Monday, January 01, 2007

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 380 Bath Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Re Doc 379

Well well now it appears our Fire service Command Power syndrome theory (FSCPST) control freak Ken boy Seager wants to provide a copy of the accident report to which he has be completely reluctant up to that point.

Why ?

Well this comes a couple of days after a complaint on the matter has been made to Ken boys bum chum Dave Morgan. So nice to know that each of these distasteful characters are in each others pockets. And that they each cry like canaries to each other.

No doubt mason Morgan has pointed out to Ken boy that he’s pretty much out on a limb in refusing/denying the defence their disclosure rights.

Of course we must remember that FSCPST practitioners are fearful of a loss of face. So, in this situation good old Ken boy tries to pull down the mist on his retreat by invoking conditions to the release of his information (knowledge rights). As they say knowledge is power. And what is more in the FSCPST practitioner psyche its surrender is weakness.

So Ken boy wants SubO X to submit himself to his authority by signing away his legal rights. I think a fascist might operate like that?

Think we also have some fresh emergent propositions arising from this authoritarian behaviour?

The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 379 Bath Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Your ref
Our ref KES/SubOX2
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

18th December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


I write further to my letter of 15th December 1998 regarding the release of the Accident investigation report for accident number 762 which occurred on 1st May 1998.

On further reflection, I am prepared to make this document available to you for the sole and exclusive purpose of it being presented, all or in part, in a duly constituted hearing under the Fire services’ (Discipline) Regulations, 1985 as evidence for the defence of the charge(s) against SubO X.

The use of the document in any other context, or the copying, forwarding or discussion of its contents with or to any person other than the accused without the express permission of the chief Fire Officer shall constitute a breach of confidence for which I shall hold you personally responsible.

If you would kindly indicate in writing your acceptance of the above conditions by return, I shall arrange for a copy of the investigation to be forwarded to you.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 378 Bath Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Your ref
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

18th December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X

I refer to your letter dated 22nd November 1998.

I interviewed Divisional Officer Hayden myself on 30th November 1998 in connection with the allegations of falsehood you made.

I am writing to inform you that, as a result of that interview, I am entirely satisfied that there is no reason to believe that Divisional Officer Hayden has committed a disciplinary offence, nor is there any reason to doubt his integrity as a potential witness in disciplinary hearings.

As I have had no further details from you and in response to my letter of 27th November asking for other documentation I must therefore advise you that I do not intend to take any further action regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 377 Felixstowe Fire Station Website

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Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Fire safety Department, Normanston Drive, Lowestoft
Facsimile Transmission Covering Letter

FAX NO. 01473 584081

DATE 17-12-98
FAX NO. 01502 403469


I fax to you my request (doc 6f) to ACFO Seager for an accident report, this being the fourth time of asking. I also fax to you his reply (doc 7g) to me dated 15th December 1998.
Your comments will be welcome A.S.A.P.

M.J. Hyde

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 376 Woodbridge Fire Station Website

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Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Your ref
Our ref er/w/l/djm130.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

15th December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


I refer to my letter of the 1st December and to your telephone call late last week.

In my potential capacity as secretary to the disciplinary tribunal I can confirm that appropriate confidentiality will be applied to the comments you submit in support of your lists of possible witnesses for the two cases.

Today is the 14th day after the date of my letter requesting your submission and I must ask you for them by return.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 375 Beccles Fire Station Website

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

M Hyde Esq
Lowestoft Fire station
PO Box 54
NR32 2QA

Your ref
Our ref KES/Sub Officer X2
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

15th December 1998

Dear Mr Hyde,


Thank you for your letter dated the 12th December 1998.

I fail to see entirely how the accident report to which you refer can be in any way relevant to the charge faced by Mr X. I therefore intend to seek legal advice regarding releasing the document for such a purpose.

On the separate matter of the sickness, accident and health & safety leave records of Sub Officer X; I have sent your letter to the Personnel Manager with a request that she supplies the information you seek.

