Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 334 Ellesmere Port Firefighter Vacancies

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Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Mr. A. D. Wigglesworth
NR32 4RD
Your ref
Ask for Mrs J Campbell Tel 01473 588939
27th October 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth


Further to the charge sheet issued to you on 2nd October 1998 the Brigade Investigating Officer has informed me that he is satisfied there is a case to answer and that it should be subject to a full hearing, to be heard by the Chief Fire Officer. Accordingly, arrangements have been made for the hearing to take place on 3rd December 1998, commencing at 1000 hours. The hearing will take place in the Conference Room at Brigade Headquarters. In accordance with the above regulations, you are therefore, ordered to attend the above hearing at the time specified.

The dress code for the hearing will be undress uniform (No.1 rig).

Please advise me within seven (7) days of this letter of the names and addresses of any witnesses you will be calling and the name of the person who will be assisting with your case. A prepaid envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

I understand that documentary evidence concerning this case has already been given to you. If this is not so, please let me know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

J. Campbell
Human Resources Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 333 Ellesmere Port Fire Station Open Day

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Zedgen (revised)


To: SubO Wigglesworth

From: StnO Parsons
Station: 055

Date: 26 October 1998

Leave Requests

I am in receipot of your request for 11th and 29th November 1998.

The leave is granted.

J Parsons
StnO Training

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 332 Mildenhall Fireman Vacancies

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15.1 On the basis of the investigation I have conducted there is no evidence to support the complaint of harassment made by Wigglesworth.

15.2 However, there is a question as to whether or not Wigglesworth’s grievance could have been heard at an early stage by the second ACFO, Mr Tinley. This in itself may not have stopped this harassment complaint but would have been seen in another forum as positive action by management to be fair to the employee. As things stand the grievance is still unanswered. I am informed by ACFO Seager that this is because the disciplinary regulations preclude its further progress for the moment.

15.3 With regard to medical referrals I would recommend that Fire Service officers refrain from being involved in this process. They should consider entrusting this responsibility solely with the Human Resources Manager.

14.1 Taking into account all of the recent events involving Wigglesworth and his sceptical view and expectation of further abuse considerable care needs to be given to his return to work and future management, to avoid any accusations of victimisation.

Keith Lynch
Social Services
Suffolk County Council
Investigating Officer
26th October 1998

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 331 Mildenhall Firefighter Vacancies

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13.1 On the face of it there is no doubt that Wigglesworth was referred for a medical, by DCFO Smith, very quickly. DCFO Smith confirmed it was him who personally organised the medical for Wigglesworth. DCFO smith also confirmed that he personally spoke to the brigade medical officer, Dr David Deacon, on the day of the medical and fully briefed him about Wigglesworth’s medical history and the current issues.

13.2 Wigglesworth asserted that the quick referral and DCFO Smith’s personal intervention in it was unprecedented, unusual and completely unacceptable. Wigglesworth also said that the Doctor also agreed with concern and was unhappy about being embroiled in a personal dispute between him and DCFO Smith. Doctor Deacon declined to take part in this investigation on the grounds of medical confidentiality and conflict of interest. As far as DCFO smith was concerned he said he had not received any adverse comments from the Doctor in connection with the approach he adopted for the referral. DCFO Smith also said that there was absolutely nothing unusual about Wigglesworth’s referral and his part in it. As to it being quick the DCFO said it was merely a result of the fact that the Doctor had been pre-booked for the day in question and that he did not have a full caseload.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 330 Mildenhall Fire Station Open Day

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13.1 On the face of it there is no doubt that Wigglesworth was referred for a medical, by DCFO Smith, very quickly. DCFO Smith confirmed it was him who personally organised the medical for Wigglesworth. DCFO smith also confirmed that he personally spoke to the brigade medical officer, Dr David Deacon, on the day of the medical and fully briefed him about Wigglesworth’s medical history and the current issues.

13.2 Wigglesworth asserted that the quick referral and DCFO Smith’s personal intervention in it was unprecedented, unusual and completely unacceptable. Wigglesworth also said that the Doctor also agreed with concern and was unhappy about being embroiled in a personal dispute between him and DCFO Smith. Doctor Deacon declined to take part in this investigation on the grounds of medical confidentiality and conflict of interest. As far as DCFO smith was concerned he said he had not received any adverse comments from the Doctor in connection with the approach he adopted for the referral. DCFO Smith also said that there was absolutely nothing unusual about Wigglesworth’s referral and his part in it. As to it being quick the DCFO said it was merely a result of the fact that the Doctor had been pre-booked for the day in question and that he did not have a full caseload.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 329 Help for Children and Families Suffolk County Council

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12.1 The administration of the assessment board seemed to have been conducted properly. DCFO Smith said that at the end of the interview he specifically asked Wigglesworth if the proceedings were fair and no complaint was mentioned.

12.2 The DCFO and other senior officers said it would be impracticable to pull out of an assessment board because a person being assessed had a grievance or a discipline hearing pending. None of those interviewed felt that that stand contradicted the procedural delay to Wigglesworth’s grievance which was justified by a conflict of interest. DCFO Smith was at pains to emphasis that senior officers who sit on assessment boards have to be able to act objectively and leave out their personal feelings or likes/dislikes. I could not find any tangible evidence to suggest that this did not happen in this case.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 328 Rosalind Turner Suffolk County Council

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11.1 The near miss form submitted on 4th June 1998 refers to pre-mediatated harassment and bullying. If Wigglesworth believed that to be so he should have used the County Council’s harassment procedures which was clearly indicated in the newsletter No 8 September 1997. Additionally the near miss was factually incorrect in that the letter to which he referred, was written by the Human Resources Manager and not the DCFO.

11.2 Wigglesworth has sought to put a health and safety interpretation on the near miss form and during interview suggested that the letter had, in effect, been a “direct hit”. In which case, the accident report form may have been the more appropriate record to complete.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 327 Rothwell Fireman Vacancies

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 326 Rothwell Firefighter Vacancies

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Deduction in Pay

10.1 The deduction of pay was based on the Human Resources Managers interpretation of “medical advice” in section 4 para 5 of the “Grey Book”. The interpretation held by the Human Resource Manager, and acted on by DCFO Smith, was misguided. The correct legal interpretation of medical advice means that given by a health professional. In recognition of this mistake the deduction was repaid to Wigglesworth. Notwithstanding DCFO smith and the Human Resources Manager both believed they were morally correct in making the deduction.

10.2 I found no evidence that the deduction was done deliberately or with the intent to cause Wigglesworth harm. Nor was there any intention to break the law or harass Wigglesworth. The DCFO and Human Resources Manager strongly deny there was any malice behind their decision to deduct Wigglesworth’s pay. Both consider they made a simple administrative mistake. I am of the opinion that the letter to Wigglesworth dated 29th May 1998 which threatened the deduction was reasonable and contained no indication of harassment.

10.3 If Wigglesworth’s grievance had proceeded as normal it is likely that the deduction would not have taken place. None of the officers interviewed could explain why the grievance could not have been heard by the second ACFO. I have found the response to this issue unsatisfactory.

10.4 As to the true cause for Wigglesworth’s absence in May 1998 it is worth noting he never volunteered any alternative to that assumed by Brigade Management. Indeed the alternative offered by Wigglesworth was only brought forward during this investigation. Also his statement to the Employment Tribunal made 1st August 1998 refers only to his injury at work. Wigglesworth said that the statement was a brief preliminary statement only. That said it is part of a legal process and I assumed it to be the correct version of events. In consequence I took the view that Wigglesworth’s running injury should be discounted.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 325 Divisional Officer Richard Smith Suffolk

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9.1 Wigglesworth regards the events around the service of prosecution papers in June and July as another significant harassment issue. He said he was concerned at receiving threatening and abusive telephone calls from ACFO Seager at home in connection with the discipline process.

9.2 According to Wigglesworth DO Colin Hodge and ADO Robert Middleton served him with a caution on 10th June 1998. They then interviewed several people and gathered information. He claimed they then checked the blue watch rota to see when his union representative would not be on station. Despite gathering all the information they required and being station 46 miles away at Ipswich the same 2 officers returned to Lowestoft Fire Station the next day (11th June 1998). This coincided with Wigglesworth being alone in the training department and his union representative being on rota. Wigglesworth claims that the 2 officers began following him around the station and barraged him with a string of offensive and intimidating remarks. He said that their behaviour caused him distress and required him to book sick on the same day with stress.

9.3 ACFO Seager was responsible for conducting the Wigglesworth investigation. He said that no instruction had been given to any officer to act in the way described by Wigglesworth. He is clear that he did not threaten Wigglesworth when he spoke to him on the telephone. He said he merely reminded Wigglesworth of his contractual responsibilities to co-operate with his investigation.

9.4 ACFO Seager said he regularly speaks to fire officers at home and the procedure he adopted with Wigglesworth was standard. He said that forewarning the offender enables them to contact their union representative.

9.5 With regard to the call to Wigglesworth’s home on the 31st July 1998. ACFO Seager said he had been trying to get hold of Wigglesworth at work since 4.30 pm but without success. As he finished work at 5.00pm he thought it in Wigglesworth’s interest to contact him at his home. Wigglesworth’s response was that he had finished work for the weekend and the matter could be dealt with on Monday morning. ACFO Seager said that Wigglesworth could be called into work at any time as he serves as a uniformed officer in the Fire Service. ACFO Seager said that he was merely and bluntly pointing out to Wigglesworth that if he failed to return to work when ordered he could be charged with being absent from duty.

9.6 ACFO Seager said that serving discipline papers out of duty hours was unusual. However as everything had been set up earlier in the afternoon and officers were standing by to deliver ACFO Seager decided to go ahead and order Wigglesworth to return to work. ACFO Seager said Wigglesworth had not complained to him. In addition he said the FBU seemed to be happy with this procedure.

9.7 As Wigglesworth was called back to work outside his contracted hours he tried to claim an overtime payment for this. ACFO Seager again said that Wigglesworth was duty bound to follow his orders and no overtime payment would be made. In addition he says that Wigglesworth voluntarily agreed to return to work on the Friday evening.

9.8 subjected him to then ing On 14th September 1998, Wigglesworth submitted a written request to reduce his rank; this request was made he said to mitigate the effect of abuse by DCFO Smith. Wigglesworth felt that junior officer responsibilities left him vulnerable to further negative intent by management.

8.1 The request for a reduction in rank was immediately sent By ADO Saward to Headquarters for the attention of DCFO Smith. In response DCFO Smith ordered Wigglesworth to submit himself for immediate psychological assessment. The next day Wigglesworth was, without notice, ordered to an examination by Doctor David Deacon, Occupational Health Physician. Wigglesworth said he was astounded by this act and the speed at which it took place. He said that it was so fast that the Doctor had not had the time to retrieve his records for reference during the consultation. In addition it seemed that the Doctor was somewhat puzzled and confused as to exactly what his remit was. Wigglesworth said the only logical explanation was that it was another act of retaliation by DCFO Smith.

8.2 Wigglesworth said that it was completely unacceptable that DCFO Smith had acted in so a way. It was blatantly obvious that he had stepped over the mark of reasonable behaviour by entering into personal discussions of medical confidentiality with Doctor Deacon and also instructed the Doctor on how to undertake medical assessments. Wigglesworth said all medical referrals are specifically the responsibility of the Human Resources Department.

8.3 DCFO Smith said the speed of referral was not out of the ordinary and specifically to ensure the brigade carried out its duty of care to Wigglesworth. In consequence, the DCFO felt it was good management practice. The Human Resource Manager said the quick appointment came about because a block booking of examinations by the Doctor had been made well in advance, and there were some vacant slots. So, as Wigglesworth had a medical issue it was commonsense to send him to the first available consultation.

8.4 DCFO Smith said it was preposterous to suggest he had breeched medical confidentiality. In the first instance the situation is one of occupational health and the Doctor is employed to report to the Fire Service. Secondly, The DCFO felt his action in discussing the Wigglesworth problem with Doctor Deacon was good management practice. It ensures that the Doctor is fully aware of the circumstances. DCFO smith said as far as he is aware there has been no objection verbally or in writing by the Doctor. The DCFO also said that the practice of speaking to the Doctor in the Occupational Health Department is common throughout other Council Departments.

8.5 Whilst Wigglesworth regards the instant referral and involvement of DCFO Smith disturbing, irregular and a sign of harassment I found the explanations acceptable. In consequence, DCFO Smith followed an acceptable set of procedures in ordering Wigglesworth to attend for the medical.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 324 Suffolk Juvenile Firesetters Scheme

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8.1 On 14th September 1998, Wigglesworth submitted a written request to reduce his rank; this request was made he said to mitigate the effect of abuse by DCFO Smith. Wigglesworth felt that junior officer responsibilities left him vulnerable to further negative intent by management.

8.2 The request for a reduction in rank was immediately sent By ADO Saward to Headquarters for the attention of DCFO Smith. In response DCFO Smith ordered Wigglesworth to submit himself for immediate psychological assessment. The next day Wigglesworth was, without notice, ordered to an examination by Doctor David Deacon, Occupational Health Physician. Wigglesworth said he was astounded by this act and the speed at which it took place. He said that it was so fast that the Doctor had not had the time to retrieve his records for reference during the consultation. In addition it seemed that the Doctor was somewhat puzzled and confused as to exactly what his remit was. Wigglesworth said the only logical explanation was that it was another act of retaliation by DCFO Smith.

8.3 Wigglesworth said that it was completely unacceptable that DCFO Smith had acted in so a way. It was blatantly obvious that he had stepped over the mark of reasonable behaviour by entering into personal discussions of medical confidentiality with Doctor Deacon and also instructed the Doctor on how to undertake medical assessments. Wigglesworth said all medical referrals are specifically the responsibility of the Human Resources Department.

8.4 DCFO Smith said the speed of referral was not out of the ordinary and specifically to ensure the brigade carried out its duty of care to Wigglesworth. In consequence, the DCFO felt it was good management practice. The Human Resource Manager said the quick appointment came about because a block booking of examinations by the Doctor had been made well in advance, and there were some vacant slots. So, as Wigglesworth had a medical issue it was commonsense to send him to the first available consultation.

8.5 DCFO Smith said it was preposterous to suggest he had breeched medical confidentiality. In the first instance the situation is one of occupational health and the Doctor is employed to report to the Fire Service. Secondly, The DCFO felt his action in discussing the Wigglesworth problem with Doctor Deacon was good management practice. It ensures that the Doctor is fully aware of the circumstances. DCFO smith said as far as he is aware there has been no objection verbally or in writing by the Doctor. The DCFO also said that the practice of speaking to the Doctor in the Occupational Health Department is common throughout other Council Departments.

8.6 Whilst Wigglesworth regards the instant referral and involvement of DCFO Smith disturbing, irregular and a sign of harassment I found the explanations acceptable. In consequence, DCFO Smith followed an acceptable set of procedures in ordering Wigglesworth to attend for the medical.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 323 Graham Gatehouse Suffolk County Council

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7.1 Wigglesworth felt it was a mistake for the Station Officer Assessment Board on 2nd July 1998 to have been chaired by DCFO Smith. Particularly so in view of the matters, relating to the deduction of pay being current. Four officers failed the Assessment Board, including Wigglesworth. An 80% failure rate which Wigglesworth said was unprecedented. He expressed the view that the high number of failures was deliberate and designed to hide him amongst them. He also suggested the report about him produced by DO Hayden for the Assessment Board, was made in order to stop him being promoted. He said DO Hayden’s report was a complete opposite of one he had produced 9 months earlier.

7.2 The DCFO said the Assessment Board which he chaired had been arranged for some time and that it would have been unacceptable to change the arrangements. There is no to suggest that the DCFO or any other officer sought to use the Assessment Board process against Wigglesworth. The DCFO was very clear that all procedures relating to the Assessment Board were followed properly. The DCFO said Wigglesworth was asked at the end if the process had been fair and he expressed no qualms. Furthermore, Wigglesworth was asked about DO Hayden’s view of him and did not raise any concerns.

7.3 Wigglesworth was debriefed by DO Chantry and claims that a tick box had been “Tipp- Exed out” and the score altered. I was shown an assessment form on Wigglesworth’s personal record file which had no alterations on it. Any individual records kept by the officer who did the debriefing have not been viewed as Wigglesworth’s complaint is directed against DCFO Smith. His personal records were seen and seemed to be in reasonable order.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 322 Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board

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6.1 This form was raised by Wigglesworth on 4th June 1998. He referred to a Brigade Newsletter (No 8) dated September 1997 which mentions near miss forms and encourages their use. It was pointed out to Wigglesworth that the paragraph he was referring to was talking about the harassment or abuse from service users, whereas the paragraph before referred him and others to the County Council’s procedures. He still contested that the near miss was perfectly appropriate on account of it is the duty of employees to inform the employer of events and occurrence’s that may cause them or others harm.

6.2 Brigade management were adamant that it was clear from the newsletter that Wigglesworth had taken the wrong option. Brigade management felt that Wigglesworth’s action in raising a near miss was a deliberate attempt to abuse DCFO Smith and undermine his authority. Wigglesworth said that that was ridiculous. As far as he was concerned nobody had told him he could not use the near miss system and that it was used in complete good faith.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 321 Suffolk County Council Childrens Fund

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5.9 There was no consultation with Wigglesworth or his representative body to obtain permission to deduct his pay. DCFO Smith said he was not aware of any responsibility on the Brigade to do so. The DCFO said he had no previous experience concerning the deduction of an inferior’s wages. The DCFO said that the letter sent to Wigglesworth was drafted by the Human Resources manager Sarah Davies. He confirmed that he had seen the letter written in his name before it was sent and fully agreed with it. Furthermore he strenuously denied that there was no attempt or intent to break the law or harass Wigglesworth. DCFO Smith said that the decision to deduct pay was considered carefully and advice sought from County personnel first. DCFO Smith did not know who it was at County personnel that provide advice as that was dealt with by Sarah Davies.

5.10 Since receiving professional legal advice, the deduction has been repaid to Wigglesworth. No letter of apology has been sent. DCFO smith said he had no intention of making an apology as he could see no reason to do so. Furthermore, he said that Brigade management acted with honesty and integrity at all times and the deduction was nothing more than a simple administrative mistake.

5.11 Wigglesworth raised a grievance about the deduction of pay on 4th June 1998. This was the same day as the near miss was issued. Wigglesworth said he invoked the grievance because it was blatantly and immediately obvious that the threatened deduction was unlawful. He said that the protocols within the grievance procedure would serve to prevent the unlawful act being substantiated and the requirement of legal action. However, on 11th June 1998 he received a letter from ACFO Ken Seager advising him that his grievance was suspended until the outcome of disciplinary action being taken against him. ACFO Seager’s explanation for the suspension was that the CFO would have to hear Wigglesworth’s discipline case and should not be tainted by hearing the grievance. Also the DCFO could not hear the grievance as he was named in it. ACFO Seager could offer no reason why the second ACFO could not hear the grievance. The grievance is still outstanding.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 320 Rothwell Fire Station Open Day

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5.7 At the end of the meeting, according to DO Hayden, Wigglesworth asked about his move and expressed his opinions in general.

5.8 The decision to deduct pay was found to have been instructed by DCFO Simon Smith. He said he had taken this action with the blessing of the human resources manager Sarah Davies who had advised him throughout. At no time had she expressed any reservations about this action or that it might be wrong. The report of the action by DO Hayden had no influence on the decision to deduct Wigglesworth’s wages. DCFO Smith said Sarah Davies was of no doubt that the reference to medical advice in the “Grey Book” meant that if the employee says they are ill for whatever reason then that is advice. As Sarah Davies is the Brigades human resources and accepted as having expertise in employment law he had no reason to doubt her opinion. DCFO Smith now accepts that such an interpretation, as stated by Sarah Davies, was flawed. This position is taken after he was been given legal advice by the County Solicitor.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 319 Haverhill Fireman Vacancies

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5.4 DDO Hayden agreed he did speak to the person assisting Wigglesworth and that he took him away from the drill yard. DO Hayden says he did not do this deliberately as he was not aware of the arrangements at the time. DO Hayden said there were plenty of other individuals who were available to assist Wigglesworth with any heavy lifting. He also said that there was plenty of time available for other manual handling options to be put in place as the drill was not imminent.

5.5 According to DO Hayden, the return to work interview, where he investigated the accident with Wigglesworth, lasted over 30 minutes. As the previous health and safet y officer, he asked Wigglesworth clear, precise questions and looked at the relevant causes of the accident: he also checked the standard of his fire kit which was in good condition.

5.6 DO Hayden acknowledges that not all safe systems of work are in writing. He points out that Wigglesworth, as well as being an experience instructor, is also a manual handling instructor who was familiar with the requirements of moving drill dummies about. His conclusion was that Wigglesworth was at blame for the accident.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 318 Haverhill Firefighter Vacancies

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5.1 Wigglesworth agreed that on 1st may 1998 he had been moving some drill dummies around and had put them on top of an appliance at some point. He had done this by tying them to the back of a fire engine with a rope and driven forward to pull them up. At some point during the process he had strained his back. He carried on working the rest of the day and the following two days. He reported sick five days later which coincided with his annual leave. When he booked sick he did this by telephone to Lowestoft fire station. Records at the station show this to be the case. However, the recorder of this information is unknown. Wigglesworth says he was not asked the reason for his sickness when he booked sick. He said the reason was due to further aggravation of his back the previous night when he suffered a running accident. Wigglesworth provided a Great Yarmouth athletic club race results form confirming he did take part in a race event on the evening before he booked sick.

5.2 Wigglesworth said that DO hayden was at partial fault for his accident on 1st May 1998. He said that DO Hayden withdrew his assistant, Leading Fireman Stephen Bartram, to other duties. In consequence he was left alone to set up a practical de-contamination exercise that was due to take place at 10.45 hours. He says that DO Hayden failed to carry out a proper accident investigation which lasted no more than 10 minutes on the same day of the accident and was “garbage”. Wigglesworth showed me ADO Seager’s health and safety documentation dated 6th May 1998 which stated the investigation was signed of and completed by 6th May 1998.

5.3 DO Hayden completely disagrees with Wigglesworth’s version of events. He said he was very clear about the accident, what happened and reported the matter fully and with due care and diligence. As to the claim of not carrying out the investigation hastily and in ten minutes he said that was not true. He said he was not aware of the accident until the following week when Wigglesworth booked sick. He said that neither Wigglesworth, nor anyone else had informed him of the accident on the day. DO Hayden said he carried out the investigation as he was the person responsible for the department in which Wigglesworth served. He said the investigation took place on 13th May 1998 when Wigglesworth returned from sick leave. DO Hayden could not account for the discrepancy in the health and safety records that showed the investigation was complete by 6th May 1998.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 317 Haverhill Fire Station Open Day

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4.1 The following people were interviewed during the investigation:
DCFO S Smith
ACFO K Seager
DO P Hayden
DO G Smith
DO C Hodge
S Davies, HR Manager

4.2 Brief notes were taken during interviews. There were not verbatim or contemporaneous. They were solely for the personal use of the investigators and not available to any of the persons who were interviewed.

4.3 Various reports and other communications have been viewed to assist in understanding the complaint and the responses. These include:

Self certification forms completed by Wigglesworth.
Accident form completed by Wigglesworth.
Near miss report completed by Wigglesworth.
Grievance request completed by Wigglesworth.
Accident investigation report completed by DO hayden.
Letter to Wigglesworth dated 29th May ref HR/SDCAB notifying of deduction in pay.
Grey book reference to deducting pay.
Letter to Wigglesworth dated 10th June ref KES/DISC/MS notifying grievance suspended.

The Suffolk fire Experience - Doc 316 Halesowen Fireman Vacancies

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3.1 Relevant background details have been supplied by the Chief Fire Officer. Other background information was supplied by other senior Fire Service managers. This includes the details of an interview on 4th March 1998 when DO Hayden discussed with Mr Wigglesworth his performance and attitude. Mr Wigglesworth had apparently wanted a transfer from the training department where he been for a long time to enhance his development. DO Hayden agreed with Wigglesworth and the latter’s view that the training department was at the dead end, as previously expressed by DO smith, of the Brigade. DO Hayden tried to get Wigglesworth places on development courses but his line manager DO Batchelor resisted such moves on the basis of cost. DO Hayden agreed to support Wigglesworth’s request for a transfer as he felt it would benefit all parties. However, Wigglesworth only wanted a transfer in Lowestoft. As such that opportunity is limited as all the current incumbents have declined approaches to engage in other transfer opportunities. In addition others have already been promised those position when they become vacant. When I met with Wigglesworth he said that DO Hayden wanted him out of the department. In response DO Hayden said he was not fussed about Wigglesworth’s presence in the department.

3.2 The other background details concern a request by Wigglesworth to be reduced in rank. The reasons given related to his perception that he was out on a limb while the assault on him continued. As a consequence he was referred to Doctor David Deacon on 15th September 1998; the result was that Doctor Deacon pronounced him fully fit for Firefighting duties.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 315 Halesowen Firefighter Vacancies

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2.1 A summary of the details of the complaint were set out in the letter from the Chief Executive to wigglesworth dated 7th October 1998. Further details were subsequently added to by Wigglesworth. Many off which were beyond the terms of reference set the investigation team. In consequence those additional issues were not investigated.

2.2 The complaint can be summarised under 4 main areas:
(i) Matters associated with a routine deduction of pay
- sufficiency of investigation
- Circumstances of the injury
- Decision to deduct pay
- Letter confirming deductions
- Grievance about deductions
(ii) Use of the ‘near miss’ form
(iii) Station Officer assessments
(iv) Medical at Occupational Health Department
(v) Serving of Disciplinary papers

2.3 Wigglesworth believes that when he wrote to the Chief Executive on 26th July, an officer from another Brigade should have been asked to investigate his senior officers, rather than an investigation by someone from with the same department.

2.4 As an outcome to this investigation, Wigglesworth would like to see that there is repetition of the behaviour complete with a written statement of explanation by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer for his so called inappropriate behaviour and a written apology.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 314 Halesowen Fire Station Open Day

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1.1 This report sets out the process and conclusion of the investigation into the allegation of harassment made by Sub Officer X.
1.2 The investigation was carried out by Keith Lynch, Head of Personnel, Social Services Department, on the orders of the Chief Executive. Assistant to the investigation was heather Marsden, Personnel Officer County Personnel Department.
1.3 Wigglesworth is the subject of disciplinary action within the Suffolk Fire Service. On the orders of the Chief Fire Officer those matters have been kept separate from the harassment investigation.
1.4 Additionally, the harassment investigation has been kept separate from the Employment Tribunal claim being pursued by Wigglesworth other than for purposes useful in resolving disputed issues (see comment at 6.1.4) about the injury leading to sickness absence between 6th and 12th May 1998.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 313 Normshurst Fireman Vacancies

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 312 Normanshurst Firefighter Vacancies

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Not wasting much time and mindful of the Chief Executives decree that the harassment report should be completed by 26th October 1998 our mandarin character was quickly burning the midnight oil. In fact by the next day he had completed a draft. And this was nicely drafted across to the Chief Executive and the resplendent senior officers of Suffolk Fire Service. Unfortunately it seems that the latter were rather dis-pleased by the contents of the report to the extent that it was ordered that it should be re-hashed and various elements be culled from the final draft.

So there we go no rest for the wicked and poor old Keith had a few bits and bobs to weave back together over the weekend.

Never mind all good practice eh!

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 311 Normanshurst Fire Station Open Day

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11:00hrs Thursday 22nd October 1998
Location Lowestoft Social Services Dept

Meeting between Wigg, Keith Lynch and his sidekick Heather Marsden.

Purpose: Harassment investigation re the unlawful Deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith and other associated activities

Keith Lynch began by introducing his assistant Heather Marsden (according to them that know they were a little bit closer than assistants). He then went on to explain the brief he had been given by the Suffolk County Council Executive Mrs Linda Homer and Derek Lay.

Sub Officer X told Mr Lynch that there was far more to the complaint than what he had just explained in his 10 second summary.

Keith Lynch said that he had been told to stick to the complaint against the Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mr Simon Smith and the proposition that he had acted unlawfully. Any other issues were secondary and minor. Additionally, he had already interviewed the Deputy Chief Fire Officer and his other colleagues. He also said he had been ordered to complete his investigation by this weekend. As such he would be sticking strictly to the terms of reference he had been given and could not consider anything else.

Keith Lynch then told Sub Officer X he should give a outline of his complaint and explain why it amounted to harassment. Sub Officer X did so and told Keith Lynch that the Deputy Chief Officer Simon Smith had acted unlawfully. Furthermore as a result of his comprehensive management experience and extended training he knew full well that his actions were unlawful. Hence a blatant act of harassment. Sub Officer X went on to describe other controversial acts of aggression, falsehood, neglect of duty and malpractice by the Deputy Chief Fire Officers colleagues.

Keith Lynch responded by saying that he had already met with the Deputy, Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers who had given him a full update on ongoing issues. He said that he had been told by the Chief Officer that it was ridiculous to claim any Suffolk Fire Officer had acted unlawfully. He said that that was also the position of the County solicitor. Keith Lynch also said that he felt that Deputy Chief Fire Officer was a genuine warm and honest person and without a hint of malice. Keith Lynch said Sub Officer X could still withdraw his complaint if he wished. X said absolutely not and added that Simon Smiths action were unequivocally unlawfully and compatible with his savage behaviour in previous Brigades.

Keith Lynch said he would consider what he had told by Sub Officer X before compiling his report the next day.

Meeting ends 11.15 hours (short and sweet)

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 310 Gateshead Fireman Vacancies

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11:00hrs Thursday 22nd October 1998
Location Lowestoft Social Services Dept

Meeting between Wigg, Keith Lynch and his sidekick Heather Marsden.

Purpose: Harassment investigation re the unlawful Deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith and other associated activities

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 309 Gateshead Firefighter Vacancies

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Zedgen (revised)


To: StnO Parsons
Per C.F.O.

From: SubO Wigglesworth
Station: 055

Date: 22 October 1998

Application for leave


I request I am granted 1 days leave for Thursday 29th November 1998. A Wigglesworth. SubO 854.

“Granted. 26.11.98 J Parsons

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 308 Gateshead Fire Station Open Day

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Zedgen (revised)


To: StnO Parsons
Per C.F.O.

From: SubO Wigglesworth
Station: 055

Date: 22 October 1998

Application for leave


I request Leave for 11th (Wednesday) November 1998. One day only. A Wigglesworth. SubO 854.

This document was returned to the Wigg with the following hand written comments:

“Granted. T Tinley
I have noted that this was received on the 20th
but dated the 22nd. Also no reason given
for the leave or why it is required. Also no
indication of what type of leave he is taking.
Parsons deal with it.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 307 Halesworth Firefighter Vacancies

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East Anglian Daily Times, Thursday 15th October 1998 Page 7.
Sacked fireman wins his job back

By Alan Cooksedge

A PART-TIME firefighter has won his job back after being sacked for driving his car to a call-out in a manner which allegedly brought the fire service into disrepute.

Eddie Brown, 34, who has been a retained firefighter at Sudbury for four years, was dismissed by Suffolk Fire Authority chief Hewitt Alcock in June following a disciplinary hearing.

At the hearing it was claimed the firefighter’s driving had “harassed and intimidated” a couple in their car.

But a three-strong appeals committee, headed by Suffolk County Council protection committee chairman Peter Monk, has now upheld the firefighter’s appeal and ordered his reinstatement.

Mr Brown is a £30,000-a-year building site agent for a Thetford company and turns out at nights and weekends as a retained firefighter.

“I was gobsmacked when I was originally told I was being suspended and investigated on these allegations,” said Mr Brown, who was backed by the Fire brigades Union (FBU) at his appeal,

Mr Brown added he was alleged to have driven unreasonably on Sudbury's one-way system only a few weeks after he had served a suspension from duty for using flashing headlights on his car, a practice which had earlier been outlawed by the fire authority.

Mr Brown said he had been among a number of local firefighters who had wired up their vehicles to allow the main lamps to flash alternatively in order to ease their passage through the town. He did not believe the local police had any problems with the practice, but accepted it had been banned by the service.

His second suspension, which eventually led to his dismissal, related to an alleged incident during last year but, claimed Mr Brown, at the appeal the authority had been unable to put forward evidence to substantiate its case.

It was alleged he had intentionally or recklessly, and without reasonable cause, pursued and pulled alongside a car being driven by a local shop worker and his wife. It was claimed his manner of driving was sufficient for the other driver to feel harassed and intimidated and caused damage to the reputation of the brigade.

Mr Brown yesterday said the authority had been unable to substantiate its case because he had been able to put forward worksheet records and other evidence, including fire call out details. It meant there was no evidence to link him to the allegations.

“I obviously feel very relieved this is all over and my name has been cleared, but the whole thing has been very distressing for me,” he added.

“But I am grateful for the diligence shown by the appeal hearing members, who have restored my faith in natural justice.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 306 Halesworth Firefighter Vacancies

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14th October 1998

Sudbury Firefighter Eddie Brown reinstated after earlier dismissal by Suffolk’s infamous Chief Fire Officer Malcolm “Lacky” Allcock

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 305 Halesworth Fire Station Open Day

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Suffolk County Council

Fire Service

Mr A D WigglesworthSub
C/o Training Department

Your ref
Our ref MHA/SIS
Ask for CFO Allcock
Tel (01473) 588969

14th October 1998

Dear Sub Officer Wigglesworth

Further to my letter of the 18 September, I am now in a position to make a decision in respect of your request to be appointed to a firefighter vacancy.

I have now been advised by Doctor Deacon concerning the results of the mental health examination you requested him to undertake on 15th September 1998. Doctor Deacon’s view is that you are psychologically fit for operational duties without restriction. He could find no evidence of any ongoing medical examination which might affect your fitness for operational or other duties. According to his report you were keen to assure Doctor Deacon that you were not currently ill or on sick leave. Doctor deacon also says you gave him no indication that you were suffering from any after-affects which could be attributable to stress in your employment or any other circumstance. I am therefore unable to reconcile Doctor Deacon’s expert medical opinion with the statement in your memorandum of 14 September that the events over the previous three months have had a profound effect on your health and general welfare. Indeed, I am minded to say that such claims seem to be dis-ingenuous. I reject without question your claim that, as your employer, the County Council has neglected to observe its duty of care. The medical examination which you attended more than fully discharged this duty and the speed and courtesy with which Brigade personnel responded to the concerns you raised in your 14th September memorandum was commendable and beyond reproach. The so called harassment, bullying, abuse and intimidation to which you refer in your memorandum are I understand, the subject of an investigation under the County Council’s established procedures. I am confident these procedures will show your claims to be groundless.

Therefore, I do not accept, that there is a pressing need for you to revert in rank on the grounds of your health. I am mindful, however of the statement in your last sentence in which you say that you do not possess ‘the capability nor the confidence required to perform the duties of a junior officer.’ On that basis alone I am prepared to allow you to revert in rank to firefighter subject to the details of such a reversion being agreed through a compromise agreement drawn up by the County Secretary & Solicitors Department and with advice from your own solicitors.

I would advise you, in advance of any such agreement being reached, that, where individuals have reverted in rank from Sub Officer in the past, management best practice dictates that it is unwise for demoted officers to serve at the location or in the department where they had previously served in a managerial or junior officer capacity. I am sure you will agree I am correct. Indeed it is in your own and everybody’s best interests that we remove any potential areas for harassment and bullying by colleagues who had previously been subordinates, this practice would be particularly appropriate in your case. I am informed that there is a vacancy at Haverhill that can be made available to you.

I should be grateful to receive your confirmation within seven days that you still wish to revert in rank and will take up the position at Haverhill. I inform you that you will be required to sign a compromise agreement which specifies you are fully aware of the financial implications. Subject to you signing that agreement I to your agreement on this I will instruct the County Secretary and Solicitors Department on that basis.

I am prepared to give you a few more days of leave as described in my letter 18 September for you to respond to this letter. If you do not respond, or do not wish to take up my generous offer you are ordered to report for duty in your current post at 0900 on 21st October 1998.

Yours sincerely

M H Allcock
Supreme Chief Fire Officer

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 304 Lisburn Fireman Vacancies

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 303 Lisburn Firefigghter Vacancies

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Suffolk County Council

Mr. A. Wigglesworth

Your ref
Our ref LH/VH/HQ.2 (e)

Date 14th October 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth

Thank you for your letter of 8th October, 1998. I have spoken to Keith and he can start on the harassment investigation this week. He hopes to be able to complete the initial review by the end of October.

It remains for you to determine if you want to proceed. It isn’t an issue I can insist upon. Nonetheless, I’d hope you will feel its worth pursuing to this first stage, and I’ll progress the investigation unless I hear from you to the contrary.

Yours sincerely

Lin Homer
Chief executive

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 302 Lisburn Fire Station Open Day

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Emergent Proposition Fire Service Command Power syndrome Theory (CPST)*

Fire Service CPST practitioner’s who wish to demonstrate their power of command to the wider audience always pick on easy targets

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 301 Southwold Fireman Vacancies

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Emergent Proposition (Doc 67) Reinforced by the events recorded in Doc 205, 224, 225, 263 and now 299?

Doc 67 as stated below

Emergent Proposition Fire Service Command Power syndrome Theory (CPST)*

Fire Service CPST practitioner’s who believe they or their colleagues are threatened, undermined or subject to resistance by those of lower status are motivated toward collateral retaliation. Retaliation measures may be overt or covert.

*The proposition is generated from the development of this case study and the behaviour reported in Doc 65. Collaborating evidence is available pre Doc 32 “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” See: April 2005 Archives

Therefore the proposition comes from hindsight and repetitive experience. Full knowledge of “what happens next”? So the proposition is not derived by some grand scientific theorising. It arises from real events

So are the events and actions recorded in Doc 67, 224, 225, 263 and 299 compatible with the emergent proposition? Is it sustained by reality?

What is the force that compels senior Fire Officers to act out such behaviour? FIRE SERVICE COMMAND POWER SYNDROME THEORY?

It is argued that the events reported in Doc 205, 224, 225, 265, 299 and the rest reinforce the emergent proposition above.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 300 Southwold Firefighter Vacancies

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Comment Doc 299 Letter by Mr Dave Morgan

“You will have guessed that there is more than meets the eye behind this case”.

Oh really?

He can say that again!

After all there’s an unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith, then there’s plenty of other corruption’s amongst the principal ranks. Bit of falsehood, a bit of abuse of authority, a bit of malicious prosecution, a bit of harassment etc.

But worst of all there is the Suffolk County Council Employee Relations manager Dave Morgan turning a blind eye to all the blatant corruption and doing nowt about it. So neglect of duty as well.

Welcome to Suffolk County Council probably the most corrupt County Council in the world?

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 299 Southwold Fire Station Open Day

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Suffolk County Council

County Personnel Department

Dr David Deacon
Occupational Health service
Allington NHS Trust
C/o The Ipswich Hospital
Heath Road

Your ref DD/JH/SFS Wigglesworth
Our ref Pers personal File DJM ER/w/l/djm91.doc
Ask for Mr D Morgan
Tel (01473) 584102

9th October 1998

Dear Dr Deacon,


Thank you for your letter of the 5th October.

You will have guessed there is more than meets the eye behind this case.

For the time being the proceedings are held in abeyance by mutual agreement.

When, and if, we do get underway my first task will be to determine with Wigglesworth, the justification, on each case, of the long list of witnesses.

In any event, I note your unwillingness to attend.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan

Employee Relations Manager

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 298 Buxton Fireman Vacancies

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Mr A Wigglesworth

The Chief Executive
Suffolk County Council
St Helen Court

8th October 1998

Dear Chief Executive,

Thank you for your letter dated 7th October 1998.

Your letter seemed to be a summary to our meeting the previous week which was in connection with the notification I sent to you as far back as July 1998.

Firstly, I do not believe the account you portray in your letter 7th October 1998 is accurate. I would refer you back to the correspondence I have sent to you. Please carefully review it and you should be more than able to recognised the key elements of my complaint. I do not believe that is beyond your capability. Indeed, as kept reminding Mr Hyde and myself, last week, and using your own words “I am a practising lawyer”.

As you know I have been subject to further retaliation and harassment since our meeting. I have little doubt that this is linked to the original complaint I have made. On futher reflection, I am of the opinion that confining my complaint to a routine investigation, by a friend of the harassers, is somewhat trivialising the complaint.

It is this reasoning which has caused me to ask you to provide an immediate date for the original discipline hearing. I have noted your canvassing of my solicitor in an effort to get him to persuade me to follow your strategy.

There are serious failings on the part of some officers involved in the investigations against me which do in themselves constitute a breach of the discipline regulations. This is quite apart from the behaviour of the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith. All good stuff to bring to the attention of the elected members at the disciplinary hearing.
In consequence, I can see no absolutely reason to delay the disciplinary hearing. Nevertheless, as you seem determined to follow your own strategy in favour of any other recommendation I will of course meet with the harassment investigator. Indeed, I am prepared to do so despite the fact that I know he is blatantly inappropriate for the impartial task he has been given.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 297 Buxton Firefighter Vacancies

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The action by the deputy Chief Fire Officer to deduct pay was unlawful and the construction of the letter was harassing.

Prior to that incident leading to the back injury had been construed by Mr Hayden as due to negligence and as resulting in the absence from work. In fact, no-one asked why Mr Wigglesworth was absent and he believes it was other activities after the training incident that led to the time off.

Complaint from Mr Wigglesworth.

No-one asked why he was away but simply jumped to the conclusion that it was to do with the previous incident.

No involvement of the FBU prior to the letter deducting pay.

Further complaint

The request to go to a medical was at short notice, unusual in the context of the Brigade (where others wait months to get a medical).

Further complaint

Mr Hayden’s allegation of negligence covering the injury is contrary to the evidence. There were no Brigade orders in existence when Mr Wigglesworth injured his back. The requirement to have an assistant was made impossible by Mr Hayden himself calling away the assistant.

Further complaint

Misuse of accident/near miss form. This matter is covered in Fire Service Newsletter Issue 8 where Mr Wigglesworth considers the practice is sanctioned by the Brigade.

Final area of concern

The charges laid within the discipline code are themselves a form of harassment, and the investigation into them has not been carried out in a normal “inquisitive way”, but in a more adversarial way.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 296 Buxton Fire Station Open Day

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Suffolk County Council

Mr. A. Wigglesworth
NR32 4RD

Your ref
Our ref lmh/ceh/HQ.2 (e)

Date 7th October 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth

I am writing to confirm the steps I will be taking as a result of our discussion within the harassment procedure. I have appointed Mr K Lynch from the Social services Department to act as the harassment investigator. He is a professionally trained harassment officer with wide experience. He will interview you and other people and then make a report to me.

His investigation will be based on an initial report from you about the incidents you claim are harassment. Given that your initial letter is not very clear, we discussed this at some length when we met to try to ascertain the issues and incidents you are claiming represent harassment.

I made some notes and agreed to send you a copy of them to see if they contain the same items you were concerned about. They are attached, and I’d be grateful if you would let me know whether they amount to an accurate account of your claims. If the summary does not accurately reflect the issues, please feel free to give me an alternative account. It is important, however, that we start the procedure with as clear an account as possible of the issues you are concerned about.

I have also now received you subsequent letter requesting us to proceed with the disciplinary hearing in parallel with the harassment investigation. I fail to see from your letter how this is in your best interests as the harassment investigation may have a bearing on the disciplinary matters, as this is partly your submission. I have taken the liberty of discussing this with your solicitor Mr Craig Jones. I have assured him that the harassment investigation is perfectly confidential, with prejudice and completely outside of the Fire Service Disciplinary regulations. As such, he informed me he has no problem of the harassment investigation proceeding ahead of the disciplinary hearing. On this basis the harassment investigation will proceed immediately and it will be complete in advance of the disciplinary hearing.

I have also been informed, by Ken Seager, that you have subsequently been charged with other serious disciplinary offences. I am assured they have no bearing on the other issues we discussed, and therefore this second disciplinary hearing should proceed in the normal way.

Once I have the findings from the harassment investigation, I suggest we meet again.

Yours sincerely

Lin Homer
Chief executive

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 295 North Lincoln Fireman Vacancies

5th October 1998

Bradley House
68 Coombe Road
Kingston Upon Thames
Surrey KT2 7AE
Telephone 081 541 1765

Use this form to apply for Legal Aid for ANY matter connected with your employment OTHER than an accident or illness.

This form should be read carefully and the fullest possible information given in the spaces provided. It should then be handed to your Branch Secretary or Chairperson to complete Part II. It is then his/her responsibility to forward it to Head office for action. If Legal Aid is granted the solicitor will be in touch with you direct to advise you of the next steps to be taken in the matter.
Do not delay in returning this form if you are unable to answer some of the questions.


1. Full Name (in capitals). ANTHONY WIGGLESWORTH.
3. Telephone. 01502 403432.
5. Employing Authority. SUFFOLK FIRE SERVICE.
6. Date of joining service. 3RD OCTOBER 1978.
7. Your rank and how long held. SUBO 4 YEARS 3 MONTHS
8. Details of matter for which legal aid is required. Full details must be given and relevant documents attached to this form.

On or around 2nd October 1998 I was notified that I would be prosecuted for two offences under the Fire Service Discipline Regulations. The prosecutions are for disobedience to Orders and absence from duty. I believe that the prosecutions are malicious and a collateral action to support the Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith who has previously orchestrated behaviour toward me. The current purpose being to harass and intimidate me. The unlawful practice carried out by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Smith is currently listed for determination and confirmation before the employment tribunal.

The indictment of disobedience to orders arises from me carrying out my lawful duties as a health and safety representative. The action is in blatant disregard of section 44 of the Employment Relations Act.

I wish to apply for legal assistance on the basis of the particulars given above. I have no solicitor acting for me in relation to this matter and hereby authorise you to instruct a Solicitor to act on my behalf if legal aid is granted. I confirm that I am and was a member of the F.B.U. on the date of the accident/incident/contracted illness as stated above. I understand that I am obliged to give the full facts to the Union and the unions nominated Solicitors, and that if I fail to do so or give false misleading facts, legal assistance will be withdrawn and I shall be responsible for the costs incurred by the Union and any party to litigation in which the Union has supported me. I understand that a report of my case upon its conclusion may be published by the Union.

Signed A Wigglesworth Date 5th October 1998


To be completed by the Branch Secretary or Chairperson who is responsible for passing the form to the Brigade Secretary or chairperson for endorsement and forwarding to Head Office.

Branch Secretary signature M. J. Hyde


Endorsed by Brigade Chairperson C. Hayward

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 294 North Lincoln Firefighter Vacancies

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Mr A Wigglesworth

The Chief Executive
Suffolk County Council
St Helen Court

5th October 1998

Dear Chief Executive,

Following the events Friday 2nd October 1998 I have, after taking advice from my representative body, reconsidered the situation discussed with you 1st October 1998.

As a result, it is the opinion of my colleagues and self that it would be in my best interests to proceed with the prosecution case arising from the indictment served 31st July 1998 immediately.

This can then proceed in parallel with the harassment investigation to which any conclusion and actions would I think be best left until after the initial prosecution hearing is complete.

In consideration of these points I would appreciate it if you can make contact with me to confirm a definite date for the prosecution hearing.

At the same time I advise you further that I require four more witnesses to attend the hearing:

Leading Firefighter Dave Collins, Sudbury.
Leading Firefighter Robert Ayers, Lowestoft.
Firefighter Geoff Long, Lowestoft.
Mr M Cutmore, IT Manager Brigade Headquarters.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 293 North Lincoln Fire Station Open Day

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Our ref DD/JH/SFS/Wigglesworth

5th October 1998

Mr D Morgan
Employee Relations Manager
Suffolk County Council
County Personnel Department
St Helen Court
County Hall

Dear Mr Morgan

Fire Services (Discipline) Regulations 1985. – Disciplinary Hearing Before Disciplinary Tribunal.

Re : Sub Officer (854) Anthony David Wigglesworth, Training Department, Lowestoft.

Thank you for your letter of 29th September 1998 regarding the disciplinary hearing in respect of Sub Officer Wigglesworth.

I note that Sub officer Wigglesworth has named me as a potential witness. May I bring to your attention the conflict of interest, as I had examined Sub Officer Wigglesworth on the express instructions of Deputy Chief Fire Officer Smith, at Bury St Edmunds Fire Station on 15th September 1998, in order to personally brief him as to sub Officer Wigglesworth’s fitness for operational duties. I was not responsible for, and took absolutely no part in these arrangements.

In the circumstances I wish to indicate my unwillingness to attend a disciplinary hearing under these circumstances.

Yours sincerely

Dr david Deacon. MA MB Bchir DoccMed
Occupational Health Physician

The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 292 Wrentham Fireman Vacancies

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To: Investigating Officer

Brigade headquarters

Sub Officer (854) Anthony David Wigglesworth, Training Department, Lowestoft.

I certify that the Charge Sheet and the relevant documents detailed below were served on the above named member of the Brigade on the date shown.

1. Memorandum from Sub Officer Wigglesworth to County Fire Officer dated 4 August, 1998.

2. Memorandum from Sub Officer Wigglesworth to Station Officer Parsons dated 5 August, 1998.

3. Memorandum from Station Officer Parsons to Sub Officer Wigglesworth dated 14 July, 1998.

4. HS06 - “Safety Representatives and Safety Committees” – dated June, 1994

5. General Order 0P08 dated June 1997.

6. Statement of Divisional Officer Hayden dated 11 August, 1998.

7. Contemporaneous notes made by Divisional Officer Smith during interview between Divisional Hodge and Sub Officer wigglesworth on 18 August, 1998.

8. Transcript of Interview at (7) above.

9. Statement of Temporary Assistant Divisional officer Graham Saward dated 17 August, 1998.

10. Memorandum from sub Officer Wigglesworth to station Officer parsons dated 7 August, 1998.

11. Statement of Station Officer James parsons, dated 1 September, 1998.

12. Memorandum from assistant Divisional Officer Hayden to all brigade instructional staff dated 8 July, 1998.

13. Statement of Assistant Chief Fire Officer Ken Seager dated 17 September. 1998.

14. Email from Sub Officer Marris to DO Hodge dated 29 September, 1998.

Signature of Officer serving

R Batchelor

Rank and Number D.O.
Date 02/10/98

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 291 Wrentham Firefighter Vacancies

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Part II


Admission of Denial of Charges

1. Do you admit or deny the charge(s) against you? If you admit the charge(s), write “Admit” opposite the number of the charge. If you deny it, write “Deny”.

I Charge No 1 I Charge No 3

I Charge No 2 I Charge No 4

You may submit an explanation in writing. If you wish to do so, write it below and continue overleaf if necessary. You are warned that any explanation you may give may be used in evidence.


2. Do you wish to select a member of the Fire Brigade or a member of any other Brigade to assist you in presenting your case?

Answer YES or NO


3. Do you wish to call any witnesses on your behalf, including character witnesses? You can call witnesses even if you admit the charge.

Answer YES or NO

If so please give their names and addresses:
(Continue overleaf if necessary)


Signature of member charged…………………………..

Signature of Investigating Officer Ken Seager ACFO

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 290 Wrentham Fire Station Open Day

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Part 1

Full name of accused: Anthony David Wigglesworth

Rank, number and station: Sub Officer, No 854, Training Department, Normanshurst.

Age, rate of pay/retaining fee and date of appointment: Age: 42

Pay: £22,125 per annum Date joined: 6 September 1993

Under the Code of Offences against Discipline contained in the Schedule of the Fire Services (Discipline) regulations 1985, you are charged as follows:

1. Under paragraph 1 with

(i) Title of alleged offence: Disobedience to orders
(ii) Particulars of alleged offence including time, date and place:

In that you did, without reasonable cause, fail to give reasonable notice of, or obtain the prior permission of the Chief fire officer before taking, time off with pay from your place of work in accordance with your request to carry out duties as a safety Representative on Wednesday, 5 August, 1998, which actions are contrary to HS06 (June, 1994) and Assistant Divisional Officer Hayden’s memorandum to all brigade instructional staff dated 8 July, 1998.

(iii) Name and addresses of witnesses in support of charge:

Divisional Officer Paul Hayden

Graham Smith, 11 North Close, Ipswich IP4 2TL

Sub Officer Robert Marris, Sudbury

2. Under paragraph 4 with

(i) Title of alleged offence: Absence from Duty
(ii) Particulars of alleged offence including time, date and place:

In that you were, without reasonable cause, absent from duty on Thursday, 6th August, 1998, on which date at 1000 hours you were required to attend a meeting of the EMS pilot study implementation group at Brigade Headquarters.

(iii) Name and addresses of witnesses in support of charge:

Divisional Officer Paul Hayden

Graham Smith, 11 North Close, Ipswich IP4 2TL

Station Officer James Parsons, Meadow View, Narrow Way, Wenhaston, Halesworth.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Ken Seager, Wayside Cottage, Sproughton, ipswich.

You are ordered, within 7 days after service to this Notice to you, to complete Part II and return it to the Investigating Officer, stating whether you admit or deny the charge(s)

Date 2nd October 1998

Name and signature of Investigating Officer……………… K Seager

Signature of member charged……………………………………………

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 289 Saxmundham Fireman vacancies

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15:30 hours 2nd October 2005

A few minute after cross dress Bobs departure from Bob Crofts office Mick Hyde the Lowestoft FBU chairman arrived.

The Wigg and Bob Croft then went on to discuss the earlier discussion with cross dress Bob a few minutes earlier.

Wiggy said to Heidi ‘shall we go down to the Officers mess to see him?’

Heidi said ‘nah wait till the useless article comes back up here.’ Which he did a few minutes later. At that point Heidi let rip with a stream of probing questions to cross dress Bob asking him what he was playing at.

Cross dress Bobs only defence was that he was only doing what he had been ordered to do. Heidi then went on to tell cross dress bob about the meeting with Suffolk CEO Linda Homer the previous day and her commitment to suspend all disciplinary prosecutions until further notice

To this cross dress Bob replied that ‘she can tell you what she wants but the CFO still runs this brigade and he is not going to have any woman tell him how to do his job.’

As soon as he said that it was obvious he knew he should have kept his big fat mouth shut on that issue. Cross dress bob clammed up like a air exposed barnacle and voiced little more. He told the Wigg and Heidi to follow him to the Officers mess.

Once there he proceeded to hand over a brown envelope to the Wigg. Inside was two fire service indictments. Cross dress bob asked the Wigg to sign a receipt form and then scurried off back to Ipswich as fast as his 4 door LPG powered Astra de-luxe could carry him.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 288 Saxmundham Firefighter Vacancies

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14:00 hours 2nd October 2005

Well despite short notice, yet again, Wiggy bent over backwards, yet again, and reported to Lowestoft Fire Station at 15:00 hours as ordered by DO cross dress Bob.

Probably best he did bend over backwards, rather than forwards, what with cross dress Bob being in the vicinity.

So, there he was at Lowestoft Fire Station, as ordered for 15:00 hours and no cross dress Bob in sight. So, the Wigg went on walkabout round the station while he was waiting. Resident in the ADO Training’s office was the newly appointed Bob Wilson. Or shagger Wilson as he was often referred to.

Moving along the 1st floor corridor Wiggy nipped into Bob Croft’s office to have a natter about what he was up to. Good old Bob Croft gave the Wigg a full update on the Eddie Brown discipline prosecution and a description of Chief Fat Officer Malcolm Allcock’s abusive performance and wild animations during the first hearing.

They were chatting at 15:15 hours when cross dress Bob poked his **** into the office?

Cross dress stood there without making a sound for a while allowing the conversation between the Wigg and Bob Croft to continue. Then with one of those cough in the throat people make to get attention he tried to intervene. He must have made a few coughs, each one a bit louder that the previous. Anyway he eventually got fed up of being ignored and weighed in with a verbal missionary projectile.

‘Right then Wigglesworth can you come with me to the Officers mess.’

‘Sorry sir but not yet, I am awaiting for the Fire Brigades Union official to arrive and require him to be present during any discussions with you’ replied the Wigg.

‘Cross dress Bob said ‘there is no need for the FBU to get involved in this.’

All of the discussions between cross Bob and Wiggy taking place in front of Bob Croft.

By now cross dress Bob was getting a wee bit narked and frustrated with the delay. At the same time firing of numerous viscous utterances under his breath and generally turning a monoxide shade of cherry pink. He did eventually manage to calm himself down and return to some form of a reasonable state. Indeed, even agreeing to await the arrival of the FBU official.

At that stage he withdrew the office and left the Wigg and Bob Croft to continue chewing the fat.

After cross dress had gone and with a few more seconds passed by Bob Croft turned to the Wigg and said, ‘what’s up with him I have never seen him act like that before, is he under stress or something. How strange!’

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 287 Saxmundham Fire Station Open Day

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14:00 hours 2nd October 2005

As soon as cross dress Bob had hung up the Wigg got in touch with Mick Hyde on the blower. Heidi said that he had nowt on so would meet the Wigg at Lowestoft Fire Station at approximately 15:00 hrs to act as a witness for the meeting/or whatever with cross dress Bob.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 286 Harrow Fireman Vacancies

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13:40 hours 2nd October 2005

Seems the suspension of the discipline prosecution notified by big CEO Homer only lasted 24 hours.

At approximately 13:40 hrs on 2nd October 1998 Wiggy took a telephone call at home from the allegedly cross dressing DO Robert Batchelor (Hm while his mota was being serviced a couple of the brigades mechanics found some cross dressing literature in his boot).

Anyway it was a strange call for DO Bob to make. Well it was the first time he had ever contacted the Wigg at his home address. Seems that DO Bob told the Wigg that he wanted to see him at Lowestoft Fire Station that afternoon so that he could discuss work matters and hand over some documents.

The Wigg said he was busy and would prefer not to help out. To which cross dress Bob said he insisted and ordered that he should attend the station at 1500 hrs. Cross dress Bob said he was setting off from Ipswich immediately and that the Wigg should present himself at Lowestoft Fire Station at approximately 15:00 hours.

When asked to explain further cross dress Bob refused and just said that the Wigg should make sure he attends. Then abruptly ended the call.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 285 Harrow Firefighter Vacancies

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The Big Meeting with Big Suffolk CEO Mrs Linda Homer
11.00 hrs 1st October 2005

By prior arrangement, the Lowestoft FBU chairman, Firefighter Michael Hyde had agreed to accompany X to the consultation with her excellence Mrs Linda Homer. X stopped by the Hyde household to pick him up before proceeding down the tortuous A12 to Ipswich the capital of the County of Suffolk. Slotting the motor into the county councils car park at the rear of the Suffolk College X and Michael then proceeded to Suffolk County Councils Imperial HQ at St Helen Court for a timely arrival at about 10. 55 hrs.

After a short period of waiting in the ground floor foyer the twosome were eventually ordered to ascend onto the first floor and into Linda’s semi-posh, but at the same time tacky lair from where see conducted operations.

The twosome were greeted with economical respect by Mrs Linda Homer who was plainly not up for a lengthy period of discussion on equal terms with a couple of members from the Fire Service inferior classes.

CEO Homer had also chosen to invite a couple of bouncers to help her keep order and the upper hand in the resultant discussions in the form of her personal PA and Mr Derek Lay.

CEO Homer opened the discussions with a general appraisal of what she felt the consultation was about. Essentially the complaint of harassment made by X against the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith (now Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith North Wales Fire and Rescue Service).

CEO Homer said she had considered the letter sent by X (30th September 1998). In her opinion, she said she could not see any problem with what Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith had done. She said that he had told her it was just a mistake. She then went on to say that he was a long-term friend and that they had worked together in Hertfordshire. To this she could vouch that if he said it was a genuine mistake and completely without malice or intent, then that was absolute and should be believed. She said she had also discussed the details of the case at length, with all the principal officers in the Suffolk Fire Service. They had informed her that there was absolutely no substance to the complaint/s. She then went on to say that X should show good faith and withdraw the complaint as it was crystal clear no harm had been done.

X asked what the benefit would be to him if he withdrew the complaint.

The CEO could not specify any benefit except that it might make X look like a reasonable person.

X said he could not withdraw his complaint as Deputy Chief Fire Officer Smith had clearly acted unlawfully and such behaviour toward another work colleague was incompatible with his position. He also said that Deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith had done the same deed on a previous occasion whilst serving in Hertfordshire.

CEO Homer retorted by saying that X was wrong about Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith being unlawful and that that was ridiculous. As to X being repaid his wages that was made in goodwill and without out any admission of liability. She said that the wages were repaid to avoid costs at an employment tribunal.

X replied by saying that he had intended in withdrawing the employment tribunal action on receiving a repayment of the unlawful deduction. However, if the County refused to admit that Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith had acted unlawfully then the case will have to be decided at the tribunal and a decision recorded.

On receiving that CEO Homer’s seemed to become excited and almost reached boiling point.

Nevertheless, she managed to refrain from her desire to show her dis-satisfaction and contempt for X and Firefighter Hyde. Reluctantly she agreed to discuss the points raised in X’s letter (30th September 1998) and original complaint of harassment.

The discussion went on for a good hour. CEO Homer reluctantly conceded that following her screening of the complaint she would appoint somebody to investigate it further. She also said that she would instruct Assistant Chief fire Officer Ken Seager to suspend the current discipline prosecutions against X until the harassment complaints had been fully investigated and a report produced.

The meeting then ended.

P.S. See the report by the harassment investigator Keith Lynch in about 20 postings beyond this. Coming as soon as we can get there!

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 284 Harrow fire Station Open Day

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Mr A Wigglesworth

The Chief Executive
Suffolk County Council
St Helen Court

30th September 1998

Dear Chief Executive,

In response to your request for an agenda of issues before our meeting 1st October 1998. I enclose the following.

Over the last four-months I perceive that certain Fire service officers have been engaged in a form of collective reprisal against me. Throughout this period, those officers have engaged in unlawful and other improper practices, all orchestrated for the sole purpose of causing me harm and detriment. This has led to me being the victim of harassment, bullying, intimidation and general abuse.

The first event I would like to draw attention to is that which was instituted by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mr Simon Smith. By way of letter dated 29th May 1998 the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mr Simon Smith threatened me with unlawful intent. It is unfortunate that despite fair warning that his action was unlawful he neglected to intervene and allowed the unlawful threat to be substantiated on 30th June 1998 when an unlawful deduction of my wages took place. Indeed, it is clear, due to his service training and experience, that the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith knew his threatened action was unlawful at the outset. I am reliably informed he has been rebuked on a previous occasion for the same unlawful action in his former brigade. The abuse I have suffered in this regard from the unlawful deputy chief Fire Officer Simon Smith was wilful and pre-mediated.

The letter 29th May 1998 also seems to infer that Miss Sarah Davies and ADO Paul Hayden have both aided and abetted the unlawful deputy Chief fire Officer Simon Smith with his harassing actions. In the case of ADO Paul Hayden it is his flawed and reckless misinterpretation of the circumstances concerning the accident 1st May 1998 which seems to have spurred the unlawful Deputy Simon Smith on toward his acts of harassment.

As to the involvement of Miss Sarah Davies it is clear she has blatantly neglect to inform the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer that his threatened action was unlawful. As we all know Miss Sarah Davies is the brigade personnel manager and incorporates employment law expertise in her job description. She knew full well that the action to deduct my wages was unlawful, but did nothing. I believe that amounted to a serious neglect to provide a duty of care to a fellow employee and was/is tantamount to harassment.

Furthermore, it now seems perfectly reasonable to suggest that the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer has engaged in other unethical behaviour designed to cause me detriment.

In realisation of the unlawful action he has orchestrated he has I believe influenced a vexatious disciplinary prosecution against me. This was in retaliation for a perfectly legitimate complaint of harassment inferred against him in a near miss report I filed on 4th June 1998 in my role as the appointed FBU health and safety representative for Lowestoft Fire Station. The unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith subsequent abuse has now proved the notification to the employer contained the near miss to be perfectly valid.

More alarming is the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smiths recent unilateral and personal action in my confidential medical affairs. On or around 15th September I was ordered to make a 120 mile round trip to attend a medical at Bury St Edmunds. This was organised at less than 24 hours notice and complete with malicious threats. This action is unprecedented. The Brigade Medical officer Dr David Deacon confirmed that the medical was personally organised by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith who made specific instructions for the manner in which the medical should be carried out. Dr Deacon apologised to me for the embarrassing situation he had been put in by the unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith whom he called obnoxious and deranged.

Finally, for the moment, it is also the case that others have enthusiatically supported the unlawful Deputy chief Fire Officer on his crusade during the last four months. In particular, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager, Divisional Officer Graham Smith and Divisional Officer Colin Hodge. Without doubt all of these officers are perfectly aware that the Unlawful Deputy Chief Fire Officer has embarked on a unlawful agenda, but have failed to report this to a higher office.

Yours sincerely

A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Suffol kfire Experience - Doc 283 Cambridge Fireman Vacancies

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The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 282 Cambridge Firefighter Vacancies

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Rec Doc 280 & 281

A Copy of the inflammatory Doc 280 was immediately passed onto Sub Officer Wigglesworth (Sub Officer X) by Sub Officer Marris.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 281 Cambridge Fire Station Open Day


Date: 29/09/98

From: R.J. Marris

Subject: Discipline Investigation.

Sent: 29/09/98 at 5:04 pm

Delivered: 29/09/98 at 5: 04 pm

To: R.J. Marris


Ref 2986

Sir, reference your e mail I can confirm I spoke to DO Hayden on the morning of the 4th of August. I made no record of our meeting. I do remember DO Hayden and Sub Officer Wigglesworth together at the mess table but do not remember the contents of the conversations between them.

Sub Officer R Marris

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 280 Colchester Fireman Vacancies


Date: 29/06/98

From: C.F. Hodge

Subject: CONFIDENTIAL – Wigglesworth – Discipline Investigation.

Sent: 29/09/98 at 4:13 pm

Delivered: 29/09/98 at 4: 13 pm

To: R.J. Marris


Ref 2986

Bob we would be grateful if you could help us with the prosecution of Wigglesworth as we are struggling to make a case on one or two points. On the morning of the 4th August I understand that you had a meeting with ADO Hayden at Lowestoft?
1. Can you please confirm that you did indeed attend such a meeting.
2. Can you recall any conversation taking place on that morning between ADO Hayden and Wigglesworth, either before, during or after that meeting.
3. If so, can you please state what was said between them.
4. If you can think of anything else that might help with the prosecution please make sure you include it.
5. I would be grateful if you could keep the contents of this memo to yourself.


The Suffolk Fire experience - Doc 279 Colchester Firefighter Vacancies

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Suffolk County Council

County Personnel Department

Mr. A. Wigglesworth

Your ref
Our ref ER/w/l/djm81.doc
Ask for Mr D Morgan
Tel (01473) 584102

29th September 1998

Dear all
Divisional Officer Paul Hayden, Leading Firefighter Steven. Bartram, Deputy County Fire Officer Simon. Smith, Ms Sarah. Harriet. Davies, Assistant Divisional Officer Paul. Seager, Sub Officer Kieron. Peter. Davey, Divisional Officer Graham. Douglas. Smith, Station Officer James. Parsons, Divisional Officer Robert Batchelor, Divisional Officer, Colin. Francis. Hodge, Assistant Divisional Officer Robert. Middleton, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth. Edward. Seager, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor. Tinley, Chief Fire Officer Malcolm. Hewitt. Allcock, Sub Officer George. Moran, Station Officer Graham. Saward, Leading Firefighter Michael. Peaper, Sub Officer John. Tiffen, Sub Officer Gary. Smith, Sub Officer Peter. Redbourne, Sub Officer Henry. Landis, Leading Firefighter John. Southgate, Sub Officer Christopher. Wallis, Sub Officer Keith. Boyce, Assistant Divisional Officer Anthony. Fuller, Senior Fire Officer Polly. Parker, Chief Executive Mrs Linda. Margaret. Homer, County Secretary & Solicitor Mr Keith. Stevens, Mr Aubrey. Webb, Dr David. Deacon, Mr James. Hawkins, Mr David. Matthews.


I give you early notice that Sub Officer Wigglesworth has named you as a potential witness for this hearing still to be arranged.

I will contact you again asap.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan

Employee Relations Manager

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 278 Leiston Fireman Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Re Doc 277

‘Finally, and again for the benefit of the Elected Members, I intend to ask Sarah Davies, Brigade Personnel Manager to prepare an independent statement of Facts (to be agreed with you) which can be the basis of the Case File to be circulated.’

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan

Hmm we do wonder which planet Mr Morgan is on? Especially as Miss Sarah Harriet Davies is listed as a witness for the prosecution. But there you go they do do legal business in a funny way in Suffolk County Council.

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 277 Leiston Firefighter Vacancies

Interested in other Suffolk Firefighter tales then check out “The Suffolk Hyde Affair” at

Suffolk County Council

County Personnel Department

Mr. A. Wigglesworth

Your ref
Our ref ER/w/l/djm80.doc
Ask for Mr D Morgan
Tel (01473) 584102

29th September 1998

Dear Mr Wigglesworth,


The Chief Fire Officer has passed to me copies of your letters of the 8th and 15th September and of his letter to you dated 25th September.

You will know that, because of the range of people named by you as potential witnesses, the case had been remitted to a Disciplinary Tribunal, consisting of three Elected Members drawn from the County Council’s Protection Committee, to hear the case.

The hearing will be held here at County hall and I will start to make arrangements in order to identify at least two days immediately. However, you must appreciate that with such a range of witnesses identified by you this might prove to be difficult.

In fairness to the disciplinary Tribunal I need to know as soon as possible whether the witnesses will be providing statements on your behalf or, if not, at least a brief resume of the nature of the evidence you expect them to provide. Some of the outside witnesses, not least, may be difficult to obtain and I am wondering whether you have contemplated the alternative of simply a written statement? I am reluctant to go to the length of legal subpoena unless they are really relevant to your case.

Finally, and again for the benefit of the Elected Members, I intend to ask Sarah Davies, Brigade Personnel Manager to prepare an independent statement of Facts (to be agreed with you) which can be the basis of the Case File to be circulated.

Yours sincerely

Dave Morgan

Employee Relations Manager

Cc: Chief Fire Officer
Sarah Davies

The Suffolk Fire Experience - Doc 276 Leiston Fire Station Open Day

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Zedgen (revised)


Cc A.C.F.O Seager D.O. Hayden

From: T/ADO Saward

Date 25th SEPTEMBER 1998



Further to your e-mails instructing officers to keep Wigglesworth under close surveillance and generally obstruct his activities and with regard to the instructions D.O. Hayden has issued to all Lowestoft officers.

Keeping the pressure up on Wigglesworth I telephoned him at his home at 1200 hrs on Friday 25th September1998. I did this despite him notifying me that I should not contact him at home. D.O. Hayden fully supported this action when I made my intentions known to him. I told Wigglesworth that I was contacting at home because it was in his best interests and wished to inform him of the outcome of the issues he raised with me on Wednesday 23rd September1998. He told me he was already fully aware of the outcome.

Nevertheless, I managed to convince him that my intentions were in his best interests and encourage him into conversation with me. Unfortunately, he was a little coy and did not reveal any information that may assist the discipline proceedings against him.

I then went on to reiterate his leave arrangements and his intention to engage in a period of private study at Moreton in Marsh. During this part of the conversation I was able to secure the information that he had booked a room at the college and would be there on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

He also revealed to me that he had an audience with the Chief Executive on 1st October 1998.

With regard to his discipline case I informed him that it had been postponed because he had called the CFO as a witness with the outcome being that the case could not be conducted by the brigade and that the County’s personnel department would be handling the matter. Therefore any instructions will come from them. However, I informed him that he should wait for written confirmation of this before changing his arrangements for the original hearing dates in October.

Your Obedient servant

G.E. Saward
T/Assistant Divisional Officer.