 onwards.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 156 Aldeburgh Firefighter Vacancies


The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 155 John Owers Devon Fire and Rescue Service

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Suffolk County Council

Mr. A. Wigglesworth
NR32 4RD
Your ref
Our ref lH/VH/HQ.2 (e)
Date 30th July 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth

Thank you for your letter of 26th July, 1998, detailing your allegation of harassment by the Deputy County Fire Officer, Mr Simon Smith.

The matter will be dealt with in accordance with our normal procedures, which I have now commenced.

I will come back to you with further detail as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Lin Homer
Chief executive

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 154 Lowestoft Fireman Vacancies

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TEL 0171 637 9761
FAX 0171 637 0000
Fax 0181-546 5187


Mr A Wigglesworth

By Post only

30 July, 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth,


I enclose booklet and application for the tribunal which I have partly completed. Please add the full addresses and postcodes in box 5. Please read the attached grounds of complaint. If the Grounds of Complaint are true, then please sign the back of the application form and also the Grounds of Complaint where indicated.

Please then return the Application form and the Grounds of Complaint to me immediately for lodging with the tribunal.

Yours sincerely

Craig Jones

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 153 Lowestoft Firefighter Vacancies

The Fire Brigades Union

Established 1918


Tel 0181-541 1765
Fax 0181-546 5187
Please quote this reference on all replies
98 LR 10/14642 HH
29th July, 1998

Legal Assistance : Anthony David Wigglesworth

Brigade : Suffolk

Branch : Lowestoft

Mr C Jones
Thompsons Solicitors
Congress House
Gt Russell Street


Your claim has now been forwarded to our Solicitors. They will forward it to one of their branches who will contact you in due course.

Regional Secretary: S Brinkley

Brigade Secretary : C Hayward


Ian Brandling
National Officer