Yours sincerely

K E Seager
ACFO (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 374 Bristol Fireman

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your ref

14 -12- 98

Dear Mr Morgan,

Further to our telephone conversation 09-12-1998, I have as yet to receive your letter of undertaking to observe total confidence with regard to the information requested by you 01-12-1998. I assume from your reply which indicated you had no problems with such a request that the documented undertaking is in the process of delivery to myself. Nonetheless, I advise you the nature of the evidence the following witnesses can give. Once more to reiterate the above I stress the information below must not on any account be shown to anybody else, in this I include your closest colleagues.

1. DO Hayden, P.
The witness is required to explain his direct involvement in the seminal
event leading to the unlawful deduction of wages, to this are other relevant
falsehoods on his part of which some are in document form and of crucial relevance.
2. L.F.F. Bartram, S.
This witness was the assistant assigned to assist the accused by mutual
arrangement amongst all other Training instructors during the seminal
event. This persons assistance to the accused was withdrawn by DO
Hayden and is incongruent with the latters explanation and justification of
subsequent events. At the same time is an expert witness to disputed work
3. D.C.F.O. Smith, S.
Threatened unlawful action, ultimate unlawful action by substance to
another Fire Service member an anathema to the persona of a uniformed
Fire Brigade Officer which demands total integrity and, supreme honesty,
therefore vital to the establishment of reasonableness.

4. Ms Davies, S.
Inextricably linked from the very beginning by deeds documented and
5. A.D.O. Seager, P.
Expert witness to confirm H/S reporting procedures and explain
contradictions in others evidence.
6. SubO Davey, K.
Involved by investigation, can explain certain contradictions and
inconsistencies in investigation also expert witness to work practices.
7. DO Smith, G.
Originator of compliant vital to establish reasonableness
8. StnO Parsons, J.
Inextricably linked from beginning and by involvement in investigation
Will also confirm accused as a H/s rep with right to functions SRSCR1977
section 4.
9. DO Batchelor, R.
Failure to process grievance and witness to employee relations also
statements made on 2 July of direct relevance to the case
10. DO Hodge, C.
Assistant Investigating Officer, to support factual inconsistencies in
technical procedure, failure to investigate other breaches of discipline and
vested interest.
11. ADO Middleton, R.
To act as a principal witness to support and confirm all above.
12. ACFO Seager, K.
To support claim of vested interest, explanation why despite being told
unlawful action had been carried out by other Brigade member on 18 June
no action taken, abusive telephone call 31 July and personal involvement.
Vital in establishing reasonableness
13. ACFO Tinley, T.
Comments made June 10 at junior officers meeting by which he implicated
himself and others in connection with the relevant events surrounding this

14. CFO Alcock, M.
Personal involvement in connection with Brigade Management team
decision to recommend unlawful action, this is where ultimate
responsibility rests for pursuance of justified/vexatious case. Total
discretion to exercise discipline, clearly a key witness in establishing
reasonableness. Confirmation as to receipt of recorded delivery of
complaint of unlawful action and possible breach of discipline by senior
officer and failure to act.
15. SubO Moran, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
16. StnO Saward, G.
Witness to serving of papers in connection with case 1 by unreasonable
17. L.F.F. Peaper, M.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10
18. SubO Tiffen, J
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
19. SubO Smith, G.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, to ensure no singular
victimisation arises from the airing of this evidence.
20. SubO Redbourne, P.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10. also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
21. SubO Landis
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.
22. L.F.F. Southgate, J.
Witness to comments of ACFO Tinley June 10, also expert witness to
misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in
respect of seminal event.

