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Mr A Wigglesworth
Mrs J Campbell
Human Resources Officer
Suffolk Fire Service
Brigade Headquarters
Colchester Road
Your Ref HR9/SD/JC/CAB
9th September 1998
Dear Mrs Campbell,
Thank you for your letter dated 7th September 1998.
I am somewhat surprised by the contents of your letter. In particular, I have referred to the highly respected guidance documentation governing the recommended procedures for the Fire Service (Discipline) Regulations 1985. I can find no power for the Brigade Investigating Officer to demand that the defence should provide the prosecution with a copy of their witness evidence.
In consequence, for the Brigade Investigating/Prosecution, officer to demand information privileged to the defence may be unlawful and Abuse of Authority. Of course these deviations would only be substantive if the information demanded is supplied. Under duress I supply the privileged defence evidence as follows:
1. Temporary/Divisional Officer Paul Hayden.
In the first instance documentation, including statements attributed and signed by the above has been incorporated into the Brigade Investigating/Prosecution, officers case file. In short, the latter has deemed T/DO Hayden’s evidence to be essential to the prosecution case. Otherwise it would not have been included in the case file. Further, this witness had direct involvement in the seminal event leading Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith’s collateral decision to impose an unlawful deduction to Sub Officer Wigglesworth’s wages. In addition, T/DO Hayden has aggravated the relevant situation by way of falsehood.
2. Leading Firefighter Stephen Bartram.
This witness was the person assigned to assist the accused by prior arrangement amongst Training instructors in the seminal event. This person’s assistance to the accused was withdraw by T/DO Hayden and is completely incongruent with the latter’s explanation and justification of subsequent events. The this person is an expert witness to disputed work practices.
3. Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
Reckless threatened unlawful action, ultimate reckless and abusive unlawful action toward another Fire Service member. Vital to the establishment of reasonableness.
4. Miss Sarah Davies.
Already cited as Prosecution witness.
5. Assistant Divisional Officer Paul Seager.
Has been directly involved and contributed to the investigation.
6. Sub Officer Kieron Davey.
Already cited as Prosecution witness.
7. Divisional Officer Graham Smith.
Already cited as Prosecution witness.
8. Station officer James Parsons.
Already cited as Prosecution witness.
9. Divisional Officer Robert Batchelor.
Failed to process grievance invoked by accused 4th June 1998. Witness to employee relations and statements made, 2nd July 1998, of direct relevance to the case.
10. Divisional Colin Hodge.
Required to establish factual inconsistencies in technical investigation procedures, failure to investigate other breaches of discipline and personal vested interest.
11. Assistant Divisional Officer Robert Middleton.
Principal witness to establish quality, neglect and impartiality of investigation.
12. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Kenneth Seager.
Required to establish personal vested interest and negligence in response to supplied information regarding unlawful action and blatant Abuse of Authority by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith in respect of facts principal to the investigation. Also explanation of abusive telephone call to accused 31st July 1998 as part of investigation process.
13. Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley.
Made comments at Junior Officers meeting Ipswich 10th June 1998 with regard to reasoning for discipline investigation of Sub Officer Wigglesworth.
14. Chief Fire Officer Malcolm Alcock.
Personal involvement in connection with Brigade Management Team decision to recommend unlawful action. This is where ultimate responsibility rests for pursuing an unjustified and vexatious case rests. Has total discretion to exercise discipline, clearly a key witness in establishing reasonableness. Needed to confirm receipt of recorded delivery of complaint of unlawful action and possible breach of discipline by Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
15. Sub Officer George Moran.
16. Temporary/ Assistant Divisional Officer Graham Saward.
Witnesses to serving of discipline indictment under duress and by unreasonable means.
17. Leading Firefighter Michael Peaper.
18. Sub Officer John Tiffen.
19. Sub Officer Garry Smith.
Witnesses to comments of Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley June 10th 1998.
20. Sub Officer Peter Redbourn.
21. Sub Officer Henry Landis.
22. Leading Firefighter John Southgate.
Witnesses to comments of Assistant Chief Fire Officer Trevor Tinley June 10th 1998. Also expert witnesses to misleading evidence and inconsistencies regarding work procedures in respect of seminal event.
23. Sub Officer Christopher Wallis.
Senior instructor in-charge of course leading to seminal event, vital to relevant facts surrounding this issue. Also expert witness to bogus evidence in connection with fictitious work practices specified by prosecution witnesses. Also completed statement in case file.
24. Sub Officer Keith Boyce.
Training centre instructor and expert witness to procedures and fictitious evidence surrounding seminal event. Also aware of relevant variations in work practices that were not taken into account by person/persons committing initial unlawful act. Will also support evidence of falsehood by principal prosecution witness. Also completed statement in case file.
25. Assistant Divisional Officer Tony Fuller.
Expert witness, as former Brigade Training Officer, as to work practices carried out in training department to support misleading evidence in presentation of prosecution case.
26. Senior Fire control Operator Parker.
Recipient of Near Miss named in prosecution evidence.
27. Mrs Lin Homer Suffolk County Council Chief Executive.
Expert witness, as practising solicitor, to unlawful action carried out by Deputy chief Fire Officer Simon Smith.
28. Keith Stevens Suffolk County council Monitoring Officer.
County Council monitoring officer, expert witness to Deputy Chief Fire Officer Simon Smith’s unlawful behaviour.
29. Mr Aubrey Webb Suffolk County Council Harassment Advisor.
Direct involvement by appointment as harassment advisor.
30. Mr J Hawkins.
Expert witness to Health and safety reporting protocol and procedure.
31. Mr David Matthews.
Expert witness to Health and safety reporting protocol and procedure.
Yours sincerely
A D Wigglesworth BSc, G.I.Fire.E