22. SubO Wallis, C.
Senior instructor in charge of course leading to seminal event vital to
relevant facts surrounding this issue also expert witness to bogus
evidence in connection with fictitious work practices specified by
prosecution witnesses.
23. SubO Boyce, K.
Training centre instructor expert witness to procedures and fictitious
evidence surrounding seminal event. Also relevant variations to work
practices not taken into account by person/persons committing initial
unlawful act. Will also support evidence of falsehoods by principal witness
24. ADO Fuller, A
Expert witness as former Brigade Training Officer to work practices
carried out in Training Department to support misleading evidence in
presentation of this case. At same time will confirm accused status as H/S
rep and long term knowledge of this fact, also written notification received
from union education rep reference 10 days attendance at initial reps
course !
25. F.F. Austin, T
Will confirm written notification of accused as H/S rep and right to relevant
functions SRSCR1977 section 4.
26. SFCop Parker
Recipient of Near miss as named by prosecution evidence
27. Suffolk County Council Chief Executive Mrs Lin Homer
Expert witness as practising solicitor to unlawful action, Explanation to
actions beginning June 10 and reported personally 26-07-98 which are
inextricably linked to the case. Will confirm falsehood on part of senior
Fire Service Officer by witness to documentation
28. Suffolk County Council Solicitor Mr K Stevens
County Council monitoring officer, expert witness to unlawful action
personally informed by recorded letter 10-11-98.
29. Suffolk County Council harassment Adviser Mr A Webb
Direct involvement by appointment as harassment adviser and witness to
sickness reaction by non mitigation of situation reported in near miss.
30. ADO Campion, A
Witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.

31. ADO Smith, E
Confirmatory witness to the accused carrying out functions SRSCR1977
section 4 in substance.
32. L.F.F. Ayers, R
Witness to circumstances surrounding events of June 4.
33. F.F. Long, J
Witness to circumstances surrounding seminal event of accident 1 May
giving rise to the case, will demonstrate clear breach of agreed work
practices and explain subsequent events.
34. SubO Raven, P
Implicated by prosecutions own evidence in papers served also expert
witness regarding dispute procedures.
35. Cutmore, M. Brigade IT Manager
Implicated by direct involvement and named in prosecution documented
36. Rhind, S
Implicated by being witness to events and direct involvement, named in
prosecution documented material.
37. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Heather Marsden.
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
38. Miss C Debman
To support and enforce statement of earlier witness
39. L.F.F. Collins D
Expert witness to work practices alledgedly broached and used as
justification to institute unlawful direction against accused.
40. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr K Lynch
Witness to integrity of principle prosecution witness will confirm
41. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr D Lay.
Expert witness to unlawful action and mangement practice also directly
involved by past processes.
42. Suffolk County Council Personnel Officer Mr N Wilding
Expert witness to Health and safety matters that are inherent to the case.

43. Mr D Matthews
FBU Health & Safety National Officer
Bradley House
68 Coombe Road
Kingston upon Thames
Expert witness in field of Health and Safety

yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 373 Bristol Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Lowestoft Fire Station
PO Box 54
NR 32 2QA

your ref
12 - 12 – 98

Dear ACFO Seager,

I request with urgency a copy in full of the accident report 762, 01 May 1998.

I am aware that several reasonable recorded requests have been made for this document to no avail. With regard to this I should inform you that I require the document to enable me to fulfil my function as the representative in the defence of SubO Wigglesworth against the charge of insubordination. Indeed this may/may not entail the document eventually entering the formal debate.

The failure to obtain this document clearly puts the defence at a dis-advantage to which you have now been informed. In this light I am sure you can see my request is more than reasonable and, imposes a duty upon you to act in a reciprocal manner.

Additionally, in respect of the same case I would also request that you can via the personnel manager provide me with the following relevant information in memo format,

The sickness record in toto of SubO Wigglesworth 06 Sept 1993 - 30 April 1998.
The accident record in toto of SubO Wigglesworth 06 Sept 1993 - 30 April 1998.

At the same time with regard to case two can you provide me with the following relevant details,

The number of days leave accredited to health and safety duties taken by SubO Wigglesworth in the twelve months to 04 Aug 1998.

your sincerely

M Hyde.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 372 High Wycombe Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Telephone call to Dave Morgan 9th December 1998 re his letter 1st December.

Mr Morgan was asked to put down certain guarantees about the information he had requested. He declined to do so.

Discussion also included the offer to have meeting where he could be verbally be presented with the evidence for each witness whereupon he could immediately decide on each witness with recourse to other persons. He declined to do so.

Mr Morgan was unable to clarify or justify his legal position in regard to his appointment.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 371 Bristol Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Your ref
Our ref KES/Sub Officer X2/SIS
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

3rd December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


I refer to the charge sheet already served on you in relation to the above two charges.

I am writing to inform you that, in addition to those witnesses notified in that charge sheet, I also intend to call temporary assistant Divisional Officer Graham Saward as a witness for the Brigade. A copy of temporary Assistant Divisional Officer Saward’s statement has already been provided for you with the earlier papers.

Please let me know if you have any queries about these arrangements.

I enclose a copy of this letter for you to pass to your Union Representative.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

Enc copy letter

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 370 High Wycombe Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Your ref
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

2nd December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


Thank you for your letter dated the 30th November 1998.

Since my last letter on this matter, I have become aware that you have withdrawn your claim to the Employment tribunal.

This does not, in my view however, make any difference so far as the release of the accident report is concerned since the purpose for which it was prepared remains unaltered by virtue of the withdrawal of your claim to the Employment Tribunal.

I am afraid I am not able to comply with your request.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 669 High Wycombe Fire Station

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffuck County Council

County Presonnel Department

Your ref
Our ref er/w/l/djm130.doc
Ask for Mr D J Morgan Tel(01473) 584102

1st December 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


I refer to my letter of 29th September 1998 and to the assistant Chief Officer’s letters of 11th September and 11th November.

I am now advised by the Chief Executive and the Chief Fire Officer that matters relating to your allegation of harassment by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith and its investigation by Mr Lynch how now concluded and that no further action will be taken on Mr Lynch’s report. Accordingly the hearing for Case1 – the insubordination charge, which you will know has been held in abeyance pending the outcome of Mr Lynch’s investigation can now proceed. I intend to arrange the hearing before the elected members disciplinary tribunal.

You have requested that a large number of witnesses be called to support your defence for Case 1. In order to ascertain if they can give evidence I consider relevant I order you to advise me in writing within 14 days of the date of this letter of the nature of the evidence that you think each witness can give. If you can convince me that they can give evidence that is relevant I will allow your witnesses and make arrangements to order or invite them to be called to assist your defence.

Failure to advise me as ordered within the 14 day limit or failure to establish to me that the witnesses you have named can give relevant evidence will mean no arrangements will be made to order or invite them to be called to assist your defence.

It is usual practice in hearings before elected members to provide them in advance with written witness statements. Accordingly, I should be grateful if you would in due course provide me with written witness statements. Accordingly, I should be grateful if you would in due course provide me with written witness statements for all your intended witnesses no less than 7 days before the (to be notified date of ) hearing. The statements from both sides, together with the other relevant papers, will then be made available to the parties and the disciplinary tribunal in the formal case file.

On the question of witnesses you should note that both Mr Hawkins of the health and safety executive and Dr Deacon, the occupational health physician, have indicated that they will not voluntarily attend to give evidence. Accordingly, if you require their attendance that is a matter that you must now arrange for yourself.

With regard to case 2 – disobedience to orders and absence from duty charges, this has not been remitted to be heard by a disciplinary tribunal and, in the normal course, should be heard by the Chief Fire officer. However, as you have compiled a similar list of witnesses, in the interests of natural justice, it is necessary for me to make the decision on behalf of the disciplinary body as to the relevancy of the evidence that these witnesses can give before steps are taken to order or invite them to attend a hearing. Therefore, please notify me in writing of the nature of the evidence then arrangements will be made to order or invite these witnesses, as appropriate, to attend the hearing. Failure to advise me within the 28 day limit or failure to establish to me that the witnesses you have named can give relevant evidence will mean that no arrangements will be made by me to order or invite them to be called to assist your defence.

I am sending this letter by recorded delivery and an additional copy is enclosed for your union representative. A further copy has been sent to the Chief fire Officer.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan
Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 368 Ipswich Fire Station Website

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

your ref

30th November 1998

Dear Mr Seager,

I ask once more for a full copy of the accident report 762, 1-May-98, this being the third request over a 5 month period.

With regard to legal proceedings pending you are most certainly aware that is not currently the case. If not I would ask you to specify the outstanding actions
you have defined as legal proceedings.

It is notable that the same situation as now existed at the beginning of June when the original request was made by K Davey.

yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 367 Wimbledon Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

RE DOC 365

Well their you go another leave request slapped on Station officer Jims desk while he’s off duty. Can’t beat custom and practice can you?

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 366 Wimbledon Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Zedgen (revised)


To: StnO Parsons

From: SubO Wallis
Station: 055

Date: 2 November 1998

Time Owing


I request time owing from 1400 hours to 1700 hours on 37th November 1998. No course commitments

SubO Wallis

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 365 Wimbledon Fire Station

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Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Your ref
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

27th November 1998

Dear Sub Officer X

I acknowledge receipt of your letter and enclosures dated 22nd November 1998. the matter is receiving attention.

Can you please forward copies of the other documents to which you refer, as soon as you are able, in order that I may investigate this matter fully.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 364 Islington Fireman

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at


22nd November 1998

Dear ACFO Seager,

It is my duty to inform you that I have in my possession documented information which leads me to believe that DO P Hayden may have committed several offences under the Fire Service (Discipline) regulations 1985.

Ultimately such a condition, already reported to DO Hodge 18-08-98 would I believe raise serious doubts as to the latters integrity and reliability as a witness in a subsequent discipline case. As a taster I provide 2 enclosures, to which I will be more than happy to add if required by any subsequent investigation.

yours sincerely

SubO X

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 363 Islington Firefighter

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

your ref

20th November 1998

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your letter dated 16-11-98 regarding the industrial tribunal 11th November 1998.

Having considered your advice I have decided that the application is best withdrawn at this stage. The main reason is that do not wish to pursue 2 cases which may incur costs.

However, with regard to the other issue, that which centres around the events of August 5th and the actions I am now facing from taking leave associated with Health & Safety functions, I would like to pursue an application. At the end of the day I am or, potentially likely to suffer detriment from attending the Brigade union committee meeting in my capacity as a Health & Safety representative.

Reasonableness is I believe required by both sides, when the measures of this are considered it suggests the Brigade is by the action being taken is far more unreasonable than myself. As I said I am willing if required to provide funding for 1 of the 2 tribunal options, which on taking account of the feedback on 11th Nov means this must be the August 5th event

With regard to this application I note that the time bar is fast approaching, and the application must be made during the next few weeks, at least, if this option is to remain open.

Finally there is another matter which you may be able to help me with. This concerns the initial accident report concerning myself and, completed by ADO Hayden 01-05-98. This was requested without success by K Davey 15-06-98 and, more recently by myself via recorded delivery 10-11-98. Despite these formal requests the report has not been made available and, is contrary to the consultation required in Health & Safety legislation. Indeed as it contains relevant information useful to my discipline case it is also representative of the withholding of evidence. With this in mind I ask if it would be possible for you to request a copy is made available to yourself.

yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth

The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 362 Islington Fire Station

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Suffuck County Council

Fire Service

Sub Officer X
Cc Colin Hodge: Jo Campbell: Dave Morgan: File
Your ref
Our ref KES/DISC/SubO X2
Ask for ACFO Seager Tel(01473) 588939

20th November 1998

Dear Sub Officer X


I refer to your recent request, made by telephone and letter to ADO Seager on 9th November 1998, for a copy of ADO Hayden’s report of the investigation into the above accident.

I propose to exercise the right conferred upon me by Regulation 5, (3), (e) of the Health and safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996, which allows an employer to refrain from making available “any information obtained by the employer for the purpose of bringing, prosecuting or defending any legal proceedings.”

Therefore, I shall not be releasing a copy of ADO Hayden’s report to you at this stage.

Yours sincerely

KE Seager
Assistant Chief Fire officer (Technical)
Brigade Investigating Officer

Enc copy for FBU Representative.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 361 Lowestoft Fire Station Website